
Raising a Bun with a Daily Life System

Yuanxi had a wonderful dream, but after waking up with great excitement, he realized it was actually a real-life situation with guns and ammunition. Confused and startled, he quickly fled. Who would have thought that he, a grown man, would suddenly have a son? The problem is, who is the child's father? It was too dark, and he couldn't see clearly! Also, what is this life system that is bound to him? There's a long list of skills, including farming, animal husbandry, gathering, cooking, construction, skinning, sewing, and casting... It goes on and on without an end in sight. Wait a minute... What is that "room technique" in the middle?

Marcus_Ren · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

The Farm

A farm? A farm up for sale?

Yuanxi's heart skipped a beat. This was a great opportunity.

Arable land for growing crops was scarce on Blue Star. Owning an acre of land here and being able to grow food was the real deal, more reliable than the currency on Blue Star itself. Its value could be equated with Federation credits.

Yuanxi had thought about this before, but due to the scarcity of land, few people were willing to sell. His idea was merely a thought until today when he unexpectedly encountered Wang Qingnian wanting to sell. How could he not be tempted?

Calculating in his mind, Yuanxi became more nimble in his actions. He was already cooking wholeheartedly, but now he put even more effort into it.

Due to the limited time and ingredients, Yuanxi cooked a fresh fish, a dish of minced meat with eggplant, and added sweet and sour pork with pineapple, which was fragrant, sweet, and slightly sour. The aroma of the fruits was also intoxicating. There was also a piece of winter melon, which he used to make a soup.

These were all familiar ingredients to him. Additionally, he experimented with a special Blue Star product called Sutou Niao eggs and made a three-colored egg custard. Its milky white, light yellow, and vibrant green with the added spring onions made it incredibly appetizing.

He also prepared three cold dishes: pickled cherry radishes, lettuce and bean skin rolls, and green bean sprouts with sesame sauce.

While preparing these dishes, he kept hearing the sound of "Congratulations, your culinary skill has increased by 1 point." He had cooked a total of eight dishes, but his skill had only increased by seven points. Yuanxi noticed that the minced meat with eggplant hadn't gained any skill points. He thought for a moment, realizing that he had made this dish a few days ago. Could it be that making the same dish again wouldn't increase his skill points?

With the farm on his mind, Yuanxi didn't pay much attention to these details. He quickly served the meal on the table.

The table full of dishes surprised Wang Lao, Wang Qingnian and his wife, and Wang Xueqing. While Yuancheng and Linsuyun were aware that Yuanxi could cook, they didn't expect him to prepare such a delicious feast in just one hour. They were also surprised.

At this moment, Little Yuanchi had already tired himself out, and Linsuyun had fed him milk powder, so he was soundly asleep, not disturbing the adults while they ate. With a moment of free time, Linsuyun asked Yuanxi to sit down while she arranged bowls, chopsticks, and wine utensils, as well as the best aged wine.

Although Yuanxi hadn't drunk much before and wasn't sure about his alcohol tolerance, he also knew that he couldn't drink alcohol or eat spicy food due to his current health condition. Linsuyun had informed him of this, and he remembered it clearly.

Although Yuanxi couldn't drink, Wang Qingnian felt a little regretful. However, since it was a health issue, he couldn't keep persuading him. But Yuanxi continued to help pour the wine and engage in conversation, making jokes. With good wine and delicious food, along with the pleasant atmosphere, the meal was incredibly joyful.

Wang Qingnian was naturally good with words, and now his words flowed even more freely. As he spoke, the conversation turned to his current worries:

"My farm, it's a vast 300 acres of land, all prime farmland. It can produce over 60,000 pounds of grain, as well as a large quantity of fruits and vegetables every year. I even have a breeding farm with Sutou Niao, white-striped cattle, spotted pigs, and fiery antelopes, all superior breeds... Sigh, if it weren't for my daughter, I wouldn't be willing to sell it..."

The more he spoke, the more Yuanxi's heart stirred. Following his lead, Yuanxi asked a few more questions. Lin Suyun gave him a few meaningful glances, being shrewd as she was. She quickly guessed Yuanxi's thoughts, but she didn't stop him. Instead, she asked some more critical questions.

Seeing Lin Suyun's interest, Wang Qingnian thought for a moment. In fact, his farm was really sellable. Even if it required Federation credits for the transaction, there would be a line of people willing to buy it. However, he genuinely didn't want to let it go. After years of hard work, every brick, tile, blade of grass was carefully managed. This emotional attachment couldn't be faked.

If it weren't for his daughter's future, he wouldn't even consider leaving. But now that he had to go, he wanted to entrust the farm to a reliable family and not let his years of hard work go to waste.

Coincidentally, although he had only known the Yuan family for a day, he felt extremely comfortable with them. Yuancheng was honest, reliable, and had a good heart, while Linsuyun was capable, independent, and had her own ideas. Their son was also very likable. He didn't have the impetuousness of a young person and was steady and outgoing, articulate. Wang Qingnian pondered in his heart that if he had a son, he would probably be like this...

So seeing their interest in the farm, he was delighted in his heart. At the end of his words, he couldn't help but say to Yuancheng, "Brother, your wife always says that I'm impulsive in my actions, but in reality, I trust my intuition. I just feel that your family is good and we get along well. If you are willing to take over the farm, I'll give you a discount. Just 2 million credits would be enough, as a way of repaying the favor of saving my father."

As he said this, Yuanxi, who didn't have a good understanding of market prices, was a bit uncertain, but Yuancheng and Linsuyun's expressions changed.

Resources were the most important thing in the Federation, whether it was the basics of life or scientific research and military affairs. Resources, including arable land, were priced transparently throughout the Federation, and everyone knew this.

Three hundred acres of land would easily cost 4 million credits, but Wang Qingnian was only asking for 2 million credits. This... this wasn't a discount, it was practically a 50% reduction.

Lin Suyun was the first to speak, "Wang, we just arrived on Blue Star and plan to settle down here. We also want to acquire some industries, but your price is too low for you. It's not feasible."

Wang Qingnian quickly said, "Brother, you saved my father's life. It's not something that can be measured with money..."

At this point, Yuanxi also realized what was happening. He knew that Wang Qingnian was genuinely offering a low price. He also said, "Uncle Wang, you're being too modest. Besides, Xueqing's sister is going to study on the main planet, where expenses are high. You should have more money at hand and be more comfortable."

Wang Qingnian was about to say "Wang Shu, you're too polite, and besides, Xueqing's sister is going to study on the main planet, where expenses are high. You should have more money at hand and be more comfortable."

However, Wang Xueqing quietly tugged at his sleeve, and Wang Qingnian paused. His daughter, though not as outwardly expressive, had a more discerning mind. Being pulled by Xueqing, he felt that he had been too hasty.

He had indeed acted recklessly. Although he had offered a discounted price, 2 million credits was still a significant sum of money that an average family couldn't easily come up with. Moreover, as he observed the Yuan family's home, a three-bedroom apartment, while not shabby, was also far from affluent. It was just an ordinary family.

He didn't know them well enough, and if they were financially tight, pressuring them like this would only put them in a difficult position. Despite his good intentions, he realized it was a bit presumptuous.

With these thoughts in mind, Wang Qingnian didn't continue speaking. They enjoyed the rest of the meal, and as the evening grew late, when they bid farewell and left, he held Yuanxi's hand and said, "Young man, if you ever have any difficulties, just let me know. I will help as much as I can."

Although this statement might compromise Yuanxi's and Lin Suyun's dignity in front of Yuancheng, it was meant for the younger generation, and Yuanxi understood that. He felt warmth in his heart and smiled, "Uncle Wang, thank you."

Seeing his reaction, Wang Qingnian smiled happily. He bid farewell to Wang Xueqing, Yuancheng, and Linsuyun, and finally took a look at the sleeping little Yuanchi before leaving in his car.

Once Wang Qingnian was gone, the family returned to their home. Yuanxi invited Yuancheng and Linsuyun to sit down, then suddenly knelt down and said earnestly, "Uncle, Auntie, I grew up alone without parents or relatives. I was always on my own until I met the two of you. I know about what happened to little Yuanchi. If it weren't for you, both of us probably wouldn't have survived." Saying that, he bowed his head heavily.

Yuancheng and Linsuyun hurriedly helped him up, and Yuancheng asked, "What are you doing, kid?"

Linsuyun added, "On the passenger ship, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have survived either."

Yuanxi replied, "It's different. What happened on the passenger ship was just a matter of self-preservation, indirectly saving everyone. But you genuinely saved me and little Yuanchi. I'm aware of this debt of gratitude." After a pause, he looked up and gazed earnestly at them.

After a moment of silence, he spoke again, "Uncle, Auntie, if you don't mind, let me be your son and take good care of you!"

With these words, Linsuyun's tears instantly welled up, and even Yuancheng's eyes turned red. They pulled Yuanxi up, their voices trembling as they choked, "Good child, good child. Your willingness to do this makes us happy, so happy."

Yuanxi's nose also felt a bit sour. The two words that he thought he would never be able to say in his life had now found a chance to be spoken.

Looking at Yuancheng and Linsuyun, he called out in a somewhat clumsy voice, "Dad, Mom."

Yuancheng and Linsuyun both responded with a heartfelt, "Yes."

There weren't many formalities or ceremonies, but at this moment, this expression of love was already enough. One word of "Dad" and one word of agreement represented all the emotions.

After everyone calmed down, they sat down together. Linsuyun asked about the farm that Wang Qingnian wanted to sell. She saw Yuanxi's intentions, and indeed, it seemed like a good choice.

Previously, she didn't pay much attention to 2 million credits, but now, this money was a significant sum for them.

Yuanxi had his own plans. He took out a few old banknotes that he had deliberately kept and gave one to Yuancheng and one to Linsuyun.

When they saw the banknotes, they understood. Although they didn't know where Yuanxi got these antique coins, they knew they could exchange them for a considerable number of credits, enough to buy the farm.

After thinking for a moment, Yuancheng said, "Since that's the case, Xiaoxi, I hope you still try to purchase the farm at market price. 2 million is too much of a loss for Wang Qingnian. We can't owe such a big favor."

Yuanxi agreed. He had the same thought. Life wasn't easy for anyone, and although Yuancheng had saved Wang Qingnian's father, they couldn't accept such a great favor. It was going too far. Moreover, the Wang family was genuinely good, and considering the possibility of frequent interactions, they couldn't take advantage like this.

After discussing it among themselves, when little Yuanchi woke up from his nap, he didn't cry but instead squirmed around, seeking attention.

Yuanxi hurried over and met the little one's gaze with his black grape-like eyes. The baby stared at him without blinking and burst into laughter, making cooing sounds.

Yuanxi quickly picked him up, but Linsuyun saw his actions and was about to remind him when, once again, Yuanxi's second set of clothes for the day suffered a mishap—it was soaked again...

Yuanxi could only laugh wryly as he lightly patted the baby's tender little bottom. In his heart, he thought, "When your dad has money, I'll buy you a set of high-end, intelligent, all-round breathable, water-absorbent, and transformable super diapers!"