
CHAPTER 2 - Reality

My first step is to think positive about myself and to not get angry at anyone easily.( Because I get angry very easily and I am moody)

Currently it is evening here and surprisingly I have managed to keep thinking positive. Who would have known that suddenly my parents will start fighting and all my determination to be poisitive and change my world will bring me to the reality of my life.

Reality of my own life, which is how much I try but cannot forget. My daily life is not a movie or a drama with a happy ending. People do different things to escape reality as they cannot face it or they don't face it. I did the same by escaping it, through distracting myself from their voices to the voices coming through my earphones.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot escape the reality. But you can ignore it unless and until it harma some one.

Sweetfoodlovercreators' thoughts