

The protagonist through a mysterious time warp, lands in 1422 A.D. India. With a sturdy gaming system as his backup and an arsenal of firearms; aiding him to confront all threats that looms around. Leveling up and getting strong is his ultimate motto, to survive in the upcoming journey against unknown adversaries... (Keynotes of the story) *Historical facts / fiction *Portuguese occupation era in India *Social evils *How our hero fights back social evils *Romance / drama / erotic romance *Overpowered hero / antihero *Guns vs swords kind of scenarios *Kingdom building / harem *Supernatural elements / magic *Romancing supernatural elements *Gourmet elements *18+ / gun buff / changing history *System support / time travel Author Note - Support the story with power stones & reviews, if you like this story.

Rony_Pal · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Ch 6. Flames of fury

Sweet yogurt & syrup filled rolls aka rasgulla's were at the end of our sweet breakfast menu.

Finally, our sumptuous breakfast aligned with my burp at the end.

"Khehehe", Revati giggled.

She, was a pretty fierce women who would defend her honour at one point and on other end she was gentle & sweet like a dove, who would rejoice the simple moments of life.

Maybe, she was getting comfortable around me.

I smiled back at her.

The waiter came in to spoil the moment, " Sir, would you be having anything else?"

I replied back, "No, I would like to pay the bill."

"Sir, it would be 3 silver coins."


Revati & me came down to the billing counter. I payed Mr. Haripada Banik in full.

"Our esteemed guest, please do come back again at Haripada's restaurant."

I chuckled at him and beckoned Revati.


After strolling a bit, I got a total

estimation of the place. It was like any other market with all the day to day facilities provided for daily life.

There was one fellow, who looked like Kalidas's lackey.

I asked him to take me to Kalidas.

I guess, I was somone who wore an apparel that distinguished me, even in a crowdy place like this.

He took me to Kalidas.

"Welcome back sir. How can I serve you?"

"Actually, I would be taking the delivery of my horse cart."

"Sure sir."

I asked Revati to go select the cart. As, it would be troublesome for me if I get caught, being a layman in this matter.

After a lot of small talks with Kalidas, without letting him know about my true origin.

I came to knew that, things such as horses, armors and weapons are divided in tiers according to their lethality, durability, usability.

The guards that I killed were using t2 weapons and t1 armors.

And the horse of the accountant was a t3 one.

Summed up as -


T1 - basic grade.

T2 - moderate grade.

T3 - warrior grade.

T4 - lord grade.

T5 - superior grade.


T1 - basic breed.

T2 - medium breed.

T3 - war breed.

T4 - supreme breed.


T1 - basic grade.

T2 - mid grade.

T3 - war grade.

T4 - lord grade.

Even most of the stuffs were graded here in tiers! But, those info's were irrelevant for me.

The farther the conversation wen't, the easier it was for me to know more about this world.

Basically Kalidas hasn't left this place so he couldn't actually tell me about the origin of the colonists. He had came to know about them via people.

And it was true that the colonists would not explore these regions, untill taking complete hold of inlands.

I tried to know more about these tier of weapons and all. But Kalidas couldn't confirm if there was any higher tier of them. He told me about the stuffs & tiers he knew of or about the one's he has seen from his own eyes.

If I had asked him directly he may have lied. But the way I used to enquire was not prominent enough to be understood by anyone, as it had many hidden layers.

While we were having our conversation, Revati came with a horse driven carriage with two sturdy horses attached.

It was time for our departure, I bid my farewell to Kalidas and wen't to the heart of the market.

"Okey, so we got the cart now."

She replied, "Yes."

"As you can see, I would need to visit the barber & some new sets of clothes. Before heading home."

"Yes, that's true." she chuckled.

"So will you wait here or head home."

"I'll head home then."

"Ok, take the cart with you."

Before leaving she once said,

"I have a suggestion, if you don't mind."

I said, "Yes, sure tell me."

"Having foods in restaurant is very costly, why waste money. Plus, you are my guest. I should arrange the meals. But, after all I shouldn't be the one stopping you to spend your own money."

Actually, she has a point. Spending is easy. But, without any proper source of income, surviving here may be problematic.

"Okey, then. If you agree to cook my meals then atleast let me shop the groceries. I wan't to contribute too."

With a gentle smile, I placed my words.

She smiled back and said, "Ok."

Sometimes I forget that storing any stuff in my storage is normal for me but for other's it's like vanishing stuffs in mid air or taking out stuffs from air.

Eyes filled with wonder, Revati and some passerby people in the market glanced at me, while I took out the boar from my storage. The one that I had killed in the jungle.

If someday she asks me how can I do that, again I would have to lie about being a magician who knows a trick or two.

I gave her a gold coin and asked her to buy groceries for today and keep the remaining for upcoming days.

She bought some rice, lentils, veggies and spices, meanwhile I found a barber for having a proper haircut and shave.

The barber was bit confused when I asked him to cut my hair in a particular way which was something anew to him.

It would be perfectly normal in 2022 but in the colonial era Indian males would have long hairs and a specific set of beard, mustaches. It was a sign of manhood.

But, I asked him to give me a proper clean shave. He hesitated at the beginning but finally he did what he was told to do.

Next was proper apparel for maintaining my uniformity in this world.

The cutter & dress maker was showing me a lot of dresses, all traditional ethnic wears.

I asked him if he had sometimes like I was wearing, he scratched his head a bit. And showed me something which was similar to my jeans and t-shirt.

European dress, things which were pretty common for colonists at that time. The dressmaker said he has two of those dresses, the pants were bit different as they had no zippers. It was all buttons down there.

It cost me 50 silver coins for both pair of dresses. I asked him to take a special order & to create 10 sets of dresses almost similar to my t-shirt and jeans.

He ensured that he will try to replicate this dress to the best of his ability. He asked me to come and receive the goods after a day or two. I gave him 50 silver coin more as advance. He was pretty delighted to see such a generous & lavish customer in this sector.

One gold coin was spent on proper soaps & body perfumes. It was summer time & without these things it would be impossible for me to stay now. I was in a time when buying soaps & perfumes were mostly done by rich and the lords. As, I was someone who was from the future, it was normal for me. But, the vendors in the market spoke otherwise. They thought I was some rich lord from a far away place.


After having a succulent meal of rice, lentil, tasty veggie curries and spicy boar meat a power nap was truly needed.

In the evening, I asked Revati about her shooting skills. She said that she had learned it from her late husband, she also knew to fire bow & arrow. Moreover, she knew the basics of it.

Living in the colonial era could be somehow boring and dull, there was no internet, ott platforms or any other entertainments that was possible in the future.

I asked her if she would go on a hunting trip.

"But, it's almost evening. In some hour we will lose the sunlight then it'll be risky in the jungle..."

With a boastful smile, reloading my kar98k and my trusty pistol, I said

"Don't you think, I'm capable enough to protect you or handle dire situations?"

Her face was red, she knew what I could do with my weapons.

"No, no it's not like that."

"Then, let's hunt some wild animals."

She followed every single word of mine as a sincere devotee.



[First shared kill 2000exp+4750 soul points]

[Shared kill earned 25exp+5 soul points for killing a rabbit]

[Shared kill earned 250exp+105 soul points for killing a deer]

I literally tracked everything using my minimap, even for the wild animals too...

But, Revati tracked them like an hunter.

Now, I was earning exp's via shared killings. This opened a new path for me. If anyone was with me while on the battlefield or hunt, I would even benefit from their kills. I was really overwhelmed with joy, knowing it.

My storage was not stuffed with too many stuffs. Mainly, weapons & ammos were taking some space. The rest of the stuffs didn't took much space.

Within 15-20 minutes we had killed two animals.

Revati got flabbergasted when she saw me skin the wild animals, in fraction of seconds using assessment skill, which she was unaware off.

I got,

Deer hide (1x)

Deer Antler (2x)

Rabit hide (1x)

And the meat was properly stored in my storage.
