
re: cardster

This is a world, where cards just don't have decks, but magic..... Above all odds, not even gods can look in my eye

prynex · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

painful defeat

"Funny that only two people returned with a fright of their life, they said something about one of their allies turning against them killing the leader and the second member in cold blood, they said he was pretty strong!" Aki said I'm a calm manner waiting to see Elias reaction as Aki very well knew exactly what happened.

"Wow, that's indeed very sorrowful!"Elias said with a face of sympathy as Aki let out a chuckle. Aki picked up a table knife observing it as he smiled at Elias. "Catch!" Aki said throwing the knife with that force as it moved at Elias with high speed attempting to stab his eye, Elias raised two fingers of his right hand catching it witt ease.

"Wow, you're strong and fast makes me had to believe you're just an ordinary gu with a card to see traps."...."Don't think too much of it, my card let's me detect danger, so I was ready by the time you threw it." Elias lied one more time dropping the table knife back where it belonged.

"Funny seeing that I wrapped the knife with a little bit of heat, so when you caught it, your hand should have burnt." Aki said looking at Elias straight in the eye. "Fine alright.... let's go outside.."Elias said in submission but was stopped by his mother. "You don't have to listen to me, don't worry I'll chase him out of the house!" ..."Don't worry mama, put some faith in me." Elias said as he walked out of the house.

Aki followed him slightly behind as they went somewhere far....."What do you want from me?"Elias asked in a serious face as Aki smiled. "Finally you've come to your right senses, You killed members of the W.M.R and so you'll have to pay for it." Aki said as Elias didn't hesitate to answer that they tried to kill him first.

"I understand, what I want is that you come work for us." Aki said as Elias bluntly rejected saying that there's no way he would work for an organization like W.M.R.

"I understand what you think, that we are the villains of this world, look around you, this world is changing.....I'll let you in on a secret, there are now evolutions on this earth, discoveries that should have never been discovered and finally ruins. You know people say casters are stronger than cardsters, but they're wrong, Cardsters like me and you who can draw out the power from their cards without activating or even summoning it have emerged, We are able to do that with a little drain of mana, but as for caster every circle they draw takes so much from them making them short term fighters.

This world with time would soon crumble, the W.M.R was originally founded to prevent that but the new manger only uses it for her selfish desires. There is a sub group under the W.M.R named the Eclipse, we still carry the original goal of the W.M.R....With this I hope you can still reconsider"

"What if I say no!" Elias said in a calm voice as every became silent for a while but suddenly Elias leaped up as the ground he stood on before suddenly vanished, leaving a small creater on the ground. "as expected..... anyways, now all that's left for me is to test how strong you really are to see if I should dispose of you or not." Aki said as he snapped his finger causing hundreds of small portals to appear as swords came out of each of them.

"Get ready, if any if this sword touches you you're dead." In a. blink of an eye a sword moved at high speed towards Elias buy suddenly stopped in mid air instantly falling hard to the ground. "Gravity barrier, none of your weapons can touch me I'm here, but meanwhile." Elias said as a bolt of lightning shot out from the sky crashing ok Aki as a violent explosion was created causing everywhere to be covered in smoke screen.

"Nice but if that's all you've got, then you're as good as dead." Aki said but this time releasing all remaining swords at Elias who just stood still inside his barrier while the swords just fell at his feet.

Just then a cutt mark appeared on Elias face ass the last sword passed it slightly, "What the, I couldn't detect."Elias said as he touch the blood on his face. "That's because,the only thing you can detect are possibilities, all cards have limit no matter the grade, it was originally impossible for any of the swords to break through your barrier but you can say, there was a little bit of manipulation on my side." Aki said as he appeared behind Elias swinging a blow at him but Elias just evaded it with little ease while throwing a kick at his waist sending him crashing to the ground with full force leaving a trail of dust.

"You kick hard, you must have the strength of a thousand me to have done that." Aki said as he wiped the blood that rolled down his mouth. "Body enhancement, 5%" Elias said as his eyes flickered silver with a dashing speed of sound, he appeared front of Aki with a series of punch thrown at him.

"Not so fast, the last time I dropped my guard and you landed a hit but this time." Aki said with a wild smile on his face."I'm on guard." Aki said releasing a blast of shockwave causing Elias to be blown away. "I think it's time I end this." Aki said as he pointed his fore finger at Elias. "Twisting parallel void." Aki said as Elias tried to move he found himself under the influence of a strange force.

"Ahhhh!!!" He let out a scream as he found almost every bone in his body breaking, blood rolled out of all openings in his body as he screamed in agony.
