
Into the Nest of Vipers Part III

A week came and went before the day finally arrived for Bruno, Heidi and the kids to attend the family fathering at the von Zehntner estate. They were all dressed quite formally. With Bruno himself wearing his military uniform and all the awards he had been granted thus far in his career. Which wasn't much at the moment.

After driving together in the family automobile, the estate's servants opened the gates to reveal that there were several other automobiles parked in the driveway. This was, after all not just a gathering of Bruno and his siblings, but also his siblings' families, and that of his uncles, aunts, and cousins as well.

There were well over a hundred people gathered in the estate grounds, specifically in the back where tents had been gathered, and food was being properly catered to the guests. Those among Bruno's brothers and cousins who were actively serving in the military, of course wore their uniforms.