
New Mysteries

As Ikki slowly came to consciousness, he groaned and rubbed his throbbing head. He tried to recall how he ended up in this situation, but his memories were a blur. Suddenly, he heard a loud metallic sound that abruptly awakened him, and he quickly opened his eyes to see that he was no longer in the cave where he had slept.No one around, only delicate rustle of the wind.

He looked around, perplexed, and mumbled sarcastically to himself, {"This isn't my normal hangout. I guess I got turned around on my way to the shop."}

He muttered, "What the hell?" as he attempted to move. But his attempt was met with resistance as he found his hair tangled in the branches. "Of all the ways to wake up, this has to be the worst," he grumbled, trying to free himself.

He immediately discovered he was in a freezing hole between the branches of a massive tree, and his body was in awful shape. His wounds were re-bleeding, and the intense cold was making him disoriented. He became aware of a major issue.

"Why do I feel like I've been hit by a truck?" he grumbled to himself as he assessed his injuries.

As he moved slowly over the freezing desert, he began to notice his surroundings. He observed there was a lot of snow, yet the trees were enormous.

He trudged along for what felt like hours, his body slowly succumbing to the extreme cold.

As he walked, Ikki couldn't help but comment on the strangeness of his surroundings. "What is this place? Did I fall into some kind of twisted fairy tale?" he muttered to himself sarcastically. "Gigantic trees and snow mountains... I don't think I'm in Japan any longer."

As he carried on, his body trying to keep moving, Ikki's thoughts began to wander. "How did I end up here? Was it some sort of spell? Or maybe some sort of cutting-edge technology?"

He gazed around at the surreal landscape, his eyes scanning the white forest and the snowy mountains that loomed in the distance. Everything seemed to be covered in a thick layer of snow, giving the landscape an otherworldly feel. The trees were twisted and gnarled, and their branches seemed to stretch towards the sky as if they were trying to escape the cold.

Ikki trudged through the snow, his breath forming visible clouds of mist in the frigid air. He wondered how long he had been walking and how much longer he would have to endure the freezing cold. He looked up at the sky, but all he could see was an endless expanse of white clouds.

"Ugh, I've had enough of this cold for a few lifetimes," he muttered to himself, shivering as a gust of wind blew snow in his face.

He was lost in thinking when he felt a soft and velvety thing under his foot and was propelled into the air with a loud roar. As he flew through the air, time seemed to slow down, the cold wind rushing past him as he sought to find his bearings. As he urgently looked for something to cling onto, he could hear his own heart thumping in his chest.

Ikki's body responded instantly to the sudden threat as he was catapulted into the air. His muscles stiffened, preparing for the hit. His pulse rate increased dramatically, pushing blood to his limbs and preparing them for war. His breathing became shallow and quick, providing oxygen to his brain and muscles. His senses were all on high alert, taking in every detail of the situation.

As he flew through the air, his eyes widened as he saw a massive monster that resembled a cross between a silverback gorilla and a bear, with a large black nose, two strong arms, and human-like eyes with white sclera. Ikki took a deep breath and swiftly studied the creature's anatomy for any flaws he may exploit.

Ikki's mind started to recall the various books he had read about the weaknesses of dangerous animals. He remembered reading about the soft spots on a bear's neck and the vulnerable areas on a gorilla's belly. As he watched the beast, he tried to find any similar weak points that he could exploit.

He watched the beast move, its muscles rippling beneath its fur and its breath coming out in huge puffs of steam.

His hands instinctively went to his katana, withdrawing it in a swift motion. As he landed on his back in a snowdrift, when he thought he was going to crash down into the snow below, he managed to twist his body and land on his feet. He stumbled backward, feeling the impact of the landing reverberate through his bones. His katana still at the ready. His body was still in fight-or-flight mode, his muscles tense, and his breathing rapid. He stared at the beast, waiting for it to make the first move, his mind racing with possible strategies.

As he stared down the beast, Ikki couldn't help but let out a wry smile. "You know, they say a true gentleman always waits for his opponent to make the first move," he quipped, trying to lighten the tension. The beast growled in response, its eyes fixed on Ikki. He tightened his grip on his sword, ready to defend himself if necessary.

Yet when the beast slowly raised to a bipedal stance and locked eyes with him, Ikki felt a peculiar emotion flood over him. It was as though something had anchored him to the ground. For the first time in a long time, panic crept into his head, leaving his thoughts muddled and incoherent. He tried to ignore the emotion, but it was impossible to concentrate with the huge beast peering down at him.

He felt strange, as if something had locked him in place. For the first time in a long time, he felt fear. "What the hell is this thing?" Ikki muttered, his voice quivering. "I don't stand a chance against it!" Ikki raised his katana, pointing it at the beast as he prepared to fight for his life.

But as the creature slowly stepped towards him, its eyes fixed on him like a predator stalking its prey, a sudden fear overtook him. It felt like his body was locked in place, and he couldn't move a muscle. In that moment, he prayed that someone would come and save him.

The beast smirked in a scarily human-like fashion, slowly stepping closer to Ikki as if he were nothing but a snack. Ikki could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and his breaths came in short, gasping gasps. And then it happened. But as the beast raised one of its muscular arms to strike, he let out a shout of desperation and fear, calling upon his strength and determination to fight back.

A flash of snow exploded in front of him, and all he could see was a blur moving impossibly fast through the beast. The blade sliced through the air, and with a loud clang, it connected with the beast's thick hide. For a moment, everything seemed to slow down, and the two combatants were locked in a fierce struggle.

A loud clank sounded through the snowy field, followed by a deafening boom, and then silence.

The creature's eyes widened in surprise as it realized the danger it was in. With lightning-fast reflexes, it tried to dodge, but it was too late. Ikki's blade struck true, slicing cleanly through the creature's midsection. There was a deafening sound, like the cracking of thunder, as the blade made contact with flesh and bone.

The creature let out a blood-curdling roar, its body convulsing in pain. A spray of blood shot out from its wound, covering the snow in a shower of crimson. Ikki stood there, panting heavily, his sword arm shaking from the force of the blow. He watched as the creature stumbled backwards, its eyes rolling back in its head as it fell to the ground. The impact shook the snow, sending up a cloud of powdery flakes. For a moment, there was silence.

When Ikki's eyesight cleared, he watched the gorilla-like beast burst in a shower of jet black blood, followed by a loud agonizing cry. He was the one who yelled. When he looked down at his physique, he realized he was in poor shape. His arms were twisted at odd angles, and projecting bones protruded from his legs, particularly his thighs. As he rolled around in the snow, his body crunched with every movement, he sobbed aloud, his world filled with anguish.

(Other pov)

As he heard the commotion brought on by the beast's roar, the golden-haired boy's eyes suddenly opened. He quickly realized that someone was in danger and jumped into action. As he hurried towards the source of the noise, he spotted the beast looming over a young man who was trying to defend himself with a katana. The boy's sharp eyes took in the scene, assessing the situation and formulating a plan of attack. He noted the massive size and strength of the beast, its thick fur and muscular arms, and its deadly claws. The boy knew he had to act fast if he wanted to save the young man's life.

But just as he was about to reach them, he was surprised to see the young man make a sudden move. In a flash, the boy slashed at the beast with his katana, and the next thing he knew, there was a loud explosion of snow, and the beast was cut in half. The boy blinked in shock, wondering how the young man had managed to take out the beast so quickly and efficiently.

He had barely even realized that something had happened before it was all over. The boy quickly ran towards the young man, ready to offer his help and support. As he approached, he noticed the battered state of the young man's body and the jutting bones sticking out from his limbs. The boy realized that the young man was in terrible condition and needed medical attention immediately. He hurried over and began to assess the young man's injuries, trying to determine the best course of action.

As Ikki lay there wailing in agony, he suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching. He turned his head to see two boys rushing towards him. One had golden hair and black eyes that looked very feminine, and the other had brown hair that was almost red with the same kind of eyes. The bronzy-haired boy had dim eyes and was taken on the back of the blond guy.

When he saw the dead body of the beast lying next to Ikki, the red-haired one gasped in disbelief. "A bergro!" the boy exclaimed, his voice filled with shock. "These are beasts that can only be hunted in groups; how could he have killed one?"

The red-haired boy gasped in surprise as he looked at the boy: "He's severely injured and losing a lot of blood. We need to get him to the village quickly."

Kurapika looked around, scanning the area for any signs of danger. "Right. "We need to get him to the village and find a doctor."

Kurapika quickly worked to create a makeshift stretcher using branches and vines from nearby trees. Pairo gently picked up the child, cradling him in his arms, while Kurapika secured the stretcher to his back.

As they hurried through the snowy landscape towards the village, Pairo tried to keep the child calm and comfort him as best he could. "It's going to be okay. We'll get you help soon."

Despite his injuries, the child's screams of pain echoed through the snowy field, causing Kurapika's heart to clench in sadness and anger. He vowed to do everything in his power to get the child the help he needed, no matter what it took.

Ikki's body was battered and broken, his limbs bent in strange positions and bones jutting out through his flesh. His world was filled with agony, and every movement sent waves of pain coursing through his body.

As Kurapika and Pairo placed him on the stretcher, he let out a loud, guttural scream, tears streaming down his face as he clutched at his shattered limbs. Despite his pain, Ikki tried to remain conscious, gritting his teeth and fighting back the darkness that threatened to swallow him whole. With every jarring movement of the stretcher, he cried out in agony, his voice raw and hoarse from the strain. His complexion grew paler and paler as they rushed towards the village, and he could feel his life slipping away with every passing moment.

As they run, Pairo tries his best to stem the bleeding, but Ikki's condition is rapidly deteriorating. "Hang in there," he says, trying to reassure the boy. "We'll get you to the village in no time."

Ikki was barely conscious, but he could hear Pairo's words. He managed to open his eyes slightly and see the blur of the passing landscape. He feelt the cold snow beneath him and the pain that shoots through his body with every movement.

Meanwhile, Kurapika rushes with the stretcher. "Let's Hurry!" he shouts back. "We need to get him to the village before it's too late."

Pairo nods, his face grim. "I know," he replies. "But we have to be careful. The elders will be furious if they find out we brought an outsider here."

Kurapika scowls. "We don't have a choice. He needs medical attention, and we're the only ones who can help him."

Pairo nods , his expression serious. "I know, but we'll have to be discreet about it. We can't let anyone see us bringing him into the village."

Kurapika nods in agreement, and the two boys keep running as fast as they can through the snow with Ikki on the makeshift stretcher.

Through his hazy vision, Ikki sees a bright light in the distance. It's the village, and he knows that his salvation lies there. With his last bit of strength, he manages to speak, "T-thank you…for saving me."

The words that flowed out of the boys mouth were unrecognizable to the kurt clan boys. He spoke in a weird way his language melodic and then with some hard pronuns.

Kurapika and Pairo look at each other with worry, but they didn't say anything. They focused on getting him to the village.

"Don't speak, " Kurapika says calmly, trying to hide his concern. "Just don't fall asleep."

Pairo nods in agreement. "Yeah" he adds, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Ikki smiles weakly, at the kind intonation used in their tone . "You're... good " he muttered, his eyelids drooping.

Kurapika and Pairo exchange another glance, both feeling a pang of sadness at the thought of the boy not making it. But they push the thought aside and focus on their goal: to save this young boy's life.

As they ran, Kurapika could feel the weight of Ikki's deteriorating condition bearing down on them. He caught a glimpse of the injured boy and noticed that his skin was pale and his breathing was shallow and labored.

Kurapika knew they had to get Ikki to the village as soon as possible.

He turned to Pairo, his voice urgent.

"We need to hurry, his condition is getting worse by the minute. There's no time to waste."

Pairo nodded, his brow furrowed with worry.

"I know. We have to get him to the healer as quickly as we can."

They picked up their pace, the urgency of the situation propelling them forward. Kurapika's heart was pounding with anxiety, knowing that Ikki's life hung in the balance.

As Kurapika rushes through the village with the stretcher, he feels the eyes of the villagers on him, watching his every move. He can feel their curiosity and concern for the wounded child.

He runs towards the healer's hut, his heart pounding in his chest. When he reaches the door, he pounds on it heavily, calling out for help.

"Please, we need your help!" he shouts.

The door opens, revealing the healer, an older woman with kind eyes. She takes one look at the unconscious child on the stretcher and quickly motions for Kurapika to bring him inside.

Kurapika and Pairo follow the healer into the hut, their hearts heavy with worry. They watch as the healer sets to work, examining the child's wounds and administering medicine to try and stabilize him.

As the villagers wait anxiously for any sign that things are getting better, they start to gather outside the hut, where their murmuring and whispering can be heard through the thin walls.

As the villagers gather around Ikki, they gasp in horror at the sight of the young boy's battered and broken body. They can hardly believe that such a small child could have endured so much pain and suffering.

One of the villagers, an older woman with kind eyes, approaches Pairo and Kurapika. "Who is this child?" she asks, her voice filled with concern.

Kurapika hesitates for a moment before responding.

"We found him in the forest, being attacked by a beast. We couldn't just leave him to die."

The woman nods, understanding the boys' actions but also aware of the potential repercussions.

"The elder will not be pleased with this," she says, her voice heavy with worry.

Pairo and Kurapika exchange uneasy glances, knowing that the elder is a strict prick. They were only warned to not bring Adults to their village, so he didn't fullfil the criteria.

The villagers continued to murmur amongst themselves, their expressions a mixture of shock and concern. They couldn't help but feel pity for the young boy.