
The Beginning Of The Change!

Date: Friday, July 19 20XX

Within the country of China is where it began; as the highest populated country it was obvious for the first choice, people eating with their families or at work if they were doing a nightly shift, it doesn't matter really where they were or who they were the person, if it happened to them, then it happened. Thousands of people disappearing all over the country and then in other countries such as India, Russia, England, France and America, an event soon to be called the 'Click' for how quickly someone was there and disappeared, just within a click.

The mysteries lead to multiple investigations from a wide range of specialists but to no avail, this also caused panic slowly as time passed and a month later the count was above three- hundred-thousand, the number was high considering it was the first month but... saying that, it was just the beginning of the event.

A month later and the count had risen from hundred thousand range to the million range, the disappearances per day after the first month exponentially exploded and widespread panic began to occur but as the ideas of fiction that appeared from years of books and movies helped to mellow it out but not enough to decrease the crime rate as many thought that if they were to disappear into nothingness they better do all the things they wanted without the law in the way, other events happened such as the many religious communities got together and began to indulge in the idea that it was the work of God and that it was the day of judgement that was foretold, in the future they would find that it was much worse…

By the end of the second month, more than twelve million people were missing from the same phenomenon and with it, an ensuing trepidation that crept on many minds with questions such as, 'When will it be me?', 'What's going to happen to me?', 'I wonder who in my family is going to go first' and etc.

Eventually it led into September and the estimate for the number of people missing had reached eighty-million and counting, the amount of people disappearing also lead to lives being lost or into depravity, the young children and babies starving to death as their parents where no longer with them for when they are needed most or the jobless children who had to survive on what was remaining in their house and eventually the debt that had to go to them from the unforgiving collectors, the planes full of people and vehicles all around the world causing havoc as no one was in them causing crashes and led to multiple lives being lost, a truly big stain within humanity that they would never forget.

But within this chaos, we go the supposed main character within this, who was in an ordinary town, in an ordinary street and you may have guessed it, an ordinary house and a girlish voice of annoyance cried out within it, "Damian! Mom calling you! It's time to eat!", another voice more boyish responded with, "Yeah! Ok, I heard you the first time, I'll be there in a minute!", this is Damian, a recent high school graduate now going to College, he walked out of his not so clean room towards the stairs right of him and down past the front door and shoes, past the front room, towards the living room and into the dining room connected to the kitchen, "Took you long enough", the same girlish voice from before rang out, this is his sister 'Claire', younger than Damian and still in high school, "Not really, I mean your all still putting down the food…"Damian muttered, another slightly heavier, more manly voice said, "What was that son?", "Sigh...nothing dad", "Ok, sit down then", he pointed towards the row of chairs around the table, Damian sitting opposite his sister and waiting for the rest of the food to make its appearance along with his mother, "There it's all here!", said a voice full of cheer, his mother who had quite the beauty for someone in her 40's in fact, everyone in the family looked as if they endowed with quite the looks, his father had brown hair and blue eyes and looked as if he just touched thirty rather than in his mid 40's and was quite tall standing at 6"3 in height.

His mother being half Indian had an ever so toned smooth brown skin, black hair and gentle grey eyes and was 5"9, a bit of an odd mix but then again it fits quite well, Claire had a mix of both her parents, the skin trait of her mother just fainter, a brunette like her father and had her mother's eyes along with being 5"8 almost as tall as her mother. Damian, on the other hand, kept a lot of his mother's traits when it came to his hair and eyes but everything else is his father's, black hair, grey eyes, slightly brown skin and standing at 6"3, the same height as his father with a healthy build along with the rest of his family, he himself being neither skinny or fat.

At the moment they were eating what looked like lasagne along with garlic bread with various other side dishes, "So, dad how's it been at work?", "Oh, you know, the usual ever since the events of the last few months, people missing, children are being taken into custody as their parents went missing, motor accidents increasing, it's really annoying not knowing what's going on, I mean we can't even get a lead on something like this!", his father passionately banged his hand against the table ever so gently shaking all that was on there, "Yea' I here you dad, David's dad has been missing for a week now and Owen's mom and brother too! I keep thinking if it's going to happen to us…", Damian said and then drifted off to as he began to eat, "Well don't. You should keep thoughts like that out of your head and that goes for the rest of you, we need to stay calm as a family and hope that it doesn't happen to us and the rest of our family and friends, you hear?", "Loud and clear officer", Damian and Claire said together sarcastically, "Don't be sarcastic at the table", their mother said.

After they finished Damian put his plate in the sink and went back into his room towards his computer and went onto a voice chat with some of his friends, they talked for a while, played a few games for a while and then logged off, Damian went to bed with the thought, 'Tomorrow is finally my birthday! Only shit thing about it is...what's been going on in the past few months, sigh...better listen to dad on this one and try and keep the thoughts out of my head...', Damian kept thinking about tomorrow and drifted off to sleep.

The next day Damian woke up to a clear sunny day and looked around, "Today, is the day! Wonder how much their gonna give me this year? It's gotta be higher than last years four hundred bucks at least', Damian got up and stretched, still a bit groggy as it was still the morning, even if it was his birthday, he couldn't shake the feeling he gets every morning, he went to the bathroom and freshened up before going downstairs to have breakfast, he looked in the fridge and took out the milk, but some bread in the toaster, and boiled some water in the kettle, making some coffee, he then made some over-easy eggs with a pinch of pepper and salt and began eating, he woke up a bit early in comparison to other days, his father at work as he has to get up quite early and mother and sister still sleeping, "Damn, it's half nine in the morning, I don't think mom and sis' are going to be awake for another hour or so, sigh...", he murmured to himself. He then proceeded into the living, turned on the tv and began to watch whatever was on the morning.

Hours later the rest of his family within the house woke up and saw that Damian was awake, they also had breakfast and watched whatever was on in the morning.

Hours later Damian was in his room talking to some of his friends when he noticed that they all got a phone call one after the other, "Yo, what was the call about guys?", "Meh, just some last-minute college stuff" as well as other excuses were used, Damian didn't care all that much as he was in the middle of a game, too preoccupied with what was in front of him to care about the other things.

Hours later, he had already stopped his voice chat with his friends and was watching some random 'Youtube' videos, when his sister again called him downstairs, "What is it now? It's not time to eat?", he said out loud with no answer and went downstairs into the living room to find no one there, "Yo claire! Are you messing with me?", he shouted as he went into the kitchen, he eventually didn't find anyone in all the other rooms downstairs and decided to check the last room he originally walked past, the front room.

He could tell from the subtlely open door that had no light coming out of it that no one was in there but decided to just check, he opened the door more and walked in to find the light automatically turn on and a bunch of people around a table with cake and shouted, 'Surprise!!', Damian jumped back and hit the door, "Aagh! Ow! The hell! Not this again! You pulled this for my 16th as well mom! Haha!", he laughed and walked up to his friends, giving them a slap type handshake as their hands interlocked and then made fun of how he freaked out and then Damian telling them the same about when it happened to them, they did the usual say hi to each other, Damian's mother's took a picture with him and his friends around a cake, gave him six hundred dollars and told him to spend it out with his friends, but first they ate the cake, Damian was cutting it when he felt an odd feeling inside it, he ignored it at first but it kept coming back.

He cut everyone a slice and once he was finished he went pale, his friends looking at him noticed this, "Hey Damian, you good?", "Yea', yea' I think so?", "Uh, I'll go get you some water", said one of them as he left the room, Damian sat down on one of the couch's still holding his plate of cake when he felt it, his insides felt like they were coming out and then he got a massive headache that got rapidly worse, he started grunting to hold it in but eventually it hurt too much and he shouted, 'STOP!', with his eyes closed, he opened them as he then oddly felt the pain stop and saw everything in slow motion, "The fuck is going on he-", he couldn't finish what he was going to say as it happened, his plate of cake falling to the ground, his friend with the water came back and saw that Damian wasn't in the room and looked at everyone else, frozen still as if they saw a dead body, which they practically did from there point of view, Damian had been 'clicked' out and what made it worse, it was on his birthday!


This is my first original novel, and for those who are fan's of my fan-fic, don't worry I will still carry on to make chapters for it as well as this!

LORD_LUMIcreators' thoughts