
Rare among the Rare

an unknown boy dies due to family problems and reincarnates in a new world with new things to learn and discover, the only problem is that he is no longer human. AN:That is my first ever time writing a novel and english is not my mais language soooo, sorry for any mistakes.

Leeohn · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

New home

We arrived at a 10 meter high door after a few minutes of flying, that means everyone who wants to enter the city has to be that size naturally or they would have to go through the minimization station, it had some golden symbols engraved on it, probably letters , which lined up in a circle, but the most dazzling thing was the two silver dragon statues on each side of the gate, each 10 meters high.

'Mom':"Why is so extravagant.".

'Dad':" I don't know, I think they value the appearance of the city more than the quality of life, ugh those statues must have cost a lot."

'Mom':"It was a rhetorical question but i think is true, well nothing we can do about it and it doesn't harm us so whatever."

'Dad':"Yeah, let's get going.".

my father pushed open the gate and blinding lights began to fill the hallway making me cover my eyes, i open my eyes slowly getting used to the light and after a few seconds i can see the city up close, dozens of dragons walking and flying all everywere, several houses separated by roads were lined up in threes with shops, restaurants and other types of establishments amongst them, the road we were on was very long reaching a big building in the middle of the city with a square around it, while the houses and shops were between 20 and 30 meters, this construction easily reached 100 meters, not counting the tower in the middle of it that had another 100 meters alone, totaling 200 meters in height, I wasn't surprised since I had already seen the city from above while we were flying, my brothers seem disappointed with my reaction.

We started walking towards the giant building, then we turned the fifth street on the right and continued our way until we reached a house a little bigger than the others, despite being relatively close to the entrance, it took us hours to get there because we kept being stopped by countless dragons who saw me and asked my father, he always gave the same answer and did everything to stop the conversation as quickly as possible.

Lon:"FINALLY, this took forever, why do dragons have to be so curious, ugh."

'Dad':"You can't blame them, it's not every day you see a newborn and even more so a white dragon, well let's go.".

We entered and to my surprise it was a very normal house, it had a kitchen and living room together in the same room, in the living room there was only a small round table while in the kitchen there was a counter with various spices, a sink with several cabinets next to it , a wood stove and a dining table in the middle of everything, strangely there was no chair, in the corner of the room there was a hallway with four doors that were the bedrooms, one of them had a scratch making an X, now my brothers were happy with my reaction.

"Welcome home!".

Everybody said at the same time, in my past life i didn't have the best family i was still conflicted about it all especially my new mom, i didn't hate my old one for what she did, i just couldn't, but i think it helped me to accept this new family, I didn't know many people in that life and my mom wasn't much of a talker, so having such a lively family made me happy, it was a new beginning.

'Mom':"I'm going to prepare dinner there, Lon come help me.".


They made their way to the kitchen, My mother took some wood that was kept in a corner and put it under the stove, she concentrated on the wood and suddenly it caught fire, then she takes a pan and puts it on the stove.

'Mom':"Fill this up for me Lon.".


A blue vortex formed on top of the pan and water began to fall into the pan, my mother then takes a piece of meat and puts it to boil in the pan with some other unknown ingredients.

"They use magic even for this.". i inwardly muttered.

My father put me in the living room desk.

Lyra:"Hey i wanna do something interesting.".

'Dad':"What do you want to do?".

Lyra:"Let's test his intelligence, hey Tay let's play Dragon Cross.".

Tay:"Okay but how this will help we test him?".

Lyra:"If he is very intelligence he will learn and play with us.".

Tay:"I don't think this will work but ok.".

They pick up some king of coal and start drawing on the table.

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Lyra:"Look over here little guy.".

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"Was that tic tac toe?" I asked my self, i've never lost in my first life and that won't change in my second.

Tay:"Okay i win.".

Lyra:"Damn it, okay it's your turn little guy, you need to form a line with the your symbols, you can start with this one." She point at the X.

Tay:"I will mark for him.".

They make another grid.

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They stare at me waiting for me to do something, i think for a minute and walk to the middle space and start jumping, their eyes widen.

'Dad':"Did he actually understand?".

My mother and Lon suddenly appear and join in the fun.

'Mom':"What is he doing?".

Tay:"He's playing Dragon Cross with Lyra.".

Lon:"Really? Imagine she lost to him ahahaha.".

Lyra:"This won't happen you idiot, he is just a newborn.".

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Tay:"Did you really lost to a newbo-".

Lyra:"SHUT UP!".


yesterday i was kinda busy sorry i will still release one more today as apologies.

Leeohncreators' thoughts