
Chapter 2- Problems, Wishes, and Transmigration

Hello, Ende Amamiya here~~~

Currently I'm trying to figure out what wishes should I ask this self-proclaimed god, transmigrating into a new world with no relatives and any sort of backing would be quite dangerous after all. Come to think of it he did say that he"ll atleast give me the bare minimum as a background

" Uhm god? What do you mean by bare minimum background"

[ You'll be an orphan whose parents and all other relatives has passed away, atleast in papers. I'll also provide a small apartment and some necessities for every day life.]

Bare minimum indeed. He said earlier that adventure also awaits me in that new world which can mean that new world poses some kind of danger, arggh!!! This is annoying, and this self-proclaimed god won't even tell me anything about that world, so should I play it safe and just choose a system that will help me to get stronger or one of those chat group that connects different worlds?

[ You do remember that I can read what's in your mind right? And I'm not a self-proclaimed god, I am a god. If this keeps on, then we might spend an eternity here and you still won't be able to decide what your wishes will be so i'll give you a few tips.]

"Would be better if you just tell me what kind of world you'll be sending me"

[Indeed that would be faster...]

Is this god retarded or what?

[I'll let that slide jusst this time, the place that you'll be transmigrating into is an amalgamation of several anime multiverses. Meaning it's a mixture of different animes, that thing you were really into back in your original world]

Indeed, back in my original world I was an avid fan of anime,manga, light novel and other things. So I would be transmigrating into such a world huh.

"Then regarding the wishes, are there some sort of restriction?"

If there are no restrictions then I would just wish to be the strongest and richest being in that world.

[As I said earlier, as long as the wishes are reasonable then anything is ok. Wishing to be the strongest and richest being in the entire multiverse is far from being reasonable. I am indeed a god and someone very powerful but even I need to follow the rules and laws that the world has created or else that world might be destroyed]

That's interesting, so the worlds has their own set of laws that not even the gods can disregard or else said world would be destroyed. Then it's decided, my first wish will be a sentient system that can help not only to get stronger but to also manage things so nothing goes out of control.

" I've decided, my first wish is to have a sentient system that will help me to get stronger, for my second wish is an ability to create any skills that I want, and lastly an ability to summon companions.

[ ....so cliche, but well if those are your wishes then so be it but be reminded once you transmigrate, your wishes might change, it might get stronger or it might get some restrictions base on the laws of that world.]

Well I expected as much when he started talking about laws of the world and stuff.

[ So are you ready? After this we probably won't have any chance to talk again so just ask anything that you want to know.]

Indeed I still have some questions especially the state of the world i'll be going to but most importantly.

" Can I do anything that I want in that world"

[ Yes anything, you can be a hero who saves the lives of others or you can be a villain who slaughters anything and anyone in your path...the way that you'll live in that world is up to you. Well of course others would stop you if you went cuckoo-crazy and started a senseless killing. Anything else?]

"No it's alright, i'll figure things out later on"

[ Then good luck with your next life. And I hope we don't see each other again.]

After saying that, the self-proclaimed god disappeared and my vision was suddenly filled with an intense bright light. And thus my life in a new world started.

To be honest I think I f*cked up big time in this chapter... Even i was bored when writing this chapter and i wasn't really satisfied in how in turned out, maybe i'll rewrite it later on

EndeAnfangcreators' thoughts