
Rai x Frankenstein (New Adventures)

Frankestein is trying to provide peaceful and joyful life to Raizel after the Apocalypse. And he was successful for time being. But the adventures returns as an unwanted guest enters to their peaceful life on a very unlucky day. The mysteries unfold and new monsters rise, to haunt the mankind once again. Frankestein is doing his best to keep Raizel out of this fight. But will Raizel have to fight them again? Will Raizel sacrifice his remaining lifetime to save the world which he needs to live into it?

Nik_The_Wordsmith · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

The day

"Today is the day, it has to be today."

Those grey eyes stared at his companion and left the room.

The Sun was shining brightly today and curtains in the living room were playing with the wind. Everybody was busy in in their morning schedule, Frankenstein was thinking 'when will it happen'…..

The moment of silence lasted for few seconds and Tao stormed into the room asking for help for his new weapon. "I am facing difficulties in finishing this toy, I'm not able to stabilize it. I was hoping you will help me with this if you can."

"what is it?", Frankenstein asked while he is still thinking about the day ahead.

"It's just a gun, only it doesn't shoot bullets", Tao replied proudly looking at his weapon.

Frankenstein's face was still not satisfied with the information Tao just provided, so he asked again, "What does it do?"

"Ummm….., basically it works similar as a Stun gun, but little strong. I made it myself." He replied proudly.

"A stun gun!, it seems easy, what's the problem then?"

"Actually, I tested it, and it backfired, though everything is perfect.", Tao shared his problem, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Take it to the lab, we'll check there." Frankenstein replied while he was still worried about the safety.

After half an hour later, two cars left the house, one with Rai, Frankestein and Tao where as another one with kids, Takio and M-21.

The morning journey was event less and peaceful. Frankestein prepared himself for the evening. It should certainly be interesting.

It was full moon that day. Sky was shining bright in the moonlight. Rai and kids had after college activities, so they left college late. Frankestein was going to accompany them from common junction. M-21 was rushing home because everybody looked hungry. Rai seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"Sir, why are we taking different route than usual?" Shinwu asked in curiosity.

"I thought this way is faster, we don't need to face city traffic. I informed the boss, he will be joining soon."

Shinwu wasn't satisfied but he didn't care. He started to play game again.

Everything seems to be silent and weird on that shortcut route. While M-21 was hoping Tao to reach there soon, a human figure was standing in the middle of the road. It was a human, "why is he standing in the middle of the road?", his leg rushed to the breaks and he stopped the car.

"What is it?" Raizel's thoughts got interrupted due to sudden breaks.

"Is he going to attack us?" He shouted to himself & dialed Tao's number, the call was received immediately.

"Tao, I think we have encountered an enemy. Rush here as soon as you can. He seems to be alone but I'm not sure if he got back up or something. And he is carrying some kind of sword."

M-21 blew the horn in case he is a lost human and gets his senses back by the sound. But he didn't move and kept staring at him. He certainly didn't look lost. He was there with a purpose.

"I will confront him. Takio, you come with me, and you stay in the car kids." M-21 announced. Kids were surprised. They nodded with big worried yes.

Raizel got down the car saying "I will accompany you."

They three walked towards the enemy who was looking at them with his piercing grey eyes.

"What is it that you want?" M-21 questioned him as he was getting impatient.

"I demand to talk to the blonde one." The enemy asked.

"The boss will be joining us soon. What is your interest?"

"Why do you stand in our way at night like this?"

"Believe me, I'm not your enemy." The grey eyes stated.

"You look like one, to me." Takio replied fiercely. M-21 was getting angrier.

"You can't leave until I meet the blonde one." He threatened.

"If you really want to meet him, you should have taken an appointment with him. He would have met you pleasantly. But this is an unacceptable way. You can't make us stay. Unless you fight, and if you fight, you're an enemy."

"I don't want to hurt you boys. And I certainly don't want to hurt a kid." He was looking at Raizel.

"We don't want to hurt you either. Unless you expose your true motives, we won't believe." M-21's eyes looked fierce.

"You cannot move until he comes."

Grey eyes commanded again.

"You're facing a lot of danger than you believe. You let us leave and we won't harm you." M-21 replied.

"You kept me no choice. If you get hurt, it's your fault." And he lifted his sword high and it shined like diamond in moonlight as if it was absorbing powers from the moon.

Takio ran towards the car to get his case.

(Pic cr. quickmeme.com)

"Raizel, stay back. You don't need to involve in this. We'll handle it." M-21 pleaded Raizel as he made himself ready to fight. Werewolf inside him was getting furious. His nails started wanted to scratch his enemy to his bones.

The enemy ran towards M-21 with his shiny sword. M-21 ran like a wolf to cut him through half. Takio raised his gun and shot him down before he reach M-21. But he couldn't believe his eyes when the shiny sword reached M-21's torso and the enemy just got the scratches. M-21 fell down with blood. He stood back with shocked expressions. His nerves got unstable. His wound healed in seconds and he transformed and roared like a wolf. His wolf eyes were ready to tear his enemy apart.

"Takio, now". He hinted Takio to shoot him. And he attacked at the same time. The enemy dodged the bullet but couldn't avoid M-21's attack. He jumped high using his moon light power and attacked M-21 on his back. He didn't even made a sound of pain and said, "why don't you attack front you coward?".

"You're far too strong for me, but I'm fast. And not stupid. There are chances that I may defeat you two."

"You better try", Takio shouted and shot the enemy with his powerful gun. He took the bullet on his shield but couldn't take the impact and fell on his back hard.

"Enough Takio." Takio immediately stopped hearing boss's voice. In the heat of battle, they didn't realize when Frankestein reached.

"Master, it's an honour to meet you. I'm searching for you for a long time. Accept the apology from a Moon Clan servant 'Shinni' for all this nuisance. I was just trying to meet you discreetly." Grey eyes showed his respect towards Frankestein.

"What is it that you desire?" Frankestein asked calmly.

"Our clan is in danger, we're fighting our own people, who have lost their way of light and joined dark forces. I have heard about you and your powers. You value human life and protect them. I am here to ask you for your help."

"I believe you're saying the truth. Then why don't you expose your face, so we can communicate properly?" Frankestein replied looking at his face mask.

I apologize sir. He rushed to remove his mask, and his silver hair shined in the moonlight. But something seemed different. He was not masculine enough.

Frankestein smiled surprisingly, "It's nice to meet you lady Shinni."

M-21 was looking at that firecing beauty with awe.

(Pic cr. Wallup.net)

"You're very kind Sir." She replied with smile on her face.

"We're on our way to home, why don't you come along? We'll get a chance to know each other." Frankestein asked.

"You'll be in danger if I come along with you. They're hunting me and today I exposed my powers so they would have tracked me down. I shouldn't come with you." She explained the danger honestly.

"It's fine. We'll deal with it."

M-21 returned to normal, he was tired and faded, but there was a little smile on his face.

Deep down somewhere his heart was pounding faster, and the wolf wasn't the reason this time.

(Pic cr. Pinterest)

The picture is unrealistic because M-21 may have fantasized her this way 😉.