
Rainbows in Your Eyes

Andrew Dorincourt has the blood of powerful shifters in his veins. It’s his job to take care of his siblings, who are his pack, and he has no intention of letting anything get in the way. However, he’s seen the love shared not only by his parents but by the Papas, the men who raised his mother, and he wants that for himself. The problem is none of the young women he’s dated have left him wanting anything more than to go home alone. Perhaps he’d have more success by dating men, as his brother does. Only it seems he’s not very successful at that, either.<br><br>Da’ric is the son of Ric’u, a Brachi who’d been stranded on Terra for decades, and David Knight, an ichthyologist who traveled up the Amazon in search of his heart’s desire. Seeing the deep love his fathers have for each other, Da’ric determines to settle for nothing less. At any rate, the dating pool is pretty much empty in the Lagoon of Dreams, and so he goes to the States, where he intends to become a herpetologist. In order to do that, he must mingle with normals, Terrans who have no idea extraterrestrials share the planet with them. When he walks among Terrans, he must disguise his heritage by wearing sunglasses to conceal his rainbow-colored eyes and long-sleeved shirts to hide his scale-patterned skin.<br><br>After being kidnapped and sold to a high-ranking member of the London underworld to be displayed as the Snake Boy, Da’ despairs of ever seeing his beloved family again, until Drew wanders into the House of Oddities and helps Da’ escape.<br><br>Is it fate, kismet, or destiny that brings together the offspring of two very unique families? Have these two been waiting for each other, and will the future hold the love they’d both been seeking?

Tinnean · LGBT+
124 Chs

Chapter 107

I felt the fond exasperation in the caress my father’s mind gave mine. Da’ric, it is quite obvious to both your father and me that this Andrew Dorincourt means more to you than a casual…How would David put it? A casual roll in the hay

The image he projected, of Drew and me tumbling down a hill covered in hay, had me sputtering with laughter. Dad! In spite of his vast storehouse of knowledge of things extraterrestrial, there were still Terran expressions that left him at a loss.

I am so pleased to be a source of amusement to you, Da’ric. But I could tell he was pleased to have lightened my mood. Again his hand stroked over my hair.As long as he makes you happy, my son

He does. I don’t understand it. We’ve known each other such a short time. It worries me

I knew your father was the one for me the first time we touched minds. He was so young, and I knew I’d have to wait for him to grow up, but I never had any doubt.

Are you saying it runs in the family?