
Re: Goose

or How I Reincarnated as a Goose and got OP really quickly. "MC-kun got hit by a truck?" "God gives out reincarnation opportunities as candy?" "But as a Goose???" "Honk honk? (What's wrong with that?)" First few chapters are gonna be pretty bad Note: This is not a serious fic and written for fun(bored) Worlds Traveled so far : Familiar of Zero, Shield Hero, JoJo, DxD Possible Worlds: MCU, Shimoneta, Metamorphosis, Jumpchain

Fifth_Goose · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Party Members

*Court Room*

"Welcome Heroes, My name is Akeem today is the day where you receive party members for your journey to help you succeed" The guard captain Akeem explained and welcomed them into the court room

The doors to the court swung open to reveal a group of twenty five strangers, all dressed as though they were about to embark on an adventure.

There were knights among them.

The king certainly knows how to show support

All three of them bowed to the king as people should to royalty, and readied to listen to his proposal.

"As we discussed yesterday you shall receive help in the form of party members to assist you in your quest to stop the waves" Aultcray The King said

"Now then, gathered adventurers, please choose the Legendary Hero with whom you will travel with" Aultcray The King said

"Wait a moment they get to choose?" all three of them asked

That came as a shock to all of three of them they just have been explained that they will receive helpers, but now they also have a chance to not receive any at all

All of them lined up including Hönk

The adventures shuffled over in our direction, and became clumps before their intended partners.

Five people stood before Ren.

Eight people stood before Naofumi

Nine people stood before Hönk

And before Motoyasu.. One person

"Wait a moment why does the goose have nine people isn't that unbalanced!."

"I did not anticipate any of this I just gave them a choice to choose who they want to be with" Aultcray answered him

"We cannot do anything about this." The Minister replied also

"There are rumours that the Bow Hero does not know much of our world" The Minister explained and he explained further

"The legends say that the four summoned Heroes will have an understanding of our land. People are wondering if you will truly be able to fulfill the conditions set out in the legends."

"That means he and the goose need more support members than both of you" The Minister explained to all of them

"Someone must have been eavesdropping on us last night." Ren noticed that someone must have been eavesdropping on their game talk

"Goose and Naofumi can't ya at least spare some members at least one from both of you" Motoyasu asked them

"Sure" Naofumi replied "I don't actually need this many people in my party after all"

"Sir Bow Hero I can understand but I would rather just not participate than join the Shield Hero!, You are my choice that's final!" one of his party members exclaimed

"Me too"

"Me three"

All of them joined together and agreed to the first party members speech

Hönk began honking and screaming like the hulk? then suddenly smoke and mist began to cover him "Hoooooooooooooooooöoooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkk!" Hönk screamed out while selecting Human in his system interface

*poof* *boom* *shake* *earthquake*

"What is going on here!? Mages figure out what's going on!" Aultcray ordered his Court Mages

"Sire nothing is happening within the earth nothing is moving at all" One of the Court Mages stated

"Wait look at the Spear Hero!, the fog is converging on him." another Court Mage exclaimed

Everyone began to look at the Spear Hero

"cough cough cough" one man literally said cough while holding his chest

and then the smoke and fog began to settle everything was quiet until...

A radio with a cd player appeared begins to play music?

*Mori Mori Mori Mori Morioh-Cho Radio Radio..*

"Guud Morning! Greetings all, This is Melromarc Radio and your host is once again me your neighbor The Legendary Spear Hero Hönk!" Hönk then began his jojoke bit while everyone took a look at his appearance

and everyone was shocked by his appearance

He had white pale hair like a freshly bought PS5, A swimmers body like a person who swam to the ocean from a water fall (I.E fit but not that muscly) and Angelic wings behind him like an Angel who hasn't fallen at all who went to meet the sinners and believers of the world.

[CHA stat unlocked]

[Title False Angel Unlocked]

Name: Hönk

Race: ???

Level: 1

ATK: 17


DEF: 11


MOVE: 15

CHA: 13


Most of his stats improved since mastering multiple swords and then resetting them to earn more stats

"Ahemm Spear Hero it seems that you can talk, why is it that you haven't been in your "true form"." The King asked while confusing his transformation as his True Form

"King Aultcray I just prefer transforming as a goose I guess I have to be in this form from now on." Hönk lied and said some truths about what he would do

"Also My name is Hönk short for Hönkus teh Bonkus, not Spear Hero even if the Spear is within my hand I do not wish to be called only by the name Spear Hero." Hönk stated his name and wish to not be called Spear Hero everytime they would talk

"Also Everyone I do not need any party members please join Motoyasu for that I only need myself to be on my journey" Hönk also arrogantly said

Everyone was shocked that he also wanted to give his party to Motoyasu even Motoyasu himself is shocked so much that he fainted

"Medic!, Uhh I mean help!?, is there an Infirmary" Naofumi asked them

"You don't have a choice at all either you join him and I go solo or I go solo either works" Hönkus the Bonkus said to the adventurers

"Sir Hönkus if it please you, I could serve the Shield Hero." One of the women with Hönk raised her hand to volunteer

Two more people volunteered

"Sure I don't care at all if you join him." Hönk said

Motoyasu suddenly woke up and and cheered inside his mind for getting three women and one man in his party even though the ratio is unbalanced

"Now then, Heroes, I have set aside these funds for you. Please accept them."

All of them got about 600 silver each except for Hönk who got the canon Shield Hero 800 silver

"Um, so it's nice to meet you, Mr. Shield Hero. My name is Myne Sophia." Malty decided to introduce herself before we began our journey to stop the waves

*Castle Town*

I began my journey, My first stop was to get some new weapons by "Stealing" them from Erhard

I retracted my wings into my body before I entered like a DxD Devil/Angel

"Welcome to Erhard's Weapon Shop how I may be of service" one apprentice said in a bored tone

"May I look at your finest spears?" I asked

"Yeah we got some made of mithril in the back or do you want adamantine ones?" the apprentice answered

"We need proof that you can buy those first" the apprentice questioned

I then decided to transform my [Pendant Spear] into the base [Legendary Spear] form

"I am the Spear Hero is that proof enough?"

"Let me call the Owner Erhard to check that your Spear" the apprentice called for Erhard by screaming out his name "Master Erhard!"

Erhard came out of the forge and asked

"What boy? what's so important that you need me here?"

"Master some guy is saying he is the spear hero and wanted to look at your finest wares"

Erhard began to look at me carefully and began to inspect my spear

"Hmmmmm yes I can't determine what the material is but I know that the Legendary Weapons can transform, can you transform them into other spears?"

I began showing them some cool tricks with my spear by changing [Hydrogen Spear] and waving it around before changing it to [Flame Spear] and promptly blew up the air between us

*cough cough cough* *cough cough*

"Well.. *cough* there's one last thing to test if your the real Spear Hero, may I borrow it?"

I gave him the spear and then he promptly got shocked and displayed a screen to both of us

[Legendary Spear is not to be given]

[Only the Spear Hero may use me]

"Well I guess that's solves it Hero-boy" Erhard said "Let me take you into the back" Erhard continued

*in the backroom*

"Well these are some of my finest spears I'll sell them to you at a price" Erhard proudly said

"Sorry Link I can't give credit come back when you are a little Mmmmmmm... Richer."

(A/N I just had to do it here's the actual conversation)

"Do you also sell materials?" I asked

"What do you think we are, an auction house?"

"Well what do you guys use to blacksmith?, Plain Air?" I replied back

"Okay Hero-boy stop being a smart-ass we can sell materials but it's gonna cost more than the average price out there in Castle Town" Erhard exasperated

I then began copying his spears and bought some of his materials to use [Power Up] on the spears that I copied

I then went to a general store and bought some miscellaneous items like a map to make a [Map Spear] and a compass to make a [Navigation Spear] by combining it with the [Map Spear]

*A few hours later*

I bought a mask and then I began my journey to Zeltobe to get some [Shooting Star] series weapons

On the way I fought numerous balloons and mastered their spears and gained some stats and system points

Name: Hönk

Race: ???

Level: 15

ATK: 87


DEF: 44


MOVE: 72

CHA: 50

SYSP: 1781

(Every 10000 Points = to a 11x Draw)

It was easy leveling up and I met some merchants nearby Zeltoble

I transformed into Ren which I gathered enough blood from him during the party member event and then I said as Ren

"This is a robbery!, Men to the left, Women to the right, and confused people just stay in the middle!" I began my master plan

Everyone just laughed while I began to use my hidden [Air Spear] and began using it like a sword (imagine strike air from fate)

"I said Men to the left and Women to the right, Or I have to use my special secret hidden move" I ordered again

They just laughed and called for the mercenaries to deal with me

"I told you guys, [Sword(Spear) steals Peaches]!." I roared out

A guy began to shriek and then 10 more mercenaries also began to shriek

Everyone was shocked and now began to surrender at his secret technique

"1..2..6...9...and 10 gold, Wow you guys only have 10 gold. I guess I should have robbed a caravan instead of a cart"

This guy... we are a caravan.. everyone thought

"Any more things you have hidden?, Do not lie to me for I know when somebody lies." I questioned

"We have some herbs and ores with us is that enough?." One of them said

"Good enough."

I began storing my loot into my Sword(Spear)

still as Ren and skedaddled myself back to the route

*few hours later*

*night time*

I began making a camp with the thing so bought from the general store and my [Tent Spear]. even I don't know why that can become a spear.

I then began my night doing alchemy

"Nope too much Red herb I need to add some more yellow herb and increase the heat with my [Propane Spear]"

"annnnnd done I finally made myself the first potion that increases your lust while healing you from your wounds, I think il call it the LH pot or LHP for an even shorter name."

I began to make another potion

"Add some blue herb and some yellow herb and green herb and cool the heat down and thennnnnnnnn... we have probably made an antidote for my LHP it even poisons them to decrease their hp and lust"

At least I'm not B*i Xi**chun I don't make them make love to the planet.... yet

I just need more potent herb to do those but I'll guess I'll find them tomorrow

I then used my tent spear to make a tent and then slept peacefully like Kira Yoshikage

"Wryyyy... Wrrrry..."

*End of this Chapter*