
Turning the Tides at Isonzo

The introduction of tanks in 1914 by the Germans, or at least the revelation of them, had prompted an arms race of the highest caliber. Every nation, including the Reich's allies, were racing against time to field something viable to compete with the overwhelming supremacy the Germans still had on the battlefield.

And they had been for months now. Immediate solutions to a dire problem were seldom ideal. In fact, they were more often haphazardly felt together for the sake of fielding something, anything, to compete with the enemy's overwhelming power.

And while nations like Britain and France were working hard to build some kind of inferior clone of the German Panzer I.

A design they had no captured examples to truly examine, and were primarily operating off of written reports taken from verbal statements by soldiers who survived their onslaught, as well as one or two hazy photographs.