
Rainbow Pandemonium

I have a question. Is it normal to get kidnapped and have your sister become a sacrifice? No? Thought so, but sadly that's what happens to me and my younger sister! After being summoned to another world with my younger sister, they declare her the saintess and take her away to be sacrificed in four years' time to save their world from a horde of demons. Now I'm on a quest to solve the mystery of the cursed rainbow to gain the power to save her! Wish me luck cus I'm gonna need it!

PandoraZero · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


A bright light came from the stained glass. The images began to shake and dance, slowly creeping out becoming 3d. As the light died down six ghostly figures appeared above the altar. I had to blink a few times to make sure I wasn't hallucinating from not eating anything today. But low and behold there they were, the gods from the story.

I don't know if I should feel honored, or downright pissed. Here I am basically screaming my lungs out to them and the only thing any of them can say is "Are you done?".

"My, my, this is the child…." The lady with silver hair said. She looked me over and her expression soured.

"Do we have to use this one, don't we have any other options?" She asked a woman dressed in black.

"Yes, it has to be her. She's the only human in this world that fulfills the conditions." The woman in black replied as she smiled at me.

"I say she's a good fit! I mean she sure has spunk!" The dwarf said with a jolly laugh.

"Good fit or not, the chance of success is still less than 1%." The man with glasses added.

"Now lad, who taught you to be so pessimistic?" The dwarf asked jokingly.

"Life." He replied with a straight face and dead voice.

Shaking as I was sitting on the floor, I could no longer hold it in.

"Fu, Hahahahahahaah!" I burst out laughing. Maybe it was the way he said it or the look on his face, but I could help but laugh and that's what he seemed to be going for. As soon as I started to laugh his straight face began to smile. It seems like he wanted to break the tension. The women in black and with silver hair looked at each other the way sisters do when their brother does something stupid. If you don't know what that look looks like, then I can't help you. Better ask for a sibling for your birthday.

The dwarf just looks dumfounded and the other two just stayed silent.

The silver hair woman cleared her throat and said,

"My name is Tear, Goddess of the Moon. Firstly, I'd to apologize. I was rude, and that was the last thing you need at a time like this." She bowed slightly as she said that. She truly looked like she means it.

"However, I'm afraid you don't have time to grieve. Not if you any chance to see your sister alive." She continued. My eyes widened and I stood up.

"What do you mean!?" I asked in a raspy voice.

"I'll be straight with you. Both this world and your sister don't have much time left. This world is on the break of destruction, and your sister, the saint, is right at the center of it." She continued.

"You still haven't answered my question!" I replied, straining my voice even more.

Tear had an almost panicked look like she didn't know what to do. The other just shook their heads, like they expected this. The man in glasses stepped up.

"My apologies, my older sister is good at maintaining the world system but dealing with people is another thing entirely. Oh, my name is Enki." He said with a disappointed look directed at his sister.

It reminded me of someone who codes or something. They don't get a lot of practice talking to people, after all, computers don't really talk back (or shouldn't).

"I'm sure that king Argyurios told you a story about how the different worlds were created and the battle with the demons…. To be truthful about 90% of it was total bullcrap." He continued with a straight face and my jaw dropped. The dwarf and women in black were laughing. Tear was just stunned and the other two were doing their best to hold back their laughter.

"With that being said, the part about the demons being sealed away and the saint is true. However, as you've more than likely surmised things aren't that simple. The seal has been breaking down for some time now and has finally reached its breaking point. Even if all the power stored in your sister is released the seal will still break all the same." He when on.

"Then she shouldn't be sacrificed! If it won't make a difference, then why even summon us here?" I asked, my voice is slowly getting better.

"Because Eilos is a stubborn halfwit who doesn't know when to admit he's wrong," Enki replied and I could feel his hate for his brother, and I mean hate. Not the kind of hate that siblings just develops after years of torturing each other.

Confusion was clearly on my face, I asked,

"What do you want from me?"

They looked at me in surprise.

"What makes you think we want something from you?" Tear asked.

"Well, the first thing you said to me was "do we have to use her?". Secondly, you are telling me about my sister. Even if you're trying to make up for isekaiing me, you'd tell me Hana is doing alright. Putting my personal feelings aside. You don't tell someone something bad is happening unless you want them to do something about it." I replied and the looks on their faces told me I'm right.

The blindfolded woman smiled and said,

"Yes, that's right. My name is Maat, the goddess of Truth. This small one is Var, the goddess of contracts, the dwarf is Lugh, the god of craftsmen, and finally, in morning cloths is Apophis, the goddess of the afterlife. We require your help."

"I've been dragged to another world and had my sister kidnapped by a moronic god. And you, his siblings, expect me to help you?" I replied

"Yes, that's right." Tear replied with an innocent look on her face. Enki just shook his head.

"With that being said it's not like you won't get anything out of it," Lugh said trying to smooth things out.

I felt that I was at my limit. Theirs only so many fucks a person can give.

"I know your about to burst but allow me to explain." Enki interrupted Lugh before he could continue.

"We need your help to save the world. As I've told you most of the king's story is complete bullcrap, but the part about the demons is mostly true, at least the fact that they've been sealed away. However, they were sealed away by..."

"By humans, right?" I interrupted. Enki smiled at me as if he knew I'd figure it out.

"How'd you know!?" Asked Lugh.

"If it was done by you gods you wouldn't need my help," I replied.

"Yes, the people responsible for sealing the demons are humans, seven of them in fact." Enki smiled at me when he said that because he knew I'd started putting the pieces together.

"The seven villagers sealed away the demons. If that's true and most of the story is a load of bull, then they didn't release them either." I said thinking out loud.

"Ding! Ding! Give this girl a prize! The fact of the matter is we don't know what caused the demons to appear and Eilos took advantage of that fact when he set his plan in motion." The other's faces soured when he said that. I could clearly see the bitterness in their faces.

"I take it that this "plan" is the reason you need my help?" I asked.

"Yes, that's right. It's also the reason this world will soon fall to ruin." Replied Tear.

"To explain we'll need to tell you a story." Continued Enki.

Another story! Dame it! I can't catch a break! With a sigh I walk over and sit in a pew, making myself as comfy as possible, and say,

"Go ahead. Let's get this history lesion started."