

Amarachi_Ojukwu_6308 · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs

Chapter two.

Scurrying in the direction where everyone was heading she found herself being pushed by the busy crowd into the cafeteria.

Once no one was pushing her she straightened her outfit.

She looked up ahead and rushed to the lunch line, after a few moments of waiting she was finally out of the line .

She began to wonder why she even bothered getting lunch when she wasn't hungry.

She twisted the soft piece of hair that she deliberately left loose ,a bad habit she'd say ,she found herself twisting it at all times.

Amara was snapped from her thoughts when she heard giggling she turned and sure enough they were talking about her.

It was then she realised she had been standing in the middle of the cafeteria twisting her hair with a burger in hand.

Her cheeks burned with embarrassment ,she looked down making sure no one saw her flushed cheeks.

She plopped down onto the bench.

She firmly placed her burger atop and pulled out her phone.

She scrolled through her contacts smiling now and then . Boy did she miss home where she was treated like a God and not some delinquent.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and she scrolled further looking for her best friends number she clicked on the familiar name and sent her a quick hi before turning her phone off and twisting her hair yet again.

"What is that".

The Voice sounded utterly unique but in terms of irritation.

Amara quickly got up knowing they were referring to her as the that.

She tucked her phone into her designer jeans and walked past receiving a few 'ew's .

She only caught a glimpse of their conversation and that was

'he's coming'.

She sighed yet again and decided to wander the halls to drain time .

She stopped in her tracks when she couldn't find her way to her locker ,she took a deep drag from the air and tried to re-trace her steps but unfortunately she had nothing.

She looked through her bag retrieving the card with her locker number and looked at the nearest locker towards her.

"38",she muttered .

Just great and her locker was 101.

She palmed her face and turned around, but stopped when she ran into something, no someone.

She looked up at the person and was faced with a gorgeous boy .

"Watch it RAT".

Nope she takes the compliment back he doesn't deserve it.

Her hand automatically raised itself to her hair and she twirled it offering a sorry.

"You better be ",he replied pushing past her.

Her eyes trailing after him.

"Idiot",she said more to her self than him.

She twisted her hair yet again and descended down the corridor .

When she reached her locker she yelped with joy not that there was anything special in it but hey a girl gotta love her belongings.

Moments later the siren rang and the same twinkling and numbing sensation hit her and left her with her hands pressed to her ears.

Students passing by laughed at her, but she honestly wasn't getting used to the sound anytime soon.

She huffed and looked at her time table ,her body relaxed and she smirked she had a free period.

Another shock rushed through her what was she supposed to do during her free period .

She groaned twirling her hair again.

Suddenly an idea popped up and she couldn't agree more with her self. She hurriedly emptied the contents from her locker into her bag.

She ran over to the principals office and knocked at his door .

Unlike her locker she was fully aware of the location.


With that she opened the door cringing at the squeaking noise.

"Ah Amara it's a pleasure to see you".

She smiled, at least someone was nice to her or he was just doing his job.

"You too sir",she said taking her seat.

Before she could let him speak she cut him short she was a person who liked to get straight to the point.

"I was actually wondering whether you could give me the keys to my dorm so I could um pack my things and tidy things up ".

He nodded and his hand disappeared from the arm rest of his chair and into his draw.

He pulls out the key.

"I'm sorry the room may be in a state".

She nodded and got up from her seat.

"Um where is it and my bags."

He rang a small bell and seconds later a woman came in flinching at the sight of her.

"Is there anything I could get for you".

He nodded "take this young lady to his old room and take her suitcases".

She nodded offering me a death glare.

"Oh she's the mayor's daughter".

Her face lit up and she looked at her with her eyes glimmering causing Amara to scoff.

What changed cause she's rich plenty people judge her cause she's black and moving didn't make anything easier.

She avoided questions from the lady every time she tried to make small conversation with her.

'i hate pretence',she said to herself.

When she got to the room she almost passed due to the state the room was in, it could leave someone running for their life.

She pulled her suitcases in and thumped it on the floor.

"I could help you", the lady offered.

"No need ",Amara replied slaming the door in her face.

"Pig",she muttered throwing herself onto her bed.

She sprung up almost immediately wiping the wetness off her shoulder and behind .

Amara looked at the bed in disgust there was one in the right-hand corner and another in the left-hand corner of the room .

She ripped the covers off both beds and looked in her bag for perfume she sprayed it on the bare mattress before pulling out her white duvet.

She shook it riding any dirt and placed it on the bed.

Thank goodness she was not sharing a room.

Where her parents got the idea for her to live on campus she didn't know.

She dug deeper in her suitcase and pulled out eight continentals .

She rolled her eyes why many pillows .

She cased them in her black pillow cases and applied them firmly too her bed.

She looked over to the other bed and pulled a black duvet from her suitcase and placed it on the other bed and did the pillows mixing white and black.

She could fit even an elephant in the suitcase.

The walls seemed to be white but now they had turned brown.

She kicked the clothes on the floor and the carpet was black.

She smirked a black and white room.

She walked out of the room and stole a bucket, a cloth and soap from the bathroom before returning but she ran into the lady from earlier on.

"Could you do me a favour",she asked .

"Sure anything ",the lady replied.

"Follow me",Amara said leading the way .

She got to the room and flung it open.

"Could you wash these",she said pointing at the endless number of clothes sprawled across the floor.

She nodded piling them into a basket before exiting her room.

"I'm gonna give her a tip",Amara reassured herself.

She drew the beds to the middle and got on all fours she washed the walls ,swept the floor washed the carpet removed the posters from the walls applying a clock on the wall.

She returned the beds in their rightful places and shined the floor.

When she had offloaded all her clothing into one of the wardrobes she sighed making sure her clothes were folded in a straight and organised line.

She sprayed the room with perfume and soon after she heard a knock on the door.

The lady was holding the clothes neatly folded in her hands and it actually looked like she ironed them.

"I washed them and ironed ",she said making her way to the empty wardrobe and organising the clothes.

Whoever they belonged to they had to come get them.

Amara pulled out her purse handing her a hundred dollar bill before walking her to the door.

"I like what you've done to the place ".

Amara gave her a bored nod attempting to close the door.

"Did you know there's a bathroom there", she said pointing to the door across one of the beds.

Amara looked at her amused well she didn't know that.

"I'm Tina".


Tina led the way to the door and flung it open revealing a shower a toilet and a sink .

Amara couldn't help the smile the crept up her face the toilet set was neatly sewn and the shower walls were glass.

"Wow", Amara gasped.

"Yea this was put in weeks ago".

Amara nodded .

"Well thanks Tina".

She nodded.

Amara led her to the door and it was already darkening.

"Dinner", Amara called out.

"I'll have it delivered to you guys".

Amara nodded but wondered what she meant by guys probably a slip of a tongue perhaps.

She plugged in her head phones and smiled her room looked epic.

She plunged them out and rushed to her wardrobe taking her toiletries and placing them in the bathroom .

"Perfect " she said .

She popped onto the bed and was interrupted by a video call from her mom.

She answered it.

"Oh my baby what did they make you do did they make you clean did you make any friends."

Her mom was quite the drama queen.

"Mom relax they didn't make me do anything ",she laughed.

"And they didn't make me clean", she lied.

Her mom would freak if she found out but Amara was a person who kept her stuff tidy.

"Ya I made one friend",she replied referring to Tina.

Her mom nodded and the phone started glitching probably a network problem and she just switched it off.

A knock on the door pulled her away from the intense gaze she was giving the phone.

She walked over to the door and there stood Tina with a smile plastered on her face with two plates in hand.

"Hey can I eat here".

Amara nodded and led her into the room.

Pigs on earth was she that desperate!.



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