
Raising a Bun with a Daily Life System

Yuanxi had a wonderful dream, but after waking up with great excitement, he realized it was actually a real-life situation with guns and ammunition. Confused and startled, he quickly fled. Who would have thought that he, a grown man, would suddenly have a son? The problem is, who is the child's father? It was too dark, and he couldn't see clearly! Also, what is this life system that is bound to him? There's a long list of skills, including farming, animal husbandry, gathering, cooking, construction, skinning, sewing, and casting... It goes on and on without an end in sight. Wait a minute... What is that "room technique" in the middle?

Marcus_Ren · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


Three months later.

Yuanxi leaned on his cheek, propped next to the emerald green cradle, looking at the chubby little thing inside.

Recalling how red and chubby he looked when he was born, resembling a little monkey, Yuanxi almost thought there was a mistake... He was so fair and clear in the images, how did he turn out like this?

At that moment, Yuanxi suddenly remembered the other father of his son, and doubt arose in his heart. Could it be that he had a one-night stand with someone like Guan Gong? That's why their son turned out so red?

OMG, it's truly a nightmare.

On the other hand, Lin Suyun held the little thing and smiled, saying, "The redder they are when born, the fairer they become later on. It's because their skin is delicate, and they're not used to the air yet."

Yuanxi didn't comment on it, but even if his son resembled Guan Gong, he adored him. In fact, the more he looked at him, the more he found him pleasing to the eye, which was a complete subversion of his aesthetic taste.

Fortunately, Aunt Lin was an experienced elder who spoke accurately. The little one did become fairer with time. It had been two months now, and his whole body had grown plump. His eyes had opened, and he had a petite and adorable little mouth. Especially his eyes, black and shiny like two black grapes, were extremely beautiful.

But what made him truly special was his small chin. Even though his chubby cheeks had become round and plump, his little chin remained sharp. It was undoubtedly a beautiful face.

Everyone who saw this child couldn't help but shower him with praise, knowing that he would grow up to be extraordinarily good-looking.

Yuanxi was very proud of this fact. Until a girl from the neighboring house said, "Brother Yuanxi, Xiaozhe is very handsome, but he doesn't resemble you much. He should take after his mother more. As they say, sons take after their mother, daughters take after their father. Xiaozhe's mother must be a great beauty."

Yuanxi's mouth twitched, and he stared at his son for a while. In the end, he could only say stiffly, "He takes after his mother more." He emphasized the word 'mother' with a heavy tone. He was his father, and if Xiaozhe didn't take after him, it was still fine.

However, deep down, Yuanxi secretly hoped his son would resemble him. But who knew that the unknown appearance of Xiaozhe's 'mother' had such powerful genes that overcame his, occupying the high ground and dictating their son's appearance. It was... sigh... regrettable.

As Yuanxi stared at his son with a silly smile, the little one seemed to sense it and opened his eyes. His big eyes looked at Yuanxi, and he even squinted and smiled.

Yuanxi, the foolish father, was instantly conquered by that smile. He was overjoyed and quickly reached out to pick up his son from the cradle.

Little did he know that as soon as the little one was against his chest, a rush of warmth surged towards Yuanxi...

The newly replaced white shirt on Yuanxi's body was instantly soaked. His chest was drenched. At that moment, Lin Suyun happened to come in and saw this scene. She smiled and said, "Your son really likes to bully you."

Yuanxi laughed along and, with his eyes bent, he rubbed the little one's soft cheek before satisfactorily going to change his clothes.

After changing his shirt, Yuanxi casually took the previous one and went to the laundry room. He put it in the sink, turned on the tap, and started washing it. He had gotten used to doing these household chores since he lived alone.

After pouring some laundry detergent, he washed it and then rinsed it with clean water before hanging the clothes on the balcony. At that moment, he heard a 'drip' sound in his ear, followed by a robotic voice saying, "Cleaning skill proficiency increased by one point."

Yuanxi furrowed his brow. Ever since he arrived in this world, this voice would occasionally pop up.

After his body recovered, he cooked a small dish and was prompted that his cooking skill had been activated. When he did some household chores, he was prompted that his cleaning skill had been activated. When he picked a flower outside, he was prompted that his gathering skill had been activated...

This 'drip, drip, drip' didn't surprise Yuanxi anymore. He silently pondered for a moment, and a rectangular panel appeared in front of his eyes. It was a panel that was only as wide as his palm but infinitely long. The information written on it was straightforward and clear.

From top to bottom, there were cooking skill, cleaning skill, organizing skill, driving skill, gathering skill, and... Yuanxi frowned... looking at the bottom-most one, an unrelated skill trying to fit in...

Under each line of text was a progress bar, seemingly indicating skill proficiency.

Yuanxi took a look. Since cleaning and organizing skills were most frequently triggered, their proficiency had already accumulated to 75 points. It seemed that when the progress bar reached 100, it would be full, but he had no idea what would happen after that.

The skill with the second-highest proficiency... was that frustrating **. It had a proficiency of 50 points, but he had only spent one night with someone, so why did it increase by so much? Was it implying that he had an extraordinary talent, like a pear blossom standing tall against the sea? No way! What on earth was all this!

Yuanxi quickly shifted his gaze upward. The cooking skill had a proficiency of 25 points, driving skill was 10 points, and gathering skill was a meager 1 point.

This thing not only congratulated him on activating the skills and the increase in proficiency, but it had never mentioned anything else. It didn't even have a brief introduction. He hadn't discovered any practical use for it yet. Yuanxi looked at it and finally dismissed the panel without further study.

After experiencing many strange things in recent days, Yuanxi had become accustomed to them. No matter what it was, he would eventually find out.

From the balcony, Yuanxi could easily see outside the window. The sky was blue, with a short stretch of golden beach followed by the blue ocean. The horizon was out of sight, and the sea and sky merged seamlessly, creating a pleasant and serene view.

This was a planet called Blue Star, defined as an O-class ocean planet by the Federation. Eighty percent of its surface was covered by oceans, making it a habitable planet.

According to the data, there were already life forms on this planet before the Federation discovered it, but they were not humanoid creatures. They were only some fungi and algae plants. Subsequently, the Federation conducted a detailed survey of its geography, resources, and living environment.

Technically, it was a planet well-suited for human habitation. However, after the survey, it was found that resources were extremely scarce. Although there was indeed 20 percent of land here, it was not concentrated like on Earth but rather scattered throughout the entire planet, interspersed within the ocean. The entire planet was composed of numerous small islands. Despite this unique geographical situation, the islands remained untouched by erosion due to the exceptionally hard rocks that formed their foundation. However, the soil suitable for sustaining edible plants was scarce.

Although the land was not ideal, the vast ocean should have provided abundant resources. But what was even more perplexing was that the seawater here was not the cradle of life as expected. While the water remained in a liquid state, its density was remarkably high, even allowing humans to walk on its surface. Such high density made it difficult to nurture life, and only bacteria, which could infiltrate everywhere, could survive in it.

For the current Federation, this planet held little significance. It lacked the unique and breathtaking landscapes required to develop it into a tourist attraction, and it lacked the abundant resources necessary for exploitation. Moreover, due to the vast distance from other resource-rich planets, the cost of transporting goods was prohibitively high, making it impossible to form a twin planet system.

Therefore, this was just an ordinary planet among billions, gradually losing the Federation's interest after thorough exploration and surveying.

However, despite its mediocrity, it was still a habitable planet, albeit with limited survival resources. After the voluntary immigration announcement was made, approximately 200,000 people chose to migrate. Following an adaptation period, about 30% of them decided to leave, while the remaining 70% managed to achieve self-sufficiency and thrive on this beautiful planet.

Once their passenger ship landed here, Lin Suyun and Yuan Cheng, after gaining Yuanxi's consent, revealed the entire story to all the passengers, including the initial conversation between the bandits and Colonel Feng Yun, as well as the current information about the planet. They chose to keep the matter of the energy bars hidden.

Afterward, it was up to each individual to decide whether to stay or leave. They didn't care if Feng Yun's actions were exposed.

The final result was that out of fifty people, thirty-eight chose to leave, leaving behind twelve people, including Lin Suyun and Yuan Cheng. It conveniently formed two families.

No one could have predicted that, apart from the remaining twelve, none of the thirty-eight who left would escape a tragic fate. But let's not dwell on that for now.

As Blue Star was a primitive planet with no strict population control measures, and considering that these people had some savings and the Federation's credit points were universally recognized in the galaxy, it was relatively easy for them to settle down here.

Yuan Cheng purchased a small house by the seaside, consisting of three bedrooms, two living rooms, a separate kitchen, and two bathrooms. It was quite spacious for their family of four.

They retained some of the furniture and appliances that came with the house. Although the conditions were vastly different from the central star, the tranquility and freedom they experienced here were truly rare.

Especially for Yuanxi, the social environment here was familiar to him, not excessively backward nor overly advanced. Due to the scarcity of resources, this planet had no special products, and the local people had no means to earn credit points.

Although the Federation's interstellar shopping network had a connection here, and the prices of small household robots and convenient items were reasonable, sorry to say, the exorbitant shipping costs were enough to scare people away...

Although Yuan Cheng never explicitly mentioned what he and Lin Suyun did for a living, Yuanxi vaguely knew that they were not ordinary. They had substantial savings, and even without the support of their children, they could live out their retirement comfortably.

However, for Yuanxi's sake, they made a big investment in a set of medical equipment. Lin Suyun excelled in this area, and in theory, opening a clinic in this backward planet would be a good thing for the local people. Unfortunately, the cost of using the medical equipment was too high, consuming a significant amount of energy. Moreover, the energy required was specialized and needed to be imported from the central star system. As a result, it was simply unaffordable. Therefore, it remained unused and stored away.

Although they never mentioned it, Yuanxi saw and understood everything they did for him. The three months they spent together made him feel a warmth he had never experienced before.

Although he had left his familiar Earth and faced a series of setbacks, so far, Yuanxi felt incredibly content. He had a family, and not just one, but three family members. Such a thing had only existed in his dreams.

Yuanxi was capable when he was alone, and now that he had a family, it filled him with enthusiasm for life. Little Yuanzhe was still young, and Yuan Cheng and Lin Suyun had spent all their savings on him. Now that Yuanxi had recovered physically, it was time for him to support the family.

Yuanxi straightened his chest, feeling that he had become much taller and more imposing.

However, at that moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a boy with short flaxen hair rushed in, panting heavily and urgently shouting, "Yuan... Yuanxi ge, something happened. Uncle Yuan is in trouble!"