
rat race

it's a nightmare it's mostly about rat's being apart of it you are the main careckter the ending difference is from each nightmare

Kitty2o · สยองขวัญ
1 Chs

First race

So I first got this idea as a dream, so i decided to write about it.

also, I'm really bad at English, so don't be mad at your mistakes

you don't remember how or why, but you were already here, so no backing down

you walk into an abandoned subway station

as you walked down the stairs, you saw a bar near a lot of tables

some people were sitting there, with friends or alone

you go ahead and sit down behind one if of the tables

there are metal siercles around like small stages

out of nowhere, an alarm sounds then someone speaks through the microfon

"test group 5 all failed, from 25 contests 8 left, nobody achieved the objective of survival without a scratch "

on eight of the siecle metal stages are dropped people haf dead, you noticed that the stages are already covered in hundreds of layers of blood

I don't regret coming I'm not afraid

the thoughts, sircel in your head

the people leave