
re: cardster

This is a world, where cards just don't have decks, but magic..... Above all odds, not even gods can look in my eye

prynex · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


[Flash back]

"Neil, while I'm gone do whatever you can to make him join the W.M.R....Most of all don't let anyone cause trouble for him"


"Hey head captain, what's the quest that it's so urgent?" Neil asked as the head captain who then snubbed walking away asking neil go to follow him. "Would you like to tag along?" Neil asked as Elias simply nodded as he planned on doing his own personal research on the organization himself.

[central hall]

"The president had chosen three regulars to partake in this mission, but one of them is unavoidable absent, who else would want to prove his worth and pickup the spot." The head captain said with Neil and another person standing behind him.

"I will" Two voices echoed as attention was drawn to only one oof them. "Excuse me but your face doesn't look familiar, are you new here?" There. head captain asked as. he stared at Elias with a keen eye. "Well actually I'm not a member, but Aki gave me an invite to join the W.M.R. so I'm here to do a little bit of research on this place." ...."When you say Aki! You mean Mr Aki the first elite...I see very well then, since you were invited by Mr Aki himself, your skills must be above average, let's see what you've got...Since you two are the only ones interested in the quest then battle for the last spot, oh and you don't underestimate your opponent, he's one of our top regulars!" The head captain said as Elias opponent stepped out of the crowds of regulars.

"I'm rex, A cardster of the W.M.R. I hope you are worth it." A bow with short spiky red hair and a muscular appearance said with a grin on his face. "At first I thought you were a nice guy, I was wrong it seems every one in this place are filth...minus one point." Elias said walking out with his hand in his pocket.

"These are the rules of the game!! no weapon, no life threatening attack and no large scale damage to the facilities, everyone else give a space of thirty meter radius." after everyone adjusted position a barrier was built around the duo by the head captain.

"Come at me when you're ready" Elias said as Rex took an exhale before stretching his hand causing a total of three cards to appear in mid air.

His eyes flickered red as one of the cards illuminated bright red releasing a fiery aura. "Flaming feet." Rex said as he crotched in a sprinting position as his feet suddenly released flame like a rocket engine he took off I'm the boosting with the flame energy. "Childish play, complete rip off." Elias said as he exhaled causing a breath of steam to flow down his nose. Just as he opened his eyes a trail of lightning covered him leaving everybody speechless as he moved with speed if lightning, he evaded the kick coming from rex with ease after which he dashed at rex in a blink of an eye throwing a punch at him.

Just as Rex smiled Elias stoped at his track as immediately a hand of shadow swiped passed his front. "Your senses are sharp but your defeat is inevitable." Rex said as hands of shadows protruded out from the ground attacking him simultaneously, Elias evaded all the attack at lightning speed, while anything the shadow hands touched instantly lost his color turning either white or black.

"There's more to it than changing colors, it's stealing the energy of anything it touches, that's why the speed of the shadows increases with time, right now they're already moving at sound speed, that's still a lot to go before it can reach my speed, but they're over ten hands so playing the defence would be useless, That's right..." Elias said as he landed on the ground with a gentle foot, he waited until four shadows were already at his trail, just as they where about to touch him, he leaped causing the shadows to touch each other thereby making them vanish.

"What the! I didn't even know such a thing is even possible, no matter I still have one last trick up my sleeve." Rex said with a wry smile as he called off all the remaining shadow hands causing one of the cards to disappear.

"You're not only smart, but also fast and also confident in your abilities but it's about to change..This last card is something I acquired newly and I've never gotten a chance to test out it's full capabilities, brace your self." Rex said as a red circle appeared on the ground, the circle covered the whole arena at this moment Elias knew what would happen next but still chose to let it unfold, immediately rex was covered in a black shell like substance followed by a sizzling sound.

from inside the shell, rex voice was heard. "Atomic bomb" Immediately inside the barrier a huge explosion happened that even the building shook to it's core...after twenty seconds everywhere settled down as the smoke cleared out.

From inside the shell rex could be heard laughing like a maniac, as he laughed not only at his victory bit also at the power of his new card, with this he was sure to be the top regular.

"Yo bro!!, tell me when the atomic bomb happens I can't see well through all these firewood smoke." Elias voice was heard as he stood there without a single scratch, all onlookers were shocked to see that he took the attack head on without a scratch while only a few saw the real truth behind it.

"He copied my barrier and created a small version for himself, interesting."The head captain said to himself as Neil also smiled at what happened before his eyes. "How come you're still alive, you should have been half dead if not obliterated." Rex said with a shaking voice...."Hahaha!!! I'm a ghost....just kidding well you did manage to leave something half dead, my ear drums...Well if you ain't going to come out from that prison I'll help you." Elias said as he walked slowly at the shell he called prison.

"There's no way you can reach me, this she'll can survive an atomic bomb so what can you possibly do to make it break?" Rex asked with a new found courage... every body was curious as to what would Elias next move be.

"is like you're forgetting something, I also survived the atomic bomb."Elias said placing his hand on the shell then applying a little bit of force causing it to instantly shatter into a million pieces...Every body was left in a stupefy manner even the head captain himself was shocked.

"This kid is far stronger than any captain this organization has to offer...No wonder Mr Aki brought him here." The head captain unconscious said aloud....But out of everyone there was no one more shocked than Rex himself. "This battle already ended the moment it began." Elias said flicking Rex's fore head which sent him crashing out if the M.W.R. in whole...."Oops, that was a little too much!"