
Chapter 267: rage

Race to the 


Chapter 267: rage

"I have been working on this for a long time… Creating this alliance- UHCA (United Han Continent Alliance)

This alliance is not just proof of our relationship with each other, but it is also proof to those people who are eying on our kingdom…

Being a king or an emperor is no easy task… as you have to bear the responsibilities of thousands of people on your shoulder.

One small mistake and the price is being paid by the common family….

And as a king, and now as an emperor, I am always under stress… stress of being invaded by other kingdoms…

The stress of people revolting against me….

But I can't run away from responsibilities as I am the leader, and my job is to guide you all… and make sure that all of you are safe.

AND FINALLY… I created this alliance, the biggest dream that I had…