
Raging Flames Incestuous Love

The so-called eternity Perhaps it's just a fleeting moment in life A hazy dusk at a street corner in a light rain The slender, bony hand reaching out next to you And the warm, wet kiss mark left on the back of the neck...…

Beeber167 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
47 Chs

Chapter 12

 Mu Yao for the first time with a more intimate address called concise, but did not immediately pick up his words, Mu Yao's heart said: don't expect me to call something else, this is already the maximum. Not to take the eyes to glance at concisely, but see the tall man do not know when has been smiling in front of him, looking at his eyes like stars.

Embarrassed, he was about to deviate when the man leaned over. Mu Yao suddenly felt the kiss on the cheek... Soft, soft, a touch away at once, made him suddenly think of the gray wings of the dove, a thrilling, light beauty.

Although it was only on the cheek, it was the first time they had touched like a couple. Mu Yao feels that their heart is fast jumping out of their throat, their eyes are not put, their face is needless to say, but forgets to give the man an apron. In the cramped room, the living room simple mobile phone rang, the man went out to pick it up, Mu Yao was finally relieved, leaning on the sliding door to look at concise.

I do not know who received the call, the man just also had a tender smile disappear, Jianmei slightly frowned, a face indifferent, and only a few nasal voices simply responded to the phone. Mu Yao happened to be on his side, the man had been ignored by his cold and harsh profile at this moment suddenly clear, even ten meters apart, can still feel a stunning momentum.

Such simplicity lets Mu Yao have a little awe, more is happy, the powerful man only to him a person to show the indulgent tenderness... Mu Yao lips a smile, closes the kitchen sliding door, and concisely talks about work, he does not want to overhear, although living together, or should respect each other's privacy.

Mu Yao turned around, tied the apron on his waist, tied his hands and feet to pour the fish in the shopping bag into the sink, found a thin blade knife, began to shave the fish at the corner of the body did not shave clean scales. Nowadays, people love to cut corners, and at that time, they felt that the salesman was perfunctory sure enough, he did not shave clean, and he still had a large fish scale on the tail.

Jane Ming shut the phone and was ready to come to the kitchen, he heard Mu Yao suddenly scream, across the sliding door, the panic he lost the phone and immediately rushed in, pulled Mu Yao's shoulder to ask: "Small Yao what?" "

"Fish, fish. It's alive!" Muyao face green mouth white, stuttering said: "I scraped for a long time it did not move, just wanted to wash off the blood foam above, and it suddenly jumped up!"

Concise laugh, no wonder the boy had a face of water, the faucet also rushed to help him wipe the water on his face: "Who let you make it, why not wait for me?"

Mu Yao pushed his, airway: "You still laugh!" I went to answer the phone! And who would be surprised to see a dead fish jump so high? No compassion at all!" Then he bowed his head and wanted to pick up the fish on the ground.

Concise smirked held him back and pulled him: "OK, you wash your hands, I'll do it later." He suddenly grabbed Muyao's left hand and raised it, frowning: "Look at you, how did you bleed?" "

Mu Yao a look, the ring finger is sure to have a small wound, not conspicuous, above coagulating red small blood beads, it is not impressed: "May let the spine of the fish prick, it doesn't matter." "Said to reach under the faucet.

"Wait," concisely pinched his ring finger, holding his hands together to reach under the water pipe, did not let the wound directly contact raw water, while helping him wash his hands and said: "Although it is direct drinking water, the pipeline will reproduce bacteria, and be stabbed by aquatic products, even if the wound is small, it is easy to inflammation." Jane pulled him into the living room, sat him down on the couch, and went back to the utility room to get the medicine cabinet.

"Ah, when did you prepare it?" Mu Yao smiled and asked, remember the first time to come, he said no.

"Two days before you moved in." Concise glanced at him. "Remember what I said? You always let me see you bleed. Be careful in the future." 

Mu Yao said: "What is this small hole, you are too nervous."

Concise knocks him, and is ready to speak, but the doorbell suddenly rings, Mu Yao wants to open the door, and concisely holds him: "You sit, the company subordinate to send information, do not entertain."

Mu Yao Listen a colleague of the company, wanted to go back to the room, but she simply did not let him avoid the meaning of his concise work and was also very curious, sitting on the sofa to see the door.

When the door opened, I saw a man 40 years old, with a fine suit and a sophisticated and capable appearance, walking in with a folder in his hand, and when he took off his shoes on the porch, he couldn't stop saying: "Sorry, sorry, Jane, I really shouldn't bother you, but this document can't be dragged."

Jianming closed the door and said, "It doesn't matter. Come in and sit down first." Still back to Mu Yao's side sat down, and casually said: "This is Zhang's assistant, small Yao remember people, in case I go on a business trip you have something, you can always find Zhang assistant to help." He unscrewed the iodine bottle, disinfected Mu Yao's fingers with a cotton swab, and then tore the hemostatic tape, lifted his hand without hesitation, and carefully helped him stick on the tape.

Mu Yao red face, wanting to break apart and afraid of more traces, had to pretend as if nothing had happened to assistant Zhang smiled: "Mr. Zhang, hello. Please advise me in the future."

Assistant Zhang immediately got up, seemed more nervous than he, and said with great concern: "You must not say so, call Lao Zhang, or call my name" Han Cheng "can also be done, and you can tell me anything in the future."

Mu Yao was startled, and felt funny, this assistant sensed that concise relationship with their unusual, but also too sophisticated. Immediately shake the head and tail up, the people in the business are too smooth, and Mu Yao doesn't like it. He smiled politely, nodded to Assistant Zhang, stopped answering, and turned back to see Jian Jian. Heart thought: fortunately, a concise body does not see this oily temperament. Then I thought, if concise is such a person, how can he be so obsessed with it? Thinking about thinking, thoughts on four extreme eight wastage, no edge did not edge up.

Concise turned over the document, took the assistant Zhang's pen to sign, and sent people out, looking back to see Mu Yao sitting on the sofa staring at him without talking, laughing: "Little nerd, I have flowers on my face?" Is it nice?"

Mu Yao recovered his senses and spat: "Ugly death." Busy eyes away.

Concise smiled and pulled him up: "Go to the shower, don't drag, it's 11 o 'clock."

"What about the fish?" Mu Yao still thinking about the fish on the ground, can't let it stay alive overnight like this? 

"Return the fish!" Jian tapped him and pushed him into the bathroom. "I'll clean it up later," he said. "Wash it off for you."

Mu Yao is a little cold that mysterious fish no longer insists, on going in to take a shower. After washing, I feel refreshed and in a good mood. When I had to get dressed, I was stunned. The hooks were empty and I forgot to take a change of clothes. I can't afford to go back to my dirty clothes, and I have a towel that I can put back in my room, but it's embarrassing to go out there naked.

Mu Yao thought for a long time, or shouted at the bathroom door: "Jane..." 

'What's the matter? Simplicity should be in the living room.

"I forgot my pajamas..."

"Aren't there bath towels in there?" Jian asked.

"Help me with my clothes..."

"Oh, good." Mu Yao heard the sound of concise footsteps in his room, and soon came out and said outside the door: "Put it on the chair at your door, and then take it yourself."

"HMM." Mu Yao should have finished but heard concise walk away, relieved, just worried about him opening the door to pass clothes. Although I like to be concise, I instinctively run away from such awkward and ambiguous situations. Maybe he didn't think he should go there yet. Mu Yao feels that the intimate relationship between lovers should be natural and sweet. Khan, think of here can not help but BS an own, see too many literary films.

He came out to see concise not in the living room and kitchen, went to his room to see, originally in the bathroom to cool, went to heat a cup of milk and drink opened the TV, picked a channel to pass the time.

After a while concisely rushed out, and sat next to him on the sofa, Mu Yao saw his hair was wet, this person seemed to be always impatient to dry hair, convenient way: "Your hair is still dripping, how not to dry?"

"Got used to it." Jianming took a newspaper and turned the page.

Mu Yao went to the bathroom to take a towel, standing behind him just wanting to help him wipe his hair, his mobile phone rang, concisely smiled at him and said: "I came myself, to answer the phone."

Mu Yao put the towel on his head, and went to the coffee table to get the phone while saying: "There are so many calls today." Mu Yao has always called less, concise and seems not to like to bring the work home, so just assistant Zhang will be a stack of apologies.

Mu Yao saw is YY number, saw a concise glance, busy picked up: "Hello?" YY?"

"Fuck! Last time that shit stuck with me, and yesterday it killed me! NNGB!" YY raging on the phone, doesn't know if concerns are concisely present, Mu Yao feels that the sound coming out of the phone is fast into surround sound. I couldn't help but nervously look at Jian Ming, only to see him on the sofa very intently flipping through the newspaper, seemingly not paying attention to himself.

Mu Yao wanted to go back to the room to pick it up, and after YY roared a voice to do so instead there was no silver, in case concise heard more would feel strange.

"Did you hear that? " YY see he should not, and scold a sentence.

Mu Yao quickly said: "Don't you ignore him?"

"Fuck, I don't want to deal with it, but that bird B's father seems to have some background, the boss wants to buy his account." YY despondent: "I'm too fucking unlucky!"

"Don't go to work yet, then?" Mu Yao can not say too clearly, and can only point to stop.

"That's the problem. He came to my house today to annoy me." YY said: "Today originally took a person back, was he beaten away on his own, you say this bastard is not abnormal?" "

"... What then?" Mu Yao helplessly way also began to worry that YY, can not cover-up.

"What can I do? The beast let me stay with him for three months, and I can only think that I am unlucky." YY calmed down and whispered, "I hope he didn't play to death by then."

"How can that be?" YY last back scars have let Mu Yao shocking, such abuse for three months, who can bear it? "Why don't you go home first?" Mu Yao proposed: "You have not been back to see your mother for a long time?"

"No, if you leave now, how can you come back later?" YY helplessly said: "The boss is good to me, I can't give him trouble."

"I can't do this, I can't do that, so what can I do?" Mu Yao urgent way, how does this person make no sense at all?

"Come on, little boy, I'm in great shape! Poor worry about nothing." On the contrary, YY opened Mu Yao: "I am holding my breath in the heart, looking for you to talk, nothing, bye, MD, to be tired, I sleep ah!" Said also to wait for Mu Yao's reply, and hung up the phone.

"Wait, YY!" Mu Yao took the phone to "feed" a few voices, anxious not to play in the past YY has been shut down.

Concise sees he is wrong, asked: "Small Yao, what's wrong?"