
CHP 1 Zoo

"Kakaka" a green and blue rooster chirped outside causing a young woman to awake.

Slowly rising the young woman looked sluggish and tired

"Oh My God it's today" the young lady jumped out of bed.

Her room was small it was made seemingly mainly out of blue and green dirt. Her bed was made out of blue wool and green wood. She had a very small window and a desk right under it.

She began to stare into the mirror

She had long black hair

Her small eyes were far apart

Her nose was small and small freckles were on her cheek thin lips with barely noticeable eyebrows and most importantly she was blue and was 5'7 at 14 years old

"LeLa Hurry up and help set the table your father is almost here" TarLeLa Mom yelled

"Coming" TarLeLa responded before throwing off her night gown and wearing a pink dress

Rushing downstairs to her mother and giving her a hug her mother was 6'4 and was a very darker blue skin than her daughter while her daughter skin was almost see through blue hers was darker

"Lord your gonna be tall like your grandmother come help me set the table" TarLeLa mom said pushing her daughters hair to the side to look at her face

"Mom we he servants to do that lets go meet daddy at the station" TarLeLa shouted with a big smile one her face

"TarLeLa" a voice came from behind it was TarLeLa cousin TarSamson

He looked and dressed wearing a brown vest and brown shirt and also had darker skin than TarLeLa

"Ugh mom why is he here" TarLeLa began to protest annoyed at the sight of her cousin

"He is in town for the week and you two will be spending time together" TarLeLa mom responded weaving past other servants bringing food to the table

"BUT MOM DADS COMING TO HOME FOR THE WEEK" TarLeLa pouted and watered her eyes

"Dont be like that your father ask-" before TarLeLa mother could respond she dropped her tray after bumping into a servant spilling some of the the drinks onto her shirt

"Please forgive me your highness Tar" The servant said bowing hard almost breaking her back.

Snapping her fingers twice two guards grabbed the lady and walked her out

"Great you made me cause a accident TarLeLa go play with your cousin and goodbye and don't leave this property again young lady"

Before TarLeLa could say anything her cousin grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her out

"Come I want a rematch in misto" Tarsamson said with a big grin on his face

"You haven't beaten me yet in this game loser" TarLeLa laughed following Sam outside onto the property misto was rock paper scissors but different

"Rock" a rock appeared in front of both of them floating "paper!" next it changed to paper floating in front of them "scissors!"again the object changed to scissors "Shoot!"

*ZIPPP* The sound of a spaceship came into the atmosphere


*BOOM* and explosion happend on the ship

FACTS::: Tar is the family last name depending of your birth your last name will always be said first and everyone in your family has it besides poor people they can't afford last names(jk only royalty)

Fact :::: THE ZOO POPULATIN CANT SURVIE LONG IN TGE COLD AND MIGRATE EVERY 6 months and all have multiple homes