
Random Lemon Book

Generating smuts from my other sites or those I collab with.

Captain_Valkyrie · อื่นๆ
56 Chs

Servitude (Original)

Featuring: Original characters


Several years ago.....

A strawberry-blonde haired female knight named Vala panted as she through the High Winds Forest which near the edge of the Principality of Temnota's border, exhausted and out of magic. Her armor was broken with most of the upper one, leaving her only in her ruined shirt and bra and her sword was so chipped, one weak attack was all it needed to break. Her body sported bruises and her abdomen bleeding from where that Dark Wolf scratched her, three claw marks that bleed profusely.

Out of breath and no magic to replenish her stamina, she was forced to stop and lean on a tree, giving her time to catch her breath despite the risk of her assailant catching up to her. "Why?" She muttered as she recalled the events that had led to this.

The King of the Cacuria Kingdom had died from poisoning and the Queen, who hated her with a passion, took power and framed her for the assassination. The Queen saw the Vala as a threat to her position, but could not touch her as the King appointed her as his personal guard and thus under his protection. It was only after she poisoned him that she could do whatever she wants.

Everyone Vala knew, friends and allies, quickly turned on her and she was thrown to jail for a crime never committed. However, not content with that punishment, the Queen then forced her an impossible task: to assassinate Empress Frey of the Principality of Temnota and be pardoned of her crimes. If Vala fails, she will be immediately executed upon returning. She was faced with a difficult choice but had no other choice if she were to be free.

For the first two weeks, the framed woman couldn't find an opportunity to attack the demoness due to the fact she was surrounded by at least one or two of her monsters. Then by some miracle, the woman saw Frey without her monsters sitting on a tree stump near the lake and took the chance to attack from behind. But to Vala's shock, Frey had formed a barricade to block her magic-fueled sword before being assaulted by a hidden Dark Wolf. It was Frey revealed she was aware of her location and and cast a spell that hid one of her Dark Wolves until the female knight struck.

Though skilled with a sword and in magic, she was no match for the Dark Wolf in the first place despite being only 5 and a half feet tall, smaller compared to the average size of a Dark Wolf. Barely a minute in and Vala was getting her ass handed to her and was forced to flee, with the werewolf in pursuit. Part of her wanted to regain her freedom for the false accusation, but the other part knew she would die either way, from the Queen or the Dark Wolf.

A loud howl snapped her out of it and Vala turned to see the werewolf lunging at her with his claws poised for a swing. In a final act, she swung her sword forward and could only watch in shock and horror as her only weapon was shattered and let out a cry of pain as the monster knocked her over.

Now truly out of options, Vala could only lay there and watch as the Dark Wolf stood over and and raised his arm up, ready to kill the female knight that dared to attack his master. Vala in turn merely closed her eyes, accepting her death and wanting to end her suffering. But it seemed someone else had different plans for her.

"Now, now, my pet." Frey's voice chastised as Vala opened her eyes to see the demoness walking up to her, waving her finger. "She's valuable to me alive, so try not to harm her too much." The Dark Wolf whimpered at her scolding tone but nodded and back off as Frey knelt next Vala, cupping her chin.

"Don't die on me just yet dear." Frey said as she her hand formed a magic spell. But by this point her injuries proved too much and Vala passed out before the demoness could say anything further.


For what seemed like forever, Vala gasped and opened her eyes as she sat upright. She winced and put a hand over her head as she soothed the headache that attacked her. "W-Where am I?" She wondered as the female knight glanced around and saw that she was in a room of sorts while she sat there on a blanket.

It was only when a breeze that passed by and made Vala shiver from the cold did she looked down and blushed to see that she had been stripped of her clothing and armor, regardless of her injuries being healed with no scars shown. But her embarrassment turned to fear when a growling made turn her head and Vala's hear sinks as she sees the same Dark Wolf that had accompanied Frey a few feet away from her looking at her with those pierce yellow eyes. However, instead of rage, it was replaced with lust as he eyed Vala's nude body with his stiff 10-inch cock between his legs as he slowly walks towards her when she woke up.

Vala covered her supple F-cup breasts with her arms and twisted her legs protect her exposed pussy and looking away in a vain attempt to defend her purity from the advancing Dark Wolf. But at this point, was there even anything worth defending? She was ostracized by the people of the Cacuria Kingdom after the Queen had framed her and she'd lost everything other than her dignity, which the Dark Wolf will also take from her today. Without her sword and her magic depleted, she was defenseless.

And yet a voice appeared in her head, whispering to Vala that she is better off submitting her body to the beast, that she's better off surrendering to Frey and whatever demands she gives. Since she was betrayed by the country she loyally served, there was no point trying to regain her honor from the venomous Queen who used her as a scapegoat...

In the end, the voice won her over. Looking back at the Dark Wolf, who was now a few feet from her, Vala lowered her arms and twists her legs back so that both her breasts and pussy were visible for him to see as she spread her legs apart, showing that she was submitting to him. And Vala got the reaction she'd expected when he let out a howl and jumped at her.

Vala yelped when the Dark Wolf grabbed her legs and pulled her closer to him before leaning down and began licking her neck while his claws hands groped and groped her soft breasts, sometimes squeezing them as he switched between licking her breasts and throat. "Nngh~!" She whimpered as she felt his hot breath on her throat as he wasted no time asserting his dominance over her. Frey gave him explicit orders not to harm Vala too much and he was wise not to disobey his master who let him fuck her since he was Frey's favorite.

The disgraced knight panted with a flushed face and felt her pussy leaking juices against his raging cock as Vala lets the Dark Wolf have his way with her, there was no point redeeming herself so she might as well become Frey's plaything. After having his fill, the Dark Wolf grabbed Vala by her ass and gently slammed her against the wall as he rubbed his cock against pussy.

Knowing the inevitable is about to come, Vala wrapped her legs around his waist and braced herself for an intense fucking. The Dark Wolf waited for a bit before plunging his cock into her depths, 9 of its 10 inches inside the female knight. Vala gave a squeal of shock and pleasure as she was completely filled within a second. However the white werewolf didn't wait for Vala to adjust to his size and began thrusting away, his claws digging into her plump ass as he pounded the disgraced female knight.

"Ngh~!" She brought a finger to her mouth and bit into it hard, crying out in ecstasy from the feeling of her pussy being spread repeatedly by the beast. Saliva drools down from her mouth to her chin as her body rocked up and down on his cock as her F-cup breasts swayed with the motion along with her buttcheeks due to the intense force the Dark Wolf put into his thrusts. His mouth attached to her throat once more as he began coating it with his saliva, marking her with his scent like an animal would with his territory.

Her breath came in hot pants and sweat trickled down her head to her chin and dripped down to his head as he cock spread her pussy open again and again, never stopping even once to take a breather. Soon, Vala had reached her limits and a loud cry escaped her lips as she came, her body shaking as her pussy clenched around the Dark Wolf's cock and squeezed it for its semen while squirting juices all over him.

This pushed him over the edge as well and howled hilted himself deep in Vala and she felt his cock swell up as it deposits hot liquid into her vaginal caverns. Every twitch sent a load of semen into her as she was creampied. By the time the 19th load was inside her, Vala was amazed that her belly hadn't even bulged from the amount of cum each one. Thankfully his orgasm calmed down as he stopped cumming.

The Dark Wolf huffed and detached from her throat as he stared into the panting Vala's eyes. Despite the werewolf being 5 inches smaller, the female knight gulped as his eyes radiated more power, unsurprising given he was Frey's favorite. But she wasn't given enough time to ponder her thoughts given a rest when the Dark Wolf set her down from the wall only to turn her body around while still inside her so that her back as facing her and her facing away from the wall. 

"Hey! What are you-" Vala's protest was cut off when the Dark Wolf reached for her arms and tied them behind her back with the blanket she was put on. With his partner bound, his clawed hands gripped her waist and is prepared go for another round which made Vala gasp.

"W-Wait! At least give me a moment of rest! I haven't recovered yet! Mercy!" Vala begged as she squirmed, but it fell on deaf ears as the Dark Wolf began thrusting anew, pulled her resisting body back to him as he rutted her for a second time. Her protests turned to moans as her body rocked back and forth from the hard thrusts. She closed her eyes and mewled as she was being screwed once more. Sweat formed from her body and dripped from her chin or breasts as she took the pounding without much issue.

"Enjoying my pet I see." Vala's eyes flew open and gasped in mortification she saw Frey was standing over the entrance door, arms crossed under her massive breasts and looking amused as she saw her pet having fun with her prisoner. "Oh no, don't mind me over here. Just continue." Frey giggled and waved her off as the Dark Wolf continued rutting the female knight.

"Mm~!" Vala's head was spinning from both the feeling of her pussy getting spread by a werewolf and the the embarrassment of the demoness watching her getting railed. Vala didn't know what to make of it, but she just wanted things to end. It seemed her beastly partner heard her thoughts and gave what she wanted when his claws hand reached for her strawberry-blonde hair and yanked it backwards, his howls joining Vala's screams as they came together, her pussy squeezing his cock as he delivers a second creampie, pumping her full of his cum.

This time, her pussy was unable to take the same amount inside her and cum started leaking around her stuffed pussy and either trickled down her legs or leaked like a broken faucet. It was so hot it was a miracle Vala hadn't passed out from the intense orgasm. Frey clapped and laughed as she witness the entire thing happen in front of her before making her way towards them.

When it was done, the Dark Wolf released his hold oh Vala's hair although he didn't pull out yet. Vala could only look down, panting in exhaustion while tears formed in her eyes as she sniffed at the fate that been bestowed upon her. Betrayed by her country and now a cocksleeve for a beast. She would've ended her life then and there. But while she was treated as trash in the Cacuria Kingdom, Frey would treat her as a treasure.

"Now, now. Don't cry, my dear." Frey said with a soothing voice as she placed Vala's head on her breasts and began patting her, which surprisingly calmed the female knight down. "You've been through a lot haven't you? That cunt framed you and you were left with nothing." Vala didn't utter a word but Frey knew what she was feeling.

"You want revenge, don't you? Revenge against those who turned on you and against the Queen who put you through all of this?" Frey asked. "Then join me. Join my cause and I will give you power." Vala remained silent for a bit but then gently lift her head up as her cerulean eyes meet Frey's purple.

"I..... I accept." Frey's smile grew bigger as she caressed her newest soldier's head.