
The Heaviness of Betrayal(2.4)

*In the fallout of duplicity, the reverberations of torment resound through the Sen family, leaving broke hearts and cracked bonds in their wake.*

Storyteller: As Akira got back, his heart weighty with the weight of his mom's selling out, he ended up immersed in a storm of feelings that took steps to consume him entirety. The heaviness of her falsehoods pushed ahead upon him like a stifling cover, suffusing his very being with a feeling of despondency and frustration.

Mrs. Sen: (her voice touched with priggish fulfillment) See, dear? I let you know it was overall a good thing. Presently Ayumi will understand that Akira isn't the right kid for her, and he can zero in on his examinations like we've for a long time needed.

Storyteller: With a feeling of valid frustration consuming inside him, Mr. Sen could never again stay quiet notwithstanding his better half's insensitivity.

Mr. Sen: (his voice loaded up earnestly) No, what you did was off-base. Akira merits better compared to this. I will find Ayumi and cause her to grasp reality.

Storyteller: However before Mr. Sen could take his action, Akira's condition got downright ugly, his body wracked with vicious spasms as he multiplied over in distress.

Akira: (his voice stressed and powerless) No... try not to contact me...

Storyteller: With a sinking heart, Mr. Sen and his better half raced to their child's side, their hands connecting in a purposeless endeavor to comfort him.

Mrs. Sen: (her voice loaded up with concern) Akira, what's up? Is it true that you are feeling debilitated?

Akira: (his breathing toiled) I... I don't have the foggiest idea...

Storyteller: As time passes, Akira's condition deteriorated, his body shaking with fever as he battled to get a handle on the unrest seething inside him.

Mr. Sen: (his voice loaded up with stress) We want to get him to a specialist, presently.

Storyteller: Yet before they could act, Akira rose to his feet with an assurance that gave a false representation of his debilitated express, his eyes on fire with a fire that consumed more brilliant than any fever.

Akira: (his voice loaded up with resolve) No... I needn't bother with a specialist. I should be separated from everyone else.

Storyteller: With that, Akira withdrew to the safe-haven of his room, his strides reverberating through the quiet halls of the house as he locked the entryway behind him.

Alone in the murkiness, Akira fell onto his bed, his heart weighty with the heaviness of selling out and trickery. What's more, as he lay there, consumed by the stifling hug of his own hopelessness, he realize that the street ahead would be laden with vulnerability and torment. In any case, in the midst of the dimness, a flash of trust stayed, a gleam of light that murmured of recovery and pardoning on the way.

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