
Rain of blood (the end begins)

It took a while before I had realized what had happened.

I was saved, once again by eve.

5 minutes earlier.


I looked behind me the self was tall but if I was careful enough I could probably reach the top before they got to me.

The slightest of sounds could attract them.

The thought played over and over again in my mind.

Was I scared?


Was I planning on dying anytime soon?

Hell no!

Slowly I edged backwards towards the only route I had of escaping.

Suddenly something fell from the shelf and clanged loudly as it hit the ground and rolled off towards the growling monsters which without a shred of hesitation dashed towards me.

I closed my eyes and braced for it, the moment they would make contact with me, ending my human life in the process.

"Well aren't you gonna stand?" Someone asked.

I had let myself slouch to the floor.

I looked up and my gaze met eve whom held a short blade, both it and her arm covered in green and black goo. Black veins had already started making their way up her arms.

All the undead had been brained then cast to the side.

"What did you do?!" I asked.

"yeah I messed up but come-on lets get out of here, we can talk later."

I followed her, all the while silent as if not talking about what had happened could make it any less real.

We walked for a few minutes, in almost complete silence. The sound of our footsteps the only thing breaking the fast-forming pit in which only silence reigned.

One stupid mistake is all it took...

She held her arm close to her torso as if it had been broken.

I had left some of the stuff she wanted to create her 'cure' on the upper floor.

"Hey, I left the other stuff on the floor abo-" I started only to be cut off.

<doesn't matter> she replied stopping then turning towards me.

Even in the dim over-head lights I could make-out the black weblike veins on her neck.

<there's not enough time, go...>

And then " even if I did it before it'd probably still take a while to get a serum ready, go before I lose it and hurt you. "

We were closer to the stairs, it seemed like it was the only method of escaping this hell-hole.

I reached out to take her hand, intending to drag her if I had to, I was gonna accept none of this. I mean if she was gone then what point was there?

She pulled back and out of the flashing, dim over head, making it seem like she had stepped back into the embrace of the shadows.

"Don't t-ouch me," she stated pausing before making an effort to continue "I could al-ready b-be contagious. Get the truck and leave, don't t-t-ry to help me.

Only... Yo-u can stop thi-s n-now. " suddenly she passed out and fell to the floor.

The room suddenly started sway and lightheaded, I suddenly sat and then watched as her heavy and labored breathing came to a halt.

She exhaled her last and stopped.

Stopped being kind, helping, loving, brave, thoughtful, overprotective. Most of all she stopped shining. Her smile and brilliance simply stopped.

And I was from that moment by myself in a world that seemed all-the-more larger than it had ever seemed.


After that I completely devoted myself to killing the undead. I guess you could describe it as a suicide mission of sorts, since my goal was to eradicate the last traces of humanity that still roamed the earth. Then at the end of that path my own destruction would be sure even if it had to come by my own hand.

For days, weeks, months the same pattern went on, killing undead and barely escaping unscathed, I tried not to think of it. The fact that everyone I ever loved or cared about had died because of me, while I lived on, sick joke no?

It started to get so bad that I'd see glimps of eve from the shadows or catch of that same familiar scent. I knew I was hallucinating.

But I wanted the past to be a dream so much that I often gave chase as she ran trying to get to something that neither she nor I could get to.

2 months had passed since I had last seen or laid eyes on another human being who hadn't an appetite for me.

I was thinking of eve, my bed one of concrete and my katana the only possession I had.

The stars were out despite the fact that they had remained hidden behind dark miserable clouds that only mumbled with false threats of rain.

This night was different though to me it held no meaning.

Nothing did anymore.

My clothes were tattered and my hair in desperate need of grooming, not to mention that the last time I had taken a shower had been three days ago when my stay for the night had running water.

The lobby was small and took almost no effort to clear and secure and as I looked up through the gaping hole the roofing bore, I drifted off into a calm sleep. I didn't dream... I just slept.


Suddenly I woke to murmurs that now surrounded me and lept to my feet brandishing my katana as I looked around trying to come to terms with what I was seeing.

There were people surrounding me staring in surprise and mild disgust but that wasn't what caught my attention. What pulled me as I parted the crowd with thrashing movements, waving, swinging my sword around and extreme body odor was the fact that crowds and cars all droned on outside as if nothing has happened.

As if the end of the world never happened.

So imagine what expression I had as I stepped out onto the street staring at everything that simultaneously shouldn't but all the same happened.

While cars swerved to avoid hitting me and their angry drivers cursing in rage.

"What the hell?"