
Ragnarok- Wreck choas in the heavens

Johns or better known as Azaroth by the gaming world, is a world level gamer in the world wide game known as Ragnarok. A game where humans fight against gods for the sake of the world. Finding a strange rock at the kitchen table, he warily came closer and observed it, unaware how this stone arrived into his house. looking around the room, he saw the house was untouched causing him to be even more curious, he extended his arm and touched the stone when suddenly a gravitational pull pulls him into a black hole and throws him into another universe... a universe far far more dangerous then ours.

HollowGod · ตะวันออก
1 Chs

Beginning after the end




Cheers rang in the massive stadium filled with tens of thousands of people, cheering for the undisputed number one in the game known as {Ragnarok}!

a masterpiece of a game created by the collective efforts of all the VR games creators to make one game that will leave its mark in the world history!.

The game was released in 2070 July first and today, 2100 September second, they will finally see the end of the game.

Ragnarok as the name suggests is the end of the world, the gods have decided to destroy humanity as they deemed humanity as a plague and an unworthy existence that only destroys. The players in the game will fight against the gods and their armies in an attempt to change their fate.

John or better known across the world as Azaroth always had a passion for games, and ever since he was a kid he always excelled in them, his reaction time was inhuman, standing at 0.061ms and that allowed him to perceive and react to changes in the games or his opponent fighting style much faster and better then his peers.

After hearing about a new VRMMORPG when he was 18 and hearing that its the work of the collective efforts of the brightest game making minds in the industry he immediately bought the game and started playing it the moment it went live. and not soon after the game started he got the best class - {Godkiller-Alpha}. part of the ninth legacy classes, the first is the strongest while the ninth is the weakest, well weakest among the nine God killers.

[Now enough of that, lets get back to the story~]

"Zeus, Odin, Ra, Shiva long time no see, missed me?" a middle aged man standing at 1.87m with a short beard and long hair stood in the middle of a battlefield with a teasing smile on his face, holding a pole while wearing heavy armor with weird carving all over it that radiated strength and majesty; making him appear like an emperor.

In front of him were the top 4 gods and their armies of gods and heavenly soldiers with a single aim in mind - [Destroy humanity].

"Azaroth... smile while you can because in a short while humanity will be destroyed and you.. you bastard will not die oh no you wont, I wanna torture you for eternity kukukuku" Zeus, the godfather of Greek mythology, gnashed his teeth at the sight of Azaroth.

"Oh come on Zeus! I only severed your arm no need to be this petty right? what? did not having that arm stopped you from jacking off? oh wait I forgot the great Zeus, the wise and majestic Zeus is a rapist! nevermind nevermind you don't need to masterbate and besides, you already regrown that arm so chill out" Laughed Azaroth and poked at the sour spots and the bad past of Zeus, after years of dealing with those bastard gods he didn`t feel even slightly intimidated.

"Why you!" rage creeped onto Zeus face as lightning appeared around him and as soon as he was about to rash out, and hand appeared on his shoulder, stopping him from rushing into the battlefield alone "Odin let me go at that bastard! I will not be satisfied unless I kill him!" shaking his head Odin sighs before releasing his hand " you can go ahead and run into your death you old fuck but if you were to use your head you would see that`s its a trap to weaken our power"

Holding his anger back Zeus looked at Azaroth who still had the same teasing smile, almost inviting him to come to him "Awww and here I Thought I will manage to take one down fast, so lets put aside the talk and how about we start this war? what do you say ay? my throat is itching for some god blood~" jumping slightly the excited Azaroth spoke carefreely as if this war was already won in his eyes.

"Indeed its time for war, the war to end it all" Said Odin as he walked forward, with Zeus, Shiva, Ra by his side

"If only you humans would of learned and behaved we wouldn`t of had to do this" Shaking his head Ra walked forward with his spear - Anhur.

"Only through rebirth will humanity be reformed, destroy all previous sins to return to purity." walking forward he smiled gently and held his Pinaka bow.

"Kukukuku Although I'm not happy with that, I can let humanity be rebirthed. Soldiers! Gods! Forward!" Said Zeus while walking forward, holding lighting bolts in both hands with malice as he looked at humanity.

Smiling wildly, Azaroth smashed his pole into the ground, creating cracks that ran across the earth "Man! today is the day we fight with our lives on the line! so how about we kick those puny gods ass and show them what the humans they so much despite can do?!"

"Kill the gods!"

The army took a step forward while roaring, their aura flaring up, creating pressure that seemed tangible.

"Kill the gods!"

The army took another step as the shamans and priests started casting aoe buffs on all the army, intensifying their aura and strength to a whole new level.

"Kill the gods!"

"Good! Good! Good! HAHAHAH that`s what I wanna see" an excited smile appeared on his face with his aura flaring up, the world seemed to lose his color as the ground started to break even further before an ice cold face appeared, and killing intent spread across the battlefield, making gods and humans alike feel fear, fear for their lives.

pointing his pole at Zeus and Ra "you two, for killing my wife 4 years ago, I will kill you last, I shall let you experience what it feels like when you lose everything and you are powerless to change it"

"Azaroth... you still can`t forget about it" a beautiful woman walked up to him, and shook her head.

"You know better then anyone how much she meant for me sister Mary, I'm all for my enemies attacking me.. but they killed her, she wasn`t involved, she was a mortal yet they killed her! even if she was only an npc, she was my entire world and I must avenge her" looking at the army of gods infront of him, he didn`t hesitate anymore "Soldiers! Attack!"

And thus the battle that shook the heavens and destroyed the earth took place, humans died and gods fallen and in the end only 18 people remained, 9 humans and 9 gods, the nine humans were respectively the nine {God killers} Also known as- Wukang, Jizlen, Rango, Mary, Shina, Kulan, Mirage, Thresh and finally, Azaroth! from last to first with Wukang being the ninth Godkiller and Azaroth being the first Godkiller.

On the gods side, the only ones left were- Zeus, Odin, Shiva, Ra, Ares, Anubis, Poseidon, Apollo and Thor.

Everyone was in a bad situation, and had the strength to unleash only a few more attacks. Smiling wildly Azaroth walked forward with the rest of the Godkillers as they put their hand on a part of his body "everyone! we started from being weakling, nothing infront of those gods, and looked how far we reached! I`m proud of all of us and now, its time to finish this once and for all, just like we practiced, are you all ready?"

"I was born ready" the tall giant looking Wukang said with a cheeky grin on his face "kick their ass Azaroth"

"You already know I`m ready boy, now come on don`t waste anymore time, everyone start the transfer" Mirage said with a serious look on his face but his eyes betrayed his face as they revealed how excited he was.

The eight of them nodded and red light shone from their palms as it went into Azaroth body with an insane grin on his face as he looked at the gods who were rushing their way to try to stop them

"Too late you bastards AHAHAHAHHAH! YOU SHALL ALL DIE! Gods? Divinity? you all amount to nothing in the end" as he finished speaking the red light disappeared and the eight behind him turned to dust as a system message appeared infront of them.

[You have died!]

[As you have used the {Forbidden Rank - Godkiller Sacrafice.} a spell unique to the Godkiller class, you have lost 100 levels and your class. Current level- 1900]

as the eight of them appeared in the respawn beacon they looked at each other with a tired but happy smile. suddenly Mary spoke " Now its all up to Azaroth to finish it up"

"Humph if he still cant finish them after we used Power merge then I will be disappointed" said Thresh while eating a slice of cake he had in his inventory.

"He will finish this, you know how he is" this granted a chuckle from the rest of them as they looked up to the big screen which showed the battlefield.

(On the battlefield)

A system message appeared infront of Azaroth after the power merge finished.

[You have been the target of Power Merge- Damage has been increased by 1000% for 1 day, Health has been increased by 1000% for 1 day, speed has been increased by 1000% for 1 day, defense has been increased by 1000% for 1 day.]

A crazy look appeared on his face as he saw this and he instantly activated his domain "Godkiller domain! Open!" A fearsome power of laws started spreading from his body, constantly enveloping the world around him and the gods who to their horror found out they couldn`t escape.

The moment they were fully enveloped they seemed to appear in a world similar to a world of fire, with what seems like cells, an endless amount of cells, stretching out as far as the eye could see, and in them were.... Gods?!

"what- how- Hera? didn`t you die? " said Zeus as his face was filled with confusion as he walked towards the cell door, trying his best to pray it out and free her, he couldn`t make the door badge. giving up he looked towards Azaroth and said with a voice filled with killing intent "Release her and the rest-" before he could finish talking the voice of the imprisoned gods rang out.

"RUN! Dont let him get you!"- Said Hera as she banged her fists on the cell door

"this place is weird, you lose all your strength when you are in this cell, don't let him catch you" - said Athena from her cell not far way in a dispirited way.

sitting on a tree not far away, he looked at them with a small smile as he held his Ruyi Jingu bang, the artifact of Sun Wukong, the great sage equals to the heavens! jumping down from the tree he started walking towards them slowly as his aura continued to raise, finally coming into a 10m distance from the nine gods he said with sadness

"its truly saddening right? seeing your loved ones, your dear ones, your close ones caged in a place so close yet you cant reach it, it hurts right? finally I can let you GODS experience what I felt when your servants killed my wife infront of me! tsk you don`t even deserve such a name, after all, a god is someone undying yet I have so many of you GODS blood on my pole " laughing loudly he slammed Ruyjin on the ground as he looked at them, contempt filled his eyes.

"your wife deserved it after all, she was the wife of the man who dared to disobey the gods! and as you must know Azaroth, all is fair in love and war! but I must say... her flesh was very tender kukukuku" with a crazed look on his face and a creepy laugh coming out of his mouth, Zeus seemed to recall the past and a look of Ecstasy came over him.

taking a few steps away from the crazed Zeus, the 8 gods prepared themselves for the last fight and got into a battle stance, not moving their eyes from Azaroth who at the moment emitted massive amounts of killing intent as he walked towards them and the thought that appeared in the minds of the 8 gods at that time was... 'Zeus.. Fuck you!'

Azaroth who heard Zeus was like an enraged beast, his aura was wildly all over the place, causing the gods to sweat from the back.

Whispering under his breath "Ghost step" and taking one step and disappearing from site, he appeared behind Zeus in speed that even the gods couldn`t perceive and hit him in the back with Ryujin, causing Zeus to fly out and crash into a mountain that was a few KM away.

"now that the main annoyance has been temporarily dealt with, its time for you guys, but rest assured, you guys will be like the rest of the gods, in the prison, forever! unlike Zeus who well... is unfortunate" not wanting to waste anymore time on them, he quickly but swiftly disposed of the eight of them into their respective cells. not minding the yelling behind him, he walked slowly towards the mountain Zeus crashed into.

Flying up there, he stood face to face with Zeus the supreme god from the Greek mythology who at the moment was still unconscious." Hey garbage of a god wake up, im still not done with you" smashing Zeus stomach with Ruyjin a few times caused Zeus to wake up and look at Azaroth with hatred but also, despair.

"so that the end? what can I say mortal, you have won! you have stopped the destruction of humanity! but that is from the hands of us, gods. humanity destruction will come eventually, from their own hands, and for this I await, for the moment you realize that all your effort was for naught, that everything you did was not worth jackshit! and that the woman you loved so much.. died because of you! HAHAHahahha ah ah.. ah... shit... " looking up to the cold faced Azaroth, he felt dread he never felt before. deciding to try and run away he tried to stand up but to his despair Ruyjin was on his stomach, blocking him from ever getting up.

looking down on the god he was once so afraid of, laying weakly infront of him, a smile of wariness and victory appeared on his face as he left Ruyjin on Zeus body, imprisoning him forever to the mountain, without a way to escape.

leaving his domain, he teleported to the town where he met the love of his life, Luna. more precisely would be their secret spot, and also the grave of Luna. walking up the their favorite spot, a bald spot in the forest with clear view of the sky, he set down near her grave and sighed.

"Finally, I have avenged you Luna, can you see this? probably not" he laughed weakly and took out a bottle of alcohol and chugged it down while looking into the skies " oh and I also saved humanity"

finally after a few minutes the system message appeared, signaling the end of the game!

[The gods have been defeated and humanity has come out supreme! We, VR World company will like to thank everyone who has been with us since the beginning and for those who joined after that! on our forums there`s a thread with a few suggestions for our new games and the most voted will be the one we will work on! ]

"Its finally over" he sighs and logged off, getting out of his game cabinet, he remember he was in the stadium and as soon as he got out shouts appeared right away

"Azaroth!, Azaroth! Azaroth!"

Felling a bit overwhelmed he shook his head and smiled at everyone and walked off stage. no one questioned it as they knew that this was his personality in the 30 years he preformed.

walking away from the stage and into a dressing room he pressed the button on a small phone he was given which sole purpose is to open the secret door in the room so that they can go from the backdoor incase they didn`t wanna deal with the paparazzi's.

walking out and going into his car and drove to his house while listening to old rap songs, mainly Eminem and Hopsin. looking down to his phone he saw he got tens of calls from his friends and his manager but he didn`t wanna answer them.

getting back home he opened the door to his house after he parked his car, he looked at the dark house and sighed before turning the lights on and looking at the picture to his right "Hey ma, pa, I`m home" he then walked into the kitchen to make himself something to eat but noticed something on the kitchen table, a black stone, so black it seemed to swallow the light around it.

"what in myself name that is?" walking up to the table he warily came closer and observed it, unaware how this stone arrived into his house. looking around the room, he saw the house was untouched causing him to be even more curious, he extended his arm and touched the stone when suddenly a gravitational pull pulls him into a black hole and throws him into another universe... a universe far far more dangerous then ours.