
Capítulo 3: "Poderes"

<p _msttexthash="14824448015" _msthash="216">Capítulo 3: "Poderes"


Punto de vista de MC:

"Ariel, quiero que me expliques los poderes y habilidades obtenidos en la lotería".

[Maestro entendido]

(Humm, ¿me acaba de llamar maestro? Bueno, realmente no me importa)

[Esta es la información sobre sus habilidades maestras][Cuádruple Elementos Innatos]

Descripción: Este talento permite al usuario despertar 4 Elementos en cada "Nivel" del Mago. Multiplica x 4 el daño causado al luchar y x 40 la velocidad

de cultivo[Poder del Monarca de las Sombras]

Descripción: Este poder pertenece a Ashborn que era el Rey de los Muertos y el Monarca de las Sombras. También fue el Gobernante más fuerte y el Fragmento de Luz Brillante más Grande.

Habilidades:• Fuerza inmensa:

Ashborn poseía una tremenda fuerza física. Era lo suficientemente fuerte como para dominar brutalmente a dos Monarcas a la vez en la batalla y volar un planeta con solo la presión causada por su puño. Como testimonio de su fuerza, fue capaz de luchar en igualdad de condiciones en combate cuerpo a cuerpo contra Antares, el monarca más fuerte.

• Invulnerabilidad cercana: Ashborn tenía una tremenda defensa. Siendo prácticamente invulnerable a todo tipo de daños físicos, mágicos, mentales y del alma.

• Autoridad del gobernante: Ashborn era capaz de mover y controlar objetos telequinéticamente.

• Extracción de sombras: Ashborn fue capaz de extraer sombras de los cadáveres de sus enemigos y agregarlas a su ejército.

• Intercambio de sombras: Ashborn fue capaz de usar sombras como portales para viajar grandes distancias en un instante.

• Preservación de sombras: Ashborn fue capaz de preservar sus sombras almacenadas y monitorearlas percibiendo sus sentidos.

• Maestría del Monarca: Ashborn fue capaz de mejorar la fuerza de todas las sombras activas de él en un 50% en la batalla.

[Rey de la Gula, Belcebú]

Descripción: Evolución de la habilidad única "Gula".

Habilidades:• Depredación:

la "depredación" se puede usar en objetos orgánicos, inorgánicos y no físicos (por ejemplo, formas de vida espirituales y demonios), así como habilidades, magia, aura y cualquier ataque de tipo proyectil de las categorías antes mencionadas, así como magia similar. En comparación con su contraparte de habilidad única: "Gula", se ha mejorado y ahora puede ignorar el espacio y el tiempo para consumir cualquier cosa en la percepción del usuario.

• Estómago - Almacena el objetivo de la presa. También puede almacenar materiales creados a través de Análisis. Los elementos almacenados en el estómago del usuario no se ven afectados por el tiempo. Su espacio es aproximadamente 10 veces más grande que el de Gluttony.

• Mimetismo - Permite reproducir la forma de los objetivos analizados con una fuerza comparable a la original. Solo disponible una vez que el objetivo ha sido completamente analizado.

• Aislamiento: almacena los efectos nocivos que no se pueden analizar, neutralizándolos y dividiéndolos en mágicos.

• Consumo de almas: La capacidad de tomar las almas de cualquier persona que ruega por sus vidas, busca la ayuda del usuario, se retira o huye. Una vez que se cumple la condición, el alma puede ser capturada en cualquier momento posterior, desde prácticamente cualquier distancia al instante. El usuario puede ser informado sobre cualquier pensamiento malicioso por parte del objetivo inmediatamente. Las almas de los recién asesinados también pueden ser incautadas.

• Cadena alimentaria - Derivada de "Recibir" y "Proporcionar". Una habilidad que permite a los secuaces del usuario proporcionar su strength para aumentar los suyos. También pueden desviar parte de su fuerza hacia ellos. También otorga acceso a las habilidades de aquellos conectados al usuario.

[Equipo impulsado por Raider y modelo de división divina]

Descripción: Incursio era un Teigu de tipo armadura, creado a partir del procesamiento y refinamiento de la carne de una Bestia Peligrosa de clase "ultra" conocida como Tyrant. Esta versión de la armadura demoníaca posee los poderes de los dragones celestiales "Draid" y "Albio". Además de eliminar y purificar la conciencia y el alma de los tres dragones, su uso es totalmente seguro.

Habilidades:• Evolución:

Esta armadura tiene la habilidad evolutiva de Tyrant. Le permite evolucionar y adaptarse infinita e instantáneamente a las diferentes condiciones, circunstancias y necesidades de su portador.

• Duplicación y transferencia: Permite duplicar o quintuplicar la propia fuerza del usuario cada 2 segundos, el límite de esta capacidad depende de la potencia y resistencia del cuerpo del usuario. Este poder puede ser transferido a otro ser u objeto.

• División y absorción: Permite absorber y reducir a la mitad el poder del oponente, además de añadir este poder al tuyo. El límite de esta capacidad depende de la potencia y la resistencia del cuerpo del usuario.

<p _msttexthash="14824448015" _msthash="216"><font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="28474550" _msthash="220">• Penetrate: Allows the ability to pierce or break any magical or physical defense without exception. It is imperceptible when activated making it difficult or impossible to identify which attack is reinforced with this ability.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="21321235" _msthash="221">• Reflection: Ability to reflect any attack without exception within an area of 2 meters around the user. Scales can be created and ejected with the same effect, they are imperceptible when activated.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="13769093" _msthash="222">• Reduce: It has a unique mixture of poison that is capable of reducing the existence of all organic matter, including gods. Even their souls are cut bit by bit.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="8181056" _msthash="223">[Upper Heaven Grade Seed: "Black Fire"]</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="8834787" _msthash="224">Description: Elemental seed of the highest grade. Grants its bearer the most powerful and destructive flames in the universe.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="88192" _msthash="225">Skills:</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="71016400" _msthash="226">• Black Fire: The power, destruction and damage caused by this flame is equal to the amount of magical power possessed by the bearer. The damage dealt by this flame is x999. While this flame is in use, its power increases by multiplying x999 every 10 seconds. The power increase is basically infinite, the only limitation being the wielder's stamina and his control over this fire.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="24021296" _msthash="227">• Absolute destruction: This flame is capable of destroying and turning into ashes everything that exists with the sole exception of its bearer. You can destroy magic, soul, space, time, and even the world itself.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="13272506" _msthash="228">• Eternal Fire: As long as a single fragment of the wearer's soul exists, this flame is capable of bringing it to life and even creating a new body instantly.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="15667574" _msthash="229">• Superior Fire: In the presence of the bearer, no being can make use of magic, weapons, abilities, etc., that make use of or are related to the attribute and element of fire.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="21353735" _msthash="230">• Subordinate: The wielder is able to provide a lesser version of this fire to another being. The delivered version only boosts damage dealt x50 and multiplies magic power output and regeneration x50.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="35861098" _msthash="231">• Domain: Create a domain with a distance from 5cm to 100km. Within this domain, every being with the sole exception of its bearer is turned to ashes in a matter of seconds. With the exception of the bearer, no one can escape from the domain without his authorization.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="8681075" _msthash="232">[Upper Heaven Grade Seed: "Black Thunder"]</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="8662810" _msthash="233">Description: Elemental seed of the highest grade. It gives its bearer the most powerful and destructive beam in the universe.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="88192" _msthash="234">Skills:</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="42365843" _msthash="235">• Black Thunder: The power, destruction and damage caused by this lightning is equal to the amount of magical power possessed by the bearer. The damage dealt by this beam is x999. By using this beam you have control over the acceleration of time, in addition to mastering electromagnetism.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="26541632" _msthash="236">• Absolute speed: This ray is capable of ignoring space and time, allowing the wearer to move at an impossible speed to perceive, being able to travel the entire planet more than 100000000000000000000000000000000000 times in just 0.01 seconds.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="16282786" _msthash="237">• Superior Ray: In the presence of the bearer, no being can make use of magic, weapons, abilities, etc., that make use of or are related to the electrical attribute and element.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="20896499" _msthash="238">• Subordinate: The wielder is able to provide a lower version of this ray to another being. The delivered version only boosts damage dealt x50 and multiplies magic power output and regeneration x50.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="45442540" _msthash="239">• Domain: Create a domain with a distance from 5cm to 100km. Within this domain, every being with the sole exception of its bearer is turned into salt ashes, being struck by black rays in a matter of seconds. With the exception of the bearer, no one can escape from the domain without his authorization.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="589862" _msthash="240">[Empress of Flame Calamity]</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="12042225" _msthash="241">Description: Elemental creature created from the purest existing fire. It has the potential to destroy an emperor-type sea beast in its adult state.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="88192" _msthash="242">Skills:</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="8146008" _msthash="243">• Great Magical Power: Her magical power is immense and almost infinite, due to being blessed by the universe itself.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="15594150" _msthash="244">• Absolute control: Being a pure elemental creature, it has absolute control over the element and fire attribute, being able to mold it, salify it, shape it and much more.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="1872442" _msthash="245">• White Fire: The purest fire that exists.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="1505153" _msthash="246">• Multiplies the damage dealt x99.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="11441014" _msthash="247">• Depending on the wielder's will, this fire is capable of changing its properties, giving it healing rather than destructive capabilities.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="22606207" _msthash="248">• This fire follows the will of the bearer, being incapable of causing harm to those beings that the bearer does not recognize as enemies. But doubles the damage dealt to those beings he recognizes as enemies</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="4099069" _msthash="249">• Spatial Control: He has almost absolute control over the special element.</font>

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="5814042" _msthash="250">• Possession: Allows you to possess your tamer. Being able to give him his abilities and powers.</font>

<p _msttexthash="2778407892" _msthash="285">[Empress of Thunder Calamity]

Description: Elemental creature created from the purest existing ray. It has the potential to destroy an emperor-type sea beast in its adult state.


• Great Magical Power: Her magical power is immense and almost infinite, due to being blessed by the universe itself.

• Absolute control: Being a pure elemental creature, she has absolute control over the element and electrical attribute, being able to mold it, salify it, shape it and much more.

• White Thunder: The purest lightning that exists.

• Multiplies the damage dealt x99.

• This beam is capable of ignoring 90% of the target's defense. It also negates the activation and momentary use of magic and magical power.

• This beam follows the will of the bearer, being incapable of causing damage to those beings that the bearer does not recognize as enemies. But doubles the damage dealt to those beings he recognizes as enemies

• Spatial Control: He has almost absolute control over the shadow element.

• Possession: Allows you to possess her tamer. Being able to give her her abilities and powers.

[Akashic Records of the "King of Information"]

Description: This ability grants Veldanava full access to use and create any and all abilities created or could be created in her world. This ability also allows her to create or recreate living beings, races, plants, and even an entire planet using the collected knowledge stored in the ability as long as she has enough magical energy to create such things.


• Skill Creation - Allows the user to create new skills based on the information obtained from the analysis and the user's desires.

• Ability Duplication: Allows the user to recreate abilities that she has full analysis of.

• Skill Gifting: Allows the user to grant skills to a target, assuming they are compatible.

• Ability Storage: Stores the information of all analyzed abilities so that they can be recreated later.

<p _msttexthash="969476248" _msthash="284">[Hands "Ariel"]

Description: The Ultimate Skill Core Manas: Ariel is a kind of intelligent core. Similar to a Spirit Life Form, she is unable to materialize on her own will.


• Thought Acceleration: Increases the speed of thought processing a million times.

• Expert in analysis

• Parallel Processing: The ability to separate thought and analysis of the phenomenon.

• Fusion: The ability to merge into a single being with the target subject.

• Separation: The ability to separate from and possess someone (if the target being separated lacks a physical form, it could disappear).

• All Creation: The ability encompasses any unoccult phenomenon in this world.

• Food Chain: It is possible to acquire skills from subordinates.

• Soul Runner: Continuous connection with her minions, where she can transfer, upgrade, and gift abilities.

• Skill Synthesis: Combining skills to create the most powerful ones.

• Promotion of skills: Strengthening of subordinates through the evolution of their skills