
Ravenous Conqueror

Caesar was isekai'd to a fantasy world in order to combat a great evil which would appear in ten years time, however there's just one problem, he can't seem to level up. That is, until a rather steamy encounter with someone of the opposite gender... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioned Cover Art by @Takabe on the webnovel discord

Feudoie_Folie · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

A Special Massage

I carefully grabbed Lady Trisha's arm to help her stand, pulling her to her feet. She quickly began to stumble, so I pulled her close, pressing her magnificent mounds into my abs. "Allow me to assist you, my Lady." I offered, practically holding her up.

She nodded drunkenly, accepting my help. I escorted her out of the room, once again moving down the hallway. I peered into the rooms again as I passed them, wondering if I would get another glimpse at the two beauties from earlier, but they were already gone. Instead, I saw a different woman as I passed. There was only one other occupied room in the luxury baths, and the Lady using it was someone I had met before.

She had shampoo bubbles in her long red hair, and her bright red eyes, similar to Trisha's, sparkled with both intelligence and strength. It was the Lady I had met outside the girl's dorm earlier, Abigail. I had known she was an accomplished swordswoman, but looking at perfectly toned body and perky but small chest almost took my breath away.

If Trisha had the body of a perfect Lady, Abigail had the body of a perfect tomboy. Both of which aroused me greatly. I licked my lips as I committed the sight to memory, promising myself to do whatever I could to get into her pants as well. But for now, I would have to wait. After all, I had a different noble lady to attend to currently.

I realized that I had slowed down in front of the door to gaze lustfully at Abigail and quickly began to move at a normal speed once more. It wouldn't be good if I got caught by one of the few people that I for sure know would beat me in a fight. It took a bit of effort, but I finally managed to lead Lady Trisha to the cubbies, and began to help her put her clothes back on. As I was helping her reenter her undergarments, a brilliant idea struck me.

Once I finished helping her put on her clothes, I used my 'Fabric Fornicator' skill to remove her undergarments without her knowing. She was too drunk to tell the difference, and this would be useful for later when I begin the massage. Besides, the thought of her being panty and braless unknowingly, was strangely a huge turn on.

Not that I was going to kink shame myself, if it turns me on, I'll gladly do it. I smiled before turning to Lady Trisha. I was a little worried over how difficult it would be to get her up to her room, she was on the third floor after all. And she wasn't even able to walk on flat ground right now, so I was worried about her attempting to climb stairs.

So, instead of letting her walk on her own, I lifted her into my arms in a princess carry. I smiled in apology towards her, "Apologies, my Lady. However, you seem to be having trouble walking, so allow me to assist you." She nodded, her hazy state still accepting what I say no matter what.

[Skill:Manipulation Mastery Up]

[Skill:Manipulation Mastery Maxed]

I raised my eyebrow in surprise as I read the notification, still carrying the drunk Lady up the stairs. I was already approaching the second floor, and once we got to the third I'd be able to let her down and merely keep hold of her arm to help her walk. I hadn't been expecting to gain the next level of Mastery so soon. Usually, it takes a lifetime of effort to surpass the gap between 'Expert' and 'Master' levels of Mastery, so those who had the highest level on their skills were known to be the top of the top in their fields.

And yet here I was, getting max level in one day. It really was strange, just like with my stats which increase far more than normal people, along with my quick level rate, there was something different about me from others. My curiosity was rapidly getting the better of me, it was something that I couldn't help but want to know. After all, it was the thing that set me apart from others.

I bit my lip with desire, and was about to turn that desire towards the woman who I was now letting down out of my hands in order to allow her to walk the rest of the way. We had just finished climbing the stairs, so there was no need to carry her anymore. However, before I turned that desire, something popped up in my vision.

[Reading user's desire…]


This was just like when my skill changed a few days ago. The same notification and response, so did that mean that my status board would listen to what I wanted? I stroked my chin in thought as we reached the door to Lady Trisha's chambers. I knocked lightly, and the same maid-in-waiting I had met earlier opened the door.

"Ah, you're finally back…" She said before turning an eye on Trisha's condition. She saw the flushed red cheeks and the obviously hazy gaze and smirked before looking at me with satisfaction. "Good, you did just what I wanted."

I tilted my head in confusion, she had wanted Trisha to get drunk? But before I could ask, she spoke again. "Now, take care of her for the next few hours as well, I have somewhere to be. I'll be back by four, so you must take care of her until then." She pushed past me as she spoke before pressing her hand against my back and shoving me forwards, into the room. Her shove didn't really move me, I just stumbled slightly, but I got the message she was sending.

I couldn't disobey her, nor would I have wanted to. This situation was actually beneficial to me. I had almost four hours alone with a drunk silver haired beauty, I was going to enjoy them.


[Class Information can now be viewed.]

'Class Information'? Did it mean Information about my Status board class? I pulled up my stats, looking at my status board. There was a new plus button situated directly next to my 'Class' label. I tapped it as I led Lady Trisha into her bedroom.

[Class: Famished

Type: Unique

Effect: Increased growth rate. Responsive towards user desires.

Extra Information: Stacked with 'The Holy Goddess's Blessing']

So it was my 'Famished' class that had been doing these things all along, something I hadn't even considered. I had honestly forgotten about my Class, as it really hadn't had a use. In fact, I had been using the Classes of others like this was an mmo back on earth, simply to tell me what kind of fighter they were. But it seemed that classes actually gave an effect, and mine was a ridiculously overpowered one.

I smirked, just like when I had first realized the strength of 'Ravenous', this was a good feeling. I rode that elated feeling as I helped Lady Trisha strip down. I had told her that she needed to be in her underwear to get a massage, so she was complying and allowing me to take her clothes off.

Of course, she still hadn't realized that she didn't have any undergarments on, but I wasn't going to tell her. She was too drunk to notice anyway, and this would help if she still somehow remembered the events of today when she sobered, as she would still think that she had her underwear on.

I once more admired her perfect body as I helped her lie flat on her stomach on the bed. I gazed at her pale skin for a moment before slowly starting my massage, pressing my hardened hands into her pale skin and slowly beginning to make her relax. I used the full extent of my new acquired skills, breaking down her tensions and getting her to relax further and further. Until finally I grew a bit daring, slipping one of my hands down to her lower half.

My hand lightly touched her slit, pressing against it gently while my other hand worked overtime on her top half in order to draw her attention. I slowly but surely put more and more pressure on her pussy, before finally I was fully touching it with my hand. She hadn't reacted, meaning her drunken, pleasure filled mind hadn't even registered that she was being touched.

This was good, I got even bolder, going as far as playing with her pussy while I massaged the area around it with my other hand. Her juices began to flow out, wettening the area around her crotch. I upped my assault, causing moans to break out from her inebriated mouth. I played to my heart's content, messing up her lower lips and playing with her forbidden bean like I was a child in a toy store.

Her moans increased, but the look on what part of her face I could see was quite the sight. She was soaked in desire and pleasure, but also had a confused expression on her face. She seemed unable to comprehend why and ordinary massage was making her feel this way.

Finally, I finished her off, ending it with both hands as one of them rubbed softly against her clit while the other invaded her insides for the first time, feeling as her previously unseparated lips pulled apart for my finger as I pushed it inside of her. She moaned out loudly and shook before collapsing in a heap. I pulled my hands away from her crotch and began to massage normally once again.

I watched as her heavy breathing quickly quieted and then turned to the soft snores of someone who had fallen asleep. I smiled, this was what I was waiting for. I flopped my fully erect member out of my skirt, once again creating a hole for it, and let it land softly onto her exposed bottom. I felt the soft elasticity of her butt press against my throbbing rod, making me nearly go crazy with lust.

But I paced myself, after all I had almost four hours of time with her. First, I brought my cock back to her mouth, the very first thing I had put it in back in the bath. I aligned to her mouth entrance, which was currently sitting agape as she snored, and pushed forwards. I made my precum taste like a luxury sweet, so when her unconscious mouth and tongue tasted it, they began to automatically suck, trying to get more of that sweetness.

The pressure was new to me, as it was a blowjob of a type I had never had before. The pressure wasn't a lot, it wasn't like the vacuum blowjob she had given earlier, but it wasn't non-existent either, it was just enough to make my tip feel wonderful while not pushing me to the brink. I smiled, and slowly pushed my cock deeper. She had deepthroated me earlier today, but she had been sent into a coughing fit afterwards, so I didn't go that deep. Instead I went deep enough to where I barely wasn't touching the end of her mouth and moved back and forth from there.

The new sensation quickly got me into the mood, as I began to move faster and faster before I finally reached the brink and let loose sweet tasting jizz all over her mouth. I continued to spurt wave after wave as I let my hands caress her beautiful body. My gaze slowly moved from her mouth, passing her beautiful neckline and resting on her perfect breasts that were currently contorted by my wandering hands, before moving down to her untouched lower half.

I licked my lips, unable to stop myself. I pulled my still throbbing cock out of her mouth, leaving her to swallow my cum, before positioning myself between her legs. I brought my tip to her gushing entrance and smirked as I thrusted forwards.

You are right, he is evil... but that's not a bad thing for this story.

Thanks for reading!

Feudoie_Foliecreators' thoughts