
Re : Harry Potter

Adam went to sleep one night after his usual shift at the Airport. He was the Cheif Security Officer of the TSA at the LaGuardia airport. He woke up to find himself in a different place, in a different time and in a different body. His confusion and fear quickly turns into excitement and expectation of the coming future. And with his future knowledge and his own knowledge of both sides of the world, he gonna make the most of his situation. He is gonna enjoy his life to the fullest, never looking back as he had always done.

Hellblazer_Crusher · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
23 Chs

Chapter 6

I was scratching Hedwig as it cooed with satisfaction while Ron was sitting uncomfortably with Fang- Hagrid's dog, on his lap drooling all over his robes. Hagrid had previously invited me and I decided to agree and take Ron with me. I helped him around the animal enclosures while Ron just chilled. I sprayed the pumpkin patch with Blood-sucking Slug Repellent and dug a trench around the gardens with magic.

I fed the thestrals witnessed by a sad looking Hagrid and groomed the unicorns after I slowly got their trust. Honestly, the thestrals were darlings compared to the unicorns. Unicorns are straight up assholes. For a being which is considered a pure innocent animal, and the embodiment of all that is good they are pompous dicks that reminded me of Malfoy.

Compared to them the Thestrals were playful yet kind. They were literally the Golden Retriever of the Equestrian family. There skeletal frames and bat like leathery hides may not be very appealing, but there acceptance of me nearing their young ones made me like them more. I even introduced them to Hedwig, who took a liking to the Thestrals. I fed them and cleaned their ears with rubbing alcohol and cotton which they seemed to enjoy a lot.

But sadly it was time for me to go back. Ron had long gone back to the castle after nearly dozing off so I had to back alone with Hedwig perched on my shoulder. "Thanks Harry. Ya' were life saver, yer were! Completed the week's chores in a day!" he laughed and called out as I was heading back to the castle a newspaper in my hand. It's headlines read, "GRINGOTTS BREAK-IN! Latest!: investigations continue into the recent...." So the ball has started rolling.




As the two weeks progressed, I had settled very well with all my subjects... including potions. Snape keeps taking of points for silly reasons like breathing too loudly or for just existing, but I act like I do not give a shit, because I really do not give a shit. Dumbledore is anyway gonna play favoritism and give me s crap-load of points in the end of term.

My head(scar) hurts sometimes but I've learnt to ignore it for the most part. I started going to the forest to pet the Thestrals and before long they trusted me and started nudging me to climb onto them. I immediately took the opportunity and climbed onto the biggest one of the herd. I named him Bruce after Bruce Wayne cause they look like a cross between a horse and a bat. I named the second largest as Martha. lol.

Flying was fun on broomsticks, but flying on a Thestral was a whole other experience. But as fun as flying on Thestrals was, I still prefared flying in a broom. So Visiting Hagrid and helping him out became a daily thing for me. I spent my time mostly with either flying with the Gryffindor team with Ron watching with envy or admiration... don't know which. Probably both, if I know his personality. The rest of my time was spent with Ron and Hermione exploring the castle talking to the other houses playing Gogstones and other games all the while being chagrined by Hermione.

Today was the first Flying lesson we were having, since Madame Hooch was on a leave of absence for a few days. We all stood in beside our broom and said, "UP!" as the broom zoomed into my hand. Hermione's broom was flopping on the ground refusing to come up and Ron's just hit him in the face and went back down.

We all mounted our broom as Hooch instructed and waited for her signal. But before she could give it Neville started flying away, chased after by a bewildered Madam Hooch. "I want all the brooms on the ground and if I find any of you flying, you will find yourself out of Hogwarts before you can say 'Quidditch'!" Hooch warned us as she gave chase. As he floated away, he dropped his remembrall which was promptly picked up by Malfoy. I cracked my knuckles and neck and thought to myself, "The time has come mortals. Fear me!". I'm sometimes surprised by my own Goofiness.

I stepped up to the blonde ponce who was flanked by his meat shields, Crabb and Goyle. "Give it back Malfoy!" I warned him. Malfoy just smirked at me, "Then come and get it, Potter!" he spat vindictively and flew away with the ball. "Get him Harry!" Ron yelled as I zoomed after Malfoy, gaining speed as I gained height and momentum. I chased him around for sometime till I found my target and cut him off by By doing a "Fade-away maneuver" and confronting him. "Last chance Malfoy! Before I knock you off your broom!" just to add icing on the cake..., "No Crabbe or Goyle up here to save your neck, Malfoy. Hahaha!" I taunted him goading him further.

This probably scared him as he saw me doing a professional move, still he gave me that shit-eating grin and threw the Remembral right over me towards a tower of the castle. "Finally..." I sighed happily and leaned into my broom flipping back witg an about-turn with my broom and blasted towards the tower. As I neared it, I kept my eyes on the ball and leapt of my broom. I heard someone scream, but my focus was still lazered on the ball and my broom.

I was metres away from the windows of the tower when I caught the ball and guided the broom to my hand and immidiately breaking in mid-air coming to a halt just a few inches from the window. I smirked at Malfoy's purple face and started my descent... Draco style- I held my broom upright, the handle straight up as I was standing on the foot rest slowly gliding down and jumping off my broom followed by Malfoy.

I had no time to celebrate with the cheering students when a stern voice boomed through the cheers, "HARRY POTTER!!" parting the class crowd hastily to allow a red faced McGonagall speed walking towards me. "Never in all my years!!...." She yelled as she stood before me her glasses flashing like an anime mastermind, hiding her eyes from the emotions she was showing. "What if...." she huffed as she caught her breath amidst the protest of the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. Ron was the loudest in voicing my reasons to do so showing me why he was placed in Gryffindor.

"That enough, Mr.Weasley. Potter, follow me, NOW." She sternly said. Even though I knew what was about to happen, I still felt shivers from her tone. Wordlessly I followed after her as she walked up the stairs and towards the DADA classroom. She went inside and came out with Oliver Wood, "Hey Harry! What's going on?" He asked confused.

It was McGonagall's turn to be confused and ask, "You know Mr.Potter, Wood?" He nodded with a smile and said, "Of course! He helps us with our Quidditch practice and drills. One of the fastest flyers I would say. I promised him a place on the team next year if he continues his good work."

McGonagall was pleasantly surprised as her mouth twitched up into a ghost of a smile, "Then this makes things easier, I suppose. Mr.Wood, I have found you a seeker." She said proudly. "Before you raise your obvious questions, I shall speak to Professor Dumbledore and see if we can't bend the first-year rule. Heaven knows, we need a better team than last year. Flattened in that last match by Slytherin, I couldn't look Severus Snape in the face for weeks ..." She looked pretty miffed and embarrassed at the thought.

She turned back to her usual stern self and peered at me, "I want yo hear that you are hard at work Mr.Potter, or I will be rethinking my decision."




The news had spread like Fiendfyre as the whole school was in whispers about the recent addition to Gryffindor's Quidditch Roster. Ron was even more psyched than I was, even Hermione was quite surprised and happy for me.

At breakfast Malfoy came up to me and smirked, "With this Slytherin is gonna win easier than before. We are gonna sweep you of your feet." I smirked back as I stood up towering over him. Only now did he really see my height, I was the tallest first year and even taller than most second years. "You are might chatty when you have your goons around aren't you Malfoy. I bet you act like a chicken when it comes to a real duel. Just like your coward father."

By now a group of Gryffindor and Slytherin have surrounded us. "I can take you anywhere Potter. Have it your way then. Duel at midnight in the Astronomy Tower. My second is Goyle." Malfoy sneered at me. While he was spouting of I saw George writing it all down and handed it over to me. I read it and added something special in it.

"Since I know you are a cowardly little ferret, I have something for you to sign. So that you do not renege on the agreement. Here... Oh, and swear it with your 'Heir' title in line." I handed it over to him as he snatched it from me. He read it and a worried look passed over his face. Just as he was about to argue I scoffed and turned to my dorm mates, "Hey guys, I bet that the loser would buy the winner the brand new Nimbus 2000. Looking at Malfoy I think he is scared that he will lose. Hey Malfoy! I thought you were from a rich and noble house. Looks like they were all lies huh?"

That did it. Malfoy snapped.

"You take that back Potter! Or my Father will hear about this!" He sneered, his pale face going red from embarrassment. I shrugged and sighed, "I knew it. All Malfoys are spineless snakes and cowardly wimps you know only to suckle on their mommy's teat." Malfoy pulled out his wand but a girl whispered something in his ear and he suddenly smiled.

He signed the paper and gave back to me with a smile filled with malice. "See you around, Mudblood." I shot back, "Tell your Mom, she can call me if she wants a REAL Man. Hahaha" My house mates Jeered as we saw him grit his teeth and storm away, the girl which I now understand is Pansy Parkinson.

I waited till the Slytherins had left and was quickly surrounded by the Gryffindors, some raising their concerns, some egging me to give him a good whack and some just curious. I opened the note and showed it to the Weasley twins as their expression changed to shock as a few more letters had appeared on the paper, than what they had previously written. The paper stated:


A Formal Duel is to take place between Messers 'Harry James Potter' and 'Draco Lucius Malfoy' on the night of October 3rd 1991. Failure to show up to the Duel or bringing a Professor to the Duel is considered a forfeit. The Duel will commence at midnight and will end when one of the duelist are either killed, knocked out or concedes on their own. The stakes are that the loser has to buy 7 Nimbus 2000 brooms in perfect condition. The second of Mr.Draco Malfoy is Mr.Gregory Goyle and the second of Mr.Harry Potter is Mr.Ronald Weasley. Any other members of the house interfere, the duelist belonging to that house is considered forfeit. There will not be any information leaked to the news papers by both the parties.

Losing in the Duel or Any discrepancies in any of the following terms will be subject to an additional Fee of Five Hundred thousand Galleons which will be overseen by Gringotts with a third party fee of 20 Percent.

Signed by

Harry Potter Draco Malfoy


I had actually written 7 Nimbus 2000s and transfigured it to show only 1 and also added the last clause and hid it with a concealment charm. "Hehehe..." I laughed as Fred and George were still reading, and re-reading it finding it hard to believe. Ron was just ashen face looking at the amount on the paper.

I sent Hedwig to Gringotts with the paper and a letter asking them to negotiate and they quickly accepted as I got a reply that very evening, saying that if I win then I should increase it by 5 percent bringing it to 25%. I accepted it. It was almost midnight and I had to sneakily get Hermione in the back with a silent and layed her on the couch with a blanket on top. I could not take the chances of hear tatling on us and Ron surprising understood even telling me, "Good thinking mate. That girl is one trouble monger"

Ron and I sneaked out of the Gryffindor common room and made it to the Astronomy tower after evading Filch and his cat with the help of the Marauder's map. We did not have to wait for long when I saw ten Slytherins surrounding us, they were all seniors too. I laughed out loud as I saw them about to surround me. "Guess you did not read the letter properly then?" I smirked at Malfoys confusion.

"I had hidden a clause in the letter with concealment magic and you... like the idiot you are, did not bother to check the letter for magic. It clearly states clearly that Only you and Goyle are part of the Duel and if any of our housemates interfere, they loose. Clear and simple. I must Thank your lady friend as she whispered pretty loudly." I could see his expression change from one emotion to another not able to think of a solution.

"You are a cheat Potter. I refuse to Duel with a cheater." Malfoy screamed at me, I just shrugged noncommittaly, "The Duel starts in two minutes, and if you refuse to fight then you automatically loose."

He grit his teeth and turned his back whispering among the Slytherins, my watch showed thirty seconds when Draco turned his wand and pointed at me, "Ready when you are Mudblood." I sighed at his obvious attempt of trying to goad me. I waited for clock to strike twelve and I drew my wand out of my holster, surprising the seniors as the looked at my Wand Holster.

The clock struck twelve and immidiately an unknown spell flew out of Malfoys wand, I had enough time to raise my wand cast and deflected back to him which he promptly ducked under but I did not give him a chance and immidiately flicked my wand Malfoy was thrown back like a rag doll due to falling unconscious.

"He is down. You are next Goyle." I said pointing my wand at him. Like the fat head he was he charged at me, trying to tackle me. I smirked and flicked my wand upwards, ... ... . I lifted him into the air by his ankles, stunned him, and dropped him down like a sack of Potatoes. "I win." I declared

The remaining Slytherins pointed their wands at me, when I held up a hand to signal them to wait, "Right about time." I smiled widely as wand tips lighted all around me and the Slytherin. They looked dumbfounded as 25 Gryffindors emerged, with their wands pointing at the Slytherins. Previously I had given Fred and George 75 Galleons to recruit the Gryffindors to my cause each receiving 3 Galleons I for their services.




The next day I saw Draco getting his ears chewed out by his father who had come to 'visit' his son with his wife- perks of being on the Hogwarts board I guess. His Mother on the other hand, looked disappointed and disgusted. She had an expression as if there was a piece of shit stuck inside her nose. Our eyes met and she frowned, I just lowered my glasses and winked at her. Oh.... she looked pissed.

Not wanting to escalate things I left from there and headed towards the Quidditch Pitch for my first official Quidditch practice and since it was a Sunday there were no classes for the day. Ron and I were trudging along the wet, muddy pathway when I spotted Hedwig flying above us, it looked like it was carrying something pretty big.

I stopped and whistled for her to come down. Hedwig swooped down, dropping the package right in my arms as she landed on my shoulder and affectionately rubbed her head gently. It always made me happy to see her trust in me. I turned my attention to the package knowing it's contents before hand. In Professor McGonagall's neat handwriting it was written:


It contains your new Nimbus 2000. I do not want others to know as they will also ask one. All the best and work hard Mr.Potter.

Professor M. McGonagall "

I ripped the parcel open and held the broom, Ron was loosing his mind and already asking to ride it after me. Little does he know that there would be another surprise in... ten minutes. We practically ran to the Pitch right on time to see six Owls bringing similar Packages Hedwig brought.

The Gryffindor team held the brooms like their lovers, stroking the sleek wood and sniffing the tail brush-twigs. Oliver Wood dispelled the mood by clapping his hands, "Alright before everyone gets too attached, Harry has agreed to give us these brooms on the condition that it needs to be returned back to him after every year. Now sign these waivers before we start the practice."

Not that I don't trust these guys, I just feel safer with the binding contract, so that they take care of the brooms with more care. When Fred was about to sign I stopped him, "Nope. It's yours Fred, George. Just don't show it to Aunt Molly. Cheers." I said mirroring their grins.

After that was over Oliver started talking and every just listened and nodded if they understood, some them asked question and he promptly answered, "Alright let's play! Today is gonna be Chaser and Beater practice!" Oliver yelled as he took off followed by us.

I took off, the broom zooming past everyone and reached the middle of the pitch in a breath. The members of our team took their place:

Goalkeeper: Oliver Wood

Attacking Chasers: Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Jhonson

Defending Chasers: Katie Bell and Myself

Attacking Beater: Fred Weasley

Defending Beater: George Weasley

Oliver, Katie and me are gonna defend the goal posts against the attckers- Alicia and Angelina. Fred is gonna try knock us and his brother of our brooms, while George will try to knock the attacking team of their broom. We took our positions and waited when Oliver blew his whistle starting the game..




After two hours of practice, we were all in the locker room when our team's three chasers- Alicia, Angelina and Katie came to me. Katie was the first to speak, "Hey Harry. Can you show us how you did the Speelman Steal? The Dionysus Dive is probably too dangerous for us to do." I nodded beckoned them to the white board as the rest of the team joined us.

I drew stick figures and animated them with a bit of magic. It showed a blue coloured stickman flying with the Quaflle, when a red coloured stick man came flying from below. I explained to them as the figures moved. The red figure dipped down a bit and shot diagonally up, kicking and flipping in one motion, taking the quaffle from the blue figure, proceeding to do a Barrel roll to immidiately dadge the incoming tackle by the blue figure.

"... you need to move immidiately after the steal. Preferably just swerve to ground and pass it otherwise you are just wasting the move. Or the beaters could assist you in evading." I pointed at the figures and explained. I spent a few more minutes explaining when Wood suddenly asked, "Where did you learn all this Harry? These are Professional moves and tactics. Even I can't think of these." He asked bewildered.

I scratched my head sheepishly and answered, "I kinda booked an hour at the stadium in Vertic-alley but couldn't play as the manager had double booked me. So I convinced him to let me in when the Montrose Magpies were in practice sessions." Oliver whistled as I said this, "They are one of the best in the league... more than 32 championship wins and the best all-round players. Any chance you know more Harry?" He asked hopefully.

I just gave a smile and took out a notebook I had with all my notes on them, "Can you cast a Duplicating charm like ?" Oliver nodded. The others groaned looking at Oliver's hungry look... practices are gonna be harder and more grueling. Just the way I like it.
