
Rai x Frankenstein (New Adventures)

Frankestein is trying to provide peaceful and joyful life to Raizel after the Apocalypse. And he was successful for time being. But the adventures returns as an unwanted guest enters to their peaceful life on a very unlucky day. The mysteries unfold and new monsters rise, to haunt the mankind once again. Frankestein is doing his best to keep Raizel out of this fight. But will Raizel have to fight them again? Will Raizel sacrifice his remaining lifetime to save the world which he needs to live into it?

Nik_The_Wordsmith · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

The real Battle

The red blood field was destroying everything into his path. Raizel's anger was making it more powerful.

Everyone was scared to death by looking at the sight of a huge blood field appearing from the sky, reaching the ground like a tornado.

Shinni, M-21, Tao and Takio, and also granduncle, all were scared but, they knew, the fight is on their side now.

"Run, my lord! We should run out of this mess." Captain was scared by looking at that sight of blood stream and a man with big red wings on his back, looking at them with his ruby red eyes, telling them that he was going to kill them. He had never seen someone so powerful ever before.

"You can leave. I'm not running in this circus. I'll finish what we have started. The clan will be mine. I'm the most powerful person on the earth. No one else can surpass me." Kennei screamed with arrogance.

Captain couldn't understand his lord's intentions, but he didn't run away. He had to protect his lord. Hence, he stayed back. He started to find a way to stop all this massacre by that red winged man. He looked at the blood stream, closed his eyes and tried to understand it's nature. But, it was difficult to trace such powerful entity. The only thing he could trace was a set of ruby red eyes, staring at him, staring at everybody. Still he wanted to help his lord but the blood stream was coming closer to them. He realised that they were either going to smashed away by the blood tornado, or something miraculous should have happened. Thinking of miracle, he realised his master's powers and hoped for to stay alive. The tornado was going to reach them anytime now. His body stopped moving and froze. His eyes were reflecting stream's red colour. He closed his eyes to see the end of his life and waited for the miracle to happen.

Kennei was looking at the blood stream reaching him with high speed. He smiled to himself and closed his eyes; opened them back. His eyes were sparkling red, channeling his dark powers through his body.

He lifted his hand and black smoke appeared, travelled towards Raizel's blood field. Raizel looked at the smoke, but he didn't care less for it and ignored. He was going to crush them any second now. But as soon as the black smoke touched the stream, the read colour of Raizel's blood stream turned into ash colour and disappeared. Raizel couldn't believe his eyes, Frankenstein felt frozen by the power of his enemy. Raizel looked at the lord of enemy who destroyed his powerful blood field and flipped his wings balancing himself in the air. He then stepped down on the ground. Frankenstein reached to his master within seconds and stood beside him. Both of them then walked towards the enemy, who was staring back at them.

Raizel's red ruby eyes were staring at the enemy. Frankenstein was unsure about Raizel's plan but he was standing beside, thinking about his next staturgy against the powerful enemy in front of him.

"Why don't you surrender and join me? Your powers are beyond my imagination. I will cherish you forever. You will be the second most powerful person in the world, protected by me. What do you say?" Kennei asked Raizel.

Raizel heard the words, but he neither showed any emotion on his face, nor replied. Frankenstein on the other hand felt his blood boiling with anger, thinking of crushing the enemy to death for disrespecting his master.

Kennei felt frustrated by Raizel's silence and asked again,

"What is it that you want? These measly creatures can give you nothing. I, on the other hand, can give you everything. The power, the pleasure, the respect, everything."

Raizel's lips moved a little this time and smirked at Kennei. Kennei couldn't understand his reply.

"You can never give me anything I want, because you have nothing." Raizel replied.

"What are saying? What is that I don't have?" Kennei was getting frustrated now.

"Family, friends, happiness, love... You have nothing of this. And most importantly, you don't have life. Hence, you can't give me anything."

Raizel's words pierced Kennei ears and he felt anger and disrespect through Raizel's answer. He closed his eyes for a second and said,

"I wish you would have accepted my request. I didn't have to kill you like this. What a waste!" And Kennei lifted his hand to finish Raizel. Black smoke appeared from his palms and reached Raizel.

Raizel didn't move even an inch. He kept staring at Kennei from his ruby red eyes. The black smoke covered Raizel's body within seconds and Raizel started to feel uncomfortable. He was confident enough that Kennei's dark powers can never harm him. But what was happening to him? Why was he feeling so uncomfortable? He was starting to feel that his assumptions towards his powers were wrong in that fight. Now he started to find a way to break the helix created by the Kennei's smoke. The more he struggled, the more he felt powerless. He turned his head towards Frankenstein and saw him moving towards him.

Frankenstein couldn't believe his eyes. His master's movements were controlled by that measly creature called Kennei. It was acceptable when he hurt Frankenstein himself, but he couldn't witness a sight where his master was tortured by him, even for a second. Frankenstein lost his calm and his aura suddenly changed into darkness, emitting so immense power that even Kennei turned his head and took a look at the source of the purple flames. But Kennei couldn't make a move, Frankenstein's dark spear reached the black smoke before Kennei looked back at Raizel.

Dark spear's whispers were getting angrier as it sucked all the black smoke emitted by Kennei which was controlling Raizel.

Raizel didn't waste a moment after getting released from that helix of smoke and he jumped in the air to finish Kennei.

Frankenstein kept looking at his master but he captured the movement of Kennei from the corner of his eyes and turned. The captain was trying to control Frankenstein but Frankenstein didn't budge this time. He smirked from the corner of his lips and jumped at him. The captain tried to attack him with any object he found around, by throwing them on Frankenstein. Frankenstein missed every one of them with quick movements. Though he was busy dodging captain's attack, he was peeking towards his master through the corner of his eyes, who was fighting with Kennei. They both were using their extreme powers but Raizel's blood streams were getting smashed by Kennei's black smoke. Both of them were fighting equally. Kennei's black powers were not enough to surpass Noblesse' powers. The endless battle was destroying everything around them. All the soldiers from both the sides were still fighting but taking cover to save their lives from that life threatening battle.

Frankenstein felt frustrated by the fact that he wasn't able to win against the enemy in front of him and he couldn't help his master. He thought for a moment and smiled to himself. He looked at his fighters, Tao, Takio, M-21, Shinni and Neil. They all were finishing their opponents bravely. He shouted at Tao,

"Tao, can you guys please give me a hand here?"

Tao looked at Frankenstein with surprise and answered,

"Are you asking for our help, boss?"

Frankenstein nodded saying yes.

Then explained his intentions to Tao in sign language, Tao nodded showing that he understood the plan.

Frankenstein then focused on the captain and started making different moves all of a sudden. Captain didn't understand Frankenstein's moves, but he realised he was upto something. He tried to stay focused on him.

Suddenly Tao, Takio, Shinni, Neil and Granduncle, all of them except M-21, ran towards the captain and surrounded him from everywhere. Frankenstein jumped away using the distraction and went into the sky to help his master. Meanwhile M-21 attacked the captain when ge was too focused on enemies surrounding him.

Raizel was up in the sky, flipping his red wings, focusing on the enemy. The sky was looking red because of the blood field Raizel created a moment ago. Raizel had tried to use his telekinesis power to control Kennei's mind but he was way too much powerful to control by his aura. The source of his dark powers was never ending.

Frankenstein looked at his dark spear at one last time and reached his master. Raizel saw Frankenstein flying along side him. He looked frustrated because of his enemy who wasn't getting hurt in any way. And he couldn't hurt Raizel either. Frankenstein then talked to his master using his telepathic connection,

"Master, I have a way finish this enemy, if we use my dark powers and your Noblesse powers together."

Raizel was listening carefully.

Frankenstein continued,

"You keep him distracted, I will attack him with dark spear. It wants his blood and soul for a while now. I believe it can contain him if we use it properly."

Raizel's eye's expressions changed and he started to feel hopeful in that non-fruitful fight.

Raizel attacked Kennei with powerful blood field, Kennei stopped it with using his immense dark powers emitting black smoke all around them.

Frankenstein sneaked towards Kennei using smoke covered sky and said,

"Master, now!"

Frankenstein, then lifted his dark spear high, and attacked Kennei from his back, into his chest. Dark spear screamed with happiness and the dark blood of Kennei was absorbed by spear. It recognised the powerful blood of a dark lord's servant, Kennei, and dark spear felt a lot more powerful.

Kennei tried to pull out the spear from his chest. The spear resisted, but Kennei held it tighter and pulled it out, threw it away and screamed loudly at Frankenstein,

"You, coward!"

Frankenstein smiled and jumped away to catch the dark spear.

Kennei now looked at Raizel and said,

"I will finish you later. I want to kill that purple creature first."

"You cannot get out of this field without my permission." Raizel said with cold eyes staring at him.

Kennei laughed at Raizel and tried to flew away. But then he saw the real blood field Raizel had created around him, which he cannot break. So, he turned towards Raizel and said,

"How foolish of you! Now, I don't have a choice, but to kill you. What a waste of such amazing powers!"

"You may try, but your powers won't affect me now." Raizel answered silently.

"Why?" Kennei asked with confusion. And he waved his hands in the air to attack Raizel with dark powers. The dark smoke ran towards Raizel but Raizel destroyed it by touching it. Kennei couldn't believe his eyes.

"How is this possible?"

He screamed.

"Your powers belong to the dark spear now." Frankenstein answered from far away. He reached to Kennei and looked into his eyes saying,

"The moment dark spear touched your body, it marked you. And because your power source is similar to the spear, it surpassed it and claimed you. You're no more an entity you were before. Dark spear rules on you now. And the spear belongs to me." Frankenstein smiled.

"Master, do the honor and finish this creature. I will go and help my boys."

Raizel nodded.

Kennei couldn't believe his eyes and ears. He looked at Raizel who was ready to finish him and asked,

"Who are you exactly?"

Raizel smiled a little and said,

"I am Cadis etrama di raizel".

"The Noblesse?" Kennei's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I, Cadis etrama di raizel, sentence you to death." Raizel lifted his hand and took control of every molecule of his blood and looked up in the sky, creating huge blood field, which came down like tornado and finished Kennei existance to nothing.

Raizel then looked at Frankenstein who had almost killed the captain by using enhanced dark spear and Tao, Takio's tricks.

The captain finally gave up after seeing his lord's death and he died with screams. Dark spear absorbed him peacefully.

Shinni looked at Frankenstein and Raizel with tearful eyes and fell down to the ground with no powers left to fight anymore! Mr. Shinnei and M-21 both ran towards her. Mr. Shinnei grabbed her and helped her stand up. She looked at his father and smiled. Tears were still flowing down her cheeks. M-21 came towards her and held her hand tightly, showing his immense amount of love towards her. She had stopped crying now.

Tao, Takio and Neil looked at the couple and then at Mr. Shinnei who was observing them. But the tension was released when Mr. Shinnei laughed and hugged M-21. He then turned towards Frankenstein and said,

"I don't know how to thank you enough for risking your lives for us. We're forever in your debt." He held his down, showing his respect.

"You don't need to be in any debt, my friend. You just need to accept our wolf as a son-in-law. Then we're even." Frankenstein replied with smile.

"He is more like a son to me." Mr. Shinnei said. And realised Shei, his real son was on deathbed, he had to check on him. He turned towards Neil and said,

"Son Neil, why don't you go and check on Shei?"

Neil ran with light speed towards the half broken castle.

Then Mr. Shinnei walked towards Raizel, knelt down to the ground and said,

"Thank you!"

He didn't say anything else.

Raizel looked at him with pleased eyes and said,

"You don't need to kneel. You may stand. We're family now."

Everyone smiled. Mr. Shinnei stood up.

"We need to leave now. We need to rest." Tao announced with tired voice.

Everyone nodded and started to walk towards their destination. But M-21 was still holding Shinni's hand.

Shinni patted on his shoulder and said,

"We'll meet soon! I have this device you can contact me on." And she showed him her mobile phone. His face brightened and he smiled. He asked Tao to note down her cell phone number and they left.

Raizel's dark hair had started to play on his forehead again, showing glimpse of his ruby red eyes.

Frankenstein was looking at his master, who was happy and peaceful. He felt happy too!!
