
Feels good to be back

When I got back to the hospital, I decided to inform my co-workers about my decision to leave for Japan. Their reactions were all positive, wishing me good luck and saw me off at the hospital doors. One nurse however, was bold enough to give me a deep kiss in front of everyone present, causing some sparks to fly.

With the little luggage I had, I hailed a taxi and told the driver to take me to the nearest airport.The drive took around an half an hour, so I arrived late in the afternoon.There were no issues at the airport, and the flight was very peaceful so I slept for the duration of 6 hours... ignoring the attention I was getting from the female flight attendees. As I left the airport I took one last look at myself and realised I was wearing quite worn out clothes, I mean, it didn't really matter how you dressed in Roanapur... but now I'm in Japan(I was wearing colourful shorts, a black t-shirt and a pair of old, rubber slippers on my feet). I could clearly tell that I didn't fit in because of the occasional judgemental looks I was getting from people passing by.

After taking out some money from the nearest cash machine, as I didn't really have any yen on me, I took a taxi to the nearest shopping mall. I entered the first clothing shop I came across, buying myself a pair of black chinos, white t-shirt with a blue long sleeved jean jacket on top and finishing the look with a pair of white trainers. Liking my new appearance, I exited the mall and took another taxi to the Shuei clan mansion, arriving there at about 1 in the afternoon.

Raku should still be at school I thought, before I rang the doorbell and waited for a couple of minutes. The one that opened the door was Ryu, and because he wasn't really expecting guests At this time he had wary eyes.*What kind of enemy knocks on the front door* I thought to myself... but it doesn't hurt to be cautious. His eyes did however immediately widen, and his lips started shaking a little when he realised that it was me.

Ryu: "Young master Rei!? We missed you so much!!" He shouted as he jumped towards me, arms open wide, but I decided to dodge leaving him face-first in the dirt.

Rei: "It's good to see you again Ryu." I spoke walking towards him and picked him up from the ground, giving him a tight handshake.

I consider Ryu as the older brother I never had, and I think he considers me something among those lines. Me missing for a year, working as a doctor in perilous locations must have worried him quite a bit.

I mean...I used to call regularly in the first two months of my travel, but it eventually became more difficult so I started sending a postcard home every two weeks *Sorry for making you worry Ryu* I thought as I made my way inside.

Rei: "Oh, how I missed home..." I spoke in a longing voice looking around the huge place.

When I entered the main hall, I was quite surprised to see that the guys have slightly... changed up the place. There was still a large table where the family eats their meals, but there is now a bar, with seats and tables near the corner of the room-before it was just empty space. Near the wall, there was also an empty stage surrounded by the tables... leaving me quite confused.

Ryu: "Oh... young master... me and the guys thought that it would be nice... if we could move the piano on the stage you know? We really enjoy your playing... but as it is your piano, we couldn't really decide." He spoke while scratching the back of his head.

Rei: "Leave my piano in my room, Ryu." He hung his head a little until I continued." Because a new piano should arrive sometime this week, which you could put on the stage."

Ryu: " Thank you young master!" He shouted, doing a 45 degree bow.

I made my way to my room and found it spotless, not a speck of dust has settled in. Everything seemed in place, so I started unpacking my clothes and made my way to the shower as soon as I finished.

Rei: "Ahh, that felt soo fucking great..."-after all, it has been a while since I took a shower under such relaxed conditions.

Now all clean and settled in, I decided to look for Ryu and discuss about doing something for Raku's birthday tomorrow. This has to be postponed, because as soon soon as I make my way downstairs...


A door was sprung open by three heavily injured yakuza, the youngest one is in the middle supported by the other two... he is heavily injured.

Rei: "Move! Let me examine him!" I shouted at the other two and looked over his injuries: a laceration on his shoulder, and two gunshot wounds in his right thigh. *The shoulder wound doesn't look too bad... but he's bleeding quite heavily from the bullet wounds* I ponder at the situation.

I immediately take off my belt and wrap it tightly around his thigh, he's clenching his teeth but not making a single sound the entire time.

Rei: "Ryu! Bring me some disinfectant and bandages." I can't really remove the bullets, as they dug quite deep, and I might cause further damage. Ryu rushes out of the room and comes back ima matter of seconds, placing the two object on the floor."This is gonna hurt... badly" I tell him, before quickly applying the disinfectant. He winced loudly, but didn't open his mouth, as other members that entered the room were holding him down. I make quick work in wrapping the bandages around his thigh, his leg shaking constantly. "Ok, he should be fine for now, but take him to a hospital so they can remove the bullets. Now... Ryu... can you tell me what the hell is going on?! I thought we had no competition!"

Ryu: "Well.. it was about two months ago... when this new game entered the game. They call themselves 'Bee Hive Gang', and they put up one hell of a fight boss." He spoke, with quite a lot of killing intent directed towards them.

I decided not to reply, keeping my silence with my hand on my chin in a thoughtful position. *Shit... so it was this bad... from the anime it only looked like they would just occasionally clash*. I thought with a stern expression. *Guess I'll have to talk to dad about this one* after all... I knew that, like I thought he anime, a peaceful resolution could be thought upon.

Rei: "I see... I'll talk to my father Ryu and decide our next step.Until then, I want you and the boys to avoid unnecessary fight.Am I understood?" I will be the future head of the clan, so I might as elk act like one.

Ryu: "Yes young master Rei!" He shouts, as him and three other yakuza behind him bow.

*Since Raku will be home soon, I might as well prepare some lunch for everyone.* I thought and made my way to the kitchen, still thinking about the matter with the Bee Hive Gang.

I gots no medical knowledge, so people that do.. pls don’t deck my ass.

Author76creators' thoughts