

The candle quickly fizzled out after a light blow; the final light disappeared from Seath's room. He stayed quiet in his new surroundings, watching as a shadowy figure left the room. The figure swept the room with her eyes, slightly turning her head, before closing the door. The room was left in complete silence and darkness. Suspicious footsteps creaked the wooden floorboards. One. Two. Three. Four. The footsteps left with its owner's suspicion behind as it strode away along the hallway. A sigh of relief applauded as soon as the footsteps faded out. "Luth, did you bring the cards?" Cailech asked.

"Do you have any coins left?" Luth said. Cailech broke the illusionary wall, provided by Seath. The room was to dark see him reveal himself except for his figure. He gently approached the door leaning his head against the door, closely listening from any distant noise. After a few moments, he quietly returned by Seath's bedside.

"Seth, are you playing?" Cailech asked.

"No." Seath answered, observing Cailech's thorough shuffle of his cards he took from his many pockets. Luth reached into his pocket, retrieving a small pouch. Orsiek to climbed down the bunk bed which Seath failed notice. Orsiek prodded his right hand underneath the bed until his hand slapped something metallic. Shingling the contents. He, also, took a pouch.

"Light this up." Cailech handed Orsiek a tall, unused candle. Seath faintly made out a finger pointing at the candle before a flame exploded on the candles tip. Orsiek placed the candle between the three of them. "We all ready?" Cailech made his final riffled of the cards.

"You're to loud." Luth loudly whispered. Always paranoid someone might burst them into the room and confiscate everything. His paranoia weren't entirely ungrounded considering the staggering amount of poker sets, roulette wheels and whatever other students decided to bring just sleeping untouched in a dusty cupboard. Most students stopped bring large sets mainly dealing with simple cards, so most of the staff actually had a good sleep instead a full midnight patrol.

"Five cards?" Cailech whispered not commenting on Luth paranoia.

"Six." Orsiek whispered. "I don't want a long game." Cailech dealt cards to each player one by one; when he finished he opened the pouch Luth threw at him while dealing the cards.

"I only have this much left!" Cailech exclaimed. Everyone gave him a deafening stare. "Sorry." Cailech apologised counting the coins in his bag. Luth and Orsiek looked over at the door to notice any sign of a turned knob.

"Orsiek stopped you from going all-in last round." Luth informed. "You should be grateful you have that much left." Cailech stayed silent, contemplating to himself. Cailech played more conservative with what little coins he had, only betting a few of his coins in the first round. Though Seath still thought he betted to much, worrying he would ran out before the game neared its end.

An hour went by Cailech managed to win some coins especially from Orsiek. Seath suspected he lost some rounds on purpose so he wouldn't run out. Luth barely lost any coins, but he won even fewer amount of coins. He never played any more coins than he was uncomfortable with. Before the games become interesting and the bets started to increase, the door creaked open. The head teacher stuck himself in the room, a knight remained outside lit by the orderly candles in the hallway. He had a grey gold mantle on his left shoulder, the crest of wolf holding a sword in its jaw stamped on his shoulder. "I'm sure it is past time for your beds to remain vacant. Not to mention the lack of beds in this room to suffice for all of you." The head teacher firmly said. "Also those games are meant for nobles and aristocrats who have excess money to spend, not for those whose wealth account for a handful of delirs. Especially for those have less than that." He said, pointing his candle at the stacks of bronze frellims and handful of silver trellims. The candle he held on his hand reflected his old silvery, white hair.

"Sorry. We'll stop and head back to sleep." Orsiek spoke on behalf of everyone's silent panicked mouths.

"The cards?" The teacher asked.

"We'll return them to you by tomorrow morning."

"Return?" The teacher smirked. "Make sure I never see them." The teacher left the room, closing the door as he left the door. Both their footsteps left silently. The head teacher's steps have always been quieter than a cat's prowl. The knight never made a sound despite wearing heavy steel plated armour. Orsiek gathered his cards and the he laid out (some facing up, others down).

"We aren't going to continue." Cailech insisted.

"He's probably waiting outside that door, you can still play at your risk." Cailech sighed, he dropped his cards on top of one his cards. Luth happily stacked his cards then handed over their cards and coins to Orsiek. He hid them underneath his bed. Cailech and Luth stood, brushing the dust off their backs and laps. Luth was the first to leave. He poked his head out the door, giving a full search. After being comfortable with his search, he left. Cailech followed him a brief search before leaving. Soon all the lights turned off, Orsiek smirked.

The sun broke through the horizon. Before the sun could fully emerge, Orsiek had already left his bed. He neatened his top bed then prepared himself. Washed his face, wore his uniform, organising his desk and bag. Seath was half-asleep during the whole process. Waking to a tidy room and Orsiek's warning for an inspection. Not fully conscious, Seath understood Orsiek's message. He lazily slouched to and from the room, trying to be a bit cautious of not ruining Orsiek's effort to organise the room. By the time Seath had to sort his bed, two light knocks hit the door. Orsiek glanced over at Seath, he understood what Orsiek meant. Orsiek unlocked the chain allowing the maid to open the door with her key. She was fairly young wearing black and white garments from head to toe. She had hazel-brown eyes, a trait common within their family branch. From what she told to Seath, the main family had wood brown hair and tended to be muscular. Traits she didn't inherit from a lesser branch. "Well done." She complimented eyeing the seemingly tidy beds, clean room and the dressed students. "Gather in the hall before the sun reaches the zenith." She said, not even mentioning to eat breakfast or attend their classes assuming they were old to handle themselves. Though some wouldn't even bother attending even if she did mention it. She left quietly closing the door behind her before notifying the next room.

"Is it about that knight we saw?" Seath asked.

"Probably." Orsiek answered. "Tidy your bed, they might check while your gone. I'm going to the courtyard." He left them room. Seath admired the rising bright glimmers of light revealing tidy bed to a disorganised mess of bed covers. It only took a few minutes for Seath to fix his covers. During that time, students' chatter penetrated Seath's heavy door from the fat hallway. Once Seath was done, he peeked his out of his door. The congestion became louder th ewider the door opened. Seath closed his door behind, heading in the opposite in the direction to the flood of students. After finally making it through the crowd, he found Orsiek admiring the decay of the snow. "You should go and eat." He said.

"The bread won't taste any better." Seath walked alongside Orsiek. The younger years played on the other side of the courtyard. They scraped whatever snow they could gather, throwing small snowballs at each other. "Have you gotten used living here?" Seath glanced around. Aware of any stray snowball that might be hurled his way. Which was happened before, painful for both his pride and body.

"Apart from the sudden room transfer, I'm starting to understand more and more. How about you?"

"Still feels off to me. I don't I'll get used to it for quite some time." Seath sighed. "On top of all the classes we have and missed. I would take much longer to get used to everything."

"You shouldn't miss anymore classes." Orsiek half-heartily warned.

"What are two doing here?" A voice called out, causing Seath to catch sigh his before it came out. "Breakfast is almost closed to second years." Teacher Chitis. An tall man, all of his hair has greyed out but his blue eyes remained piercing sharp. A strict teacher renown for his astute teaching and knowledge.

"There was a long queue to the cafeteria, I thought I might walk around and re-join later when the queue quietens." Orsiek hastily improvised.

"And what about you?"

"I asked him to come with me." Orsiek answered before Seath could open his mouth.

"The queue has shortened, but the third-years will enter very soon." Teacher Chitis said eyeing them both. "You won't be able to concentrate on an empty stomach."

"Thank you, we'll head straight there." Orsiek said. Both passed the teacher, heading to the cafeteria. Seath caught teacher Chitis's final glance as they turned the corner.

"You know, I can answer for myself." Seath told, slightly annoyed at Orisek.

"Sorry, that was out of habit." Averting Seath's eyes. Seath sighed.

Seath and Orsiek ate the cafeteria which most of the 2nd years had already left, if they even went. Seath made a few japes at the stale bread, preferring the soft cheese. Orsiek made no comment about the food, eating it as if he only cared about its nutritional value. Once the third years dripped in the cafeteria, the two left. The line for the third years was much shorter than the second years. Most fell asleep after the maids inspected the room, waking moments before the lessons start. Orsiek decided to head to class earlier than the appointed time while Seath walked aimlessly wandered occasionally hearing any gossip or rumours about the candidates for the knight's selection, expansion into the Tareth mountains and new rising groups. Primarily the Jade Carvers were discussed amongst the students who've decided to intertwine themselves in politics or come a powerful militaristic family. Any other gossip, upcoming sword tournaments or rumours about students, slipped past Seath's head. He arrived to his class the moment it started, as did his teacher. "Just in time." Teacher Ahren said. Wearing his glasses after wiping his glasses with a cloth from of his many pockets from his black robe. He gave way for Seath to enter first.

"Hey." Seath quietly called out to Orsiek who reading was his notes.

"Hey." Orsiek softly whispered, lowering his book onto the table. Seath sat next to him. "Were you late?" Orsiek looked at the teacher preparing his papers behind his tidy desk at the front.


"Don't cut it so close next time." Orsiek worryingly expressed.

"I don't want to be here any longer than I need to." Seath sighed, already exhausted of the lesson that hasn't begun. The teacher scanned the layered row of seats in front of him, silencing every row as his eyes climbed up each row. He was a tall bronze-skinned teacher with a Sachorian accent, but he clearly exceeded the standard of Morran Academy occasionally branching onto tangents to different subjects. Despite his interesting ramblings, anything about classical literature primed Seath for a nap.

After a few forceful nudges from Orsiek to keep him from drifting away, the lesson ended. Seath left with the rush of student funnelling through to leave. Despite rushing to exit, he immediately waited for Orsiek to leave. He always organised his bag before leaving. Eventually he left, joining Seath to the main hall. "Next time, can you nudge softly."

"Sorry, it didn't want you fall back sleep immediately." Orsiek sincerely apologised. Seath ignored the pain accumulating on his arm and right rib.

"Apparently the assembly today is about the Knight's Selection."

"This early. I… or he doesn't remember it ever being hosted this early." Still unaccustomed to his new body and memories.

"Nor do I. I'm guessing they're a bit desperate for knight's and time."

They entered the main hall. Less than half of the third years were present, leaving plenty of open space. Even more space appeared due to the lack of second years. The first years were mostly all present. Brimming with excitement unlike the anxious third years or tired second years. The head teacher stood behind his stand. He took a deep breath once all the students have settled, silence dominated the hall. "Grace and dignity to all." He quickly scanned the room. His voice project naturally projected without any voice amplification. "As always, I'd like to thank you all for coming." The head teacher mentioned, although it was clearly obvious not all students were present signified by the empty seats. "Some may have guessed why I have gathered you all here. This winter will hosting the Knight Selection's instead of before the solstice. Although the Selection maybe earlier than you might've anticipated, I hope you are all prepared thoroughly. Trust in your training and learn from your losses." A young knight approached the podium the Head Teacher stood on. "Sir Ashelbeck will be hosting this years Selection. Dignity to all" The head teacher stepped down from the small podium allowing Sir Ashelbeck to take the podium. He stood a head taller than most of the people in the room. Barring a few students, teachers and knights. He cleared his voice then took a deep breath.

"Greetings to the future suns of the Ragulk Empire. Firstly I'd like to thank Head Teacher Chitis for allowing me to host despite my inexperience. And the many teachers and staff accommodating for my party I've brought along." Sir Ashelbeck started an applause which uncomfortably spread throughout the students stopping as soon Sir Ashelbeck lowered his hands. "As history would have it, Morran Acadeny was selected once again for Knight Selection. Never failing to meet any expectations it holds. I'm sure you all are aware of the events that will be hosted within the next few days to assess your abilities. Those who are assessed to be most capable will under the tutelage of Commander Kailin. The best among you will be directly taught be Grand Knight Percaus. Those who are unfortunate not to pass can try once again in the future, whether they graduate or move into their next academic year. All I can say now is never to become arrogant of your success or be humiliated from your defeat; harsher trials and tribulations will inevitably stand in front of you." Sir Ashelback exhaled and momentarily rested his eyes. "With that, I will observe you in two days for your first test. Glory and Grace to the Ragulk Empire." Sir Ashelbeck stepped off the small podium after a small round of applause. After hearing the small speech, Seath understood why a good chunk of students failed to join the hall as well as regretting attending the assembly himself. The same message sent, but different words were displayed. Especially since attending the assembly wasn't compulsory nor did it have lasting impacts to the end result. Orsiek would've attended regardless if he knew that it would be repeat. The assembly promptly finished after some final announcements Seath didn't to listen to. Once the assembly ended, the remaining students stayed to talk any knights afterwards. Some conversing with knights from their own house or taking advice from knights with higher ranking. Orsiek stayed for a bit longer, while Seath walked out the hall. As did a wave of others students, all funnelling through the exit. Once he'd gotten out, he travelled to his next class. History that was something he appreciated also one of the few classes he managed to keep up. However, before he'd arrived to the door, he received news that their teacher cancelled their class. The mob of students expressed emotions of disappointment, relief and excitement. Seath expressed the latter.

'Todays class will be cancelled due to extra help required with Knight's Selection. Please follow through the material p95-106 in your Magical History book by Morran Silver.' Teacher Nourn had always kept in shape even within his older years. Seath assumed he would help test and analyse the course. Despite having an extra hour himself, he still felt depressed from missing arguably his favourite class.

Seath found himself hooked to his dorm for the remaining time, passing time studying or reading any book he could get his hands on. During his study his head unintentionally repeated to slip on the desk. He still carried to study with half his conscious until he released the setting sun shining brightly. He set himself to study again after thoroughly washing his face. Although at a much slower pace, reading any more numbers, sources, texts, maps and graphs had sicken his brain to the point where he felt his brain waiting for death's embrace.

"I know you're bit behind but you don't have to study every moment you have." Cailech surprised by the unorganised papers scribbled on his desk. Seath didn't even hear him come in, only just feeling Cailech 's arm standing on his shoulder and the sturdy spine of the chair when he spoke. "Get some rest." He worryingly requested. Seath dropped his pen, releasing the pain and the red marks on his fingers. He exercised his hands then rubbed his eyes. He didn't have the strength to carry any further so he headed to bed. Sighing heavily, slumping into his bed.

"Where's Orisek?" Luth asked.

"Probably in the library or something, he's become more of an work-addict than usual." Cailech thankfully answered for Seath.

"Are you two really that behind after a few days?" Luth asked peeking at his desk. Seath shook his head. Realistically, he normally wouldn't have bothered with short amount of work he missed. Though after coming into his new body, the memories he retained weren't crystal clear enough to retain what the previous owner had leant, not to mention the apparent gaps of knowledge the previous owner had. Despite having a little over a year of work to catch up on, he needed this much necessary break.

"Who do you think is going to be selected?" Cailech asked.

"Whoever catches their eyes." Seath mustered the energy to answer. He was more concerned with comfort of his bed.

"I've been hearing Orsiek will be picked this year as well. You know, he has connections with Duke Ainox and all that." Luth said.

"Even without his sponsor, he could get in. His damned almost flawless swordsmanship has somehow gotten better, I doubt he wouldn't need to work much on his magic to beat Kulore." Cailech scoffed

"I don't know; Kulore almost beat Hemlain."

"That was just luck." Cailech defended. "In any case, Haemath Hendal is being a judge. He probably has enough say to deter him for at least this selection."

"But Anrell is there. He wouldn't allow biases to happen." Luth rolled his eyes.

"I'm guessing he will raise the entry requirements."

"Well, that wouldn't stop Twien and Tweith. Everyone's betting on them to be selected this time." Cailech said dejectedly.

"Still sore from last year."

"I lost so money." Cailech almost cried.

"I told you not to bet on first-years."

"They bested anyone in our year and even the years above struggled to beat them, could you really blame me."

"Maybe if they weren't separated last time they would've won." Cailech rolled his head, knowing the obvious truth. "Who are betting on this time?"

"To many people betting on Sarteaus, there's no way he's not getting picked. So maybe Kran, enough people are talking about him potentially being picked, and being rejected." Luth heavily sighed.

"For once, can't you pick a safer bet." Luth stressed over Cailech's unstable dealings.

"Look, hear me out. He's probably hiding some bloodline power, and a militaristic house like his would rather show his ability now rather than in the third year where all the surprises come out."

"Or he could be arrogant enough to think that his bloodline power can sweep the floor next year so he can graduate and be Selected. That way he would get the best from both sides." Luth proposed, persuading to not to take another hit. He didn't want deal Cailech throwing a fit for the next few months.

"Can you two quieten down." Seath gathered the energy from his annoyance help his peaceful sleep.

"Jealous you haven't been mentioned." Cailech light-heartily jested.

"Less jealous than you being unable to bet on yourself." Seath's bed sheets muffled his voice but noticing Luth's scoff, they both heard.

"Go to sleep." Cailech harshly advised. Cailech followed, his eyes could barely hold open. The two quietly carried their conversation until Seath fell asleep, hearing a few names though he didn't any of recognise them.

Seath woke his eyes to the sun filtered behind the curtains. Not due to late night gambling, drunk third years who stayed up to long partying before the selection, nor did any of the maids force them to wake. Between his natural body clock and the sun, he fully woke. Despite his long sleep, his exhausted mind tired his entire body. "Orsiek." Seath called. Seath waited for a moments. No response. Seath tried to fall back sleep hoping he would feel more rejuvenated, which he failed at no matter how hard he tried. His desk caught the corner of his eyes, the now organised stacks of paper reminded of the work he had to. He sighed. After half an hour, Seath acknowledged he couldn't fall back to sleep as well as his body would only feel worse if he carried on, he dragged himself out of bed. He resisted throwing his blankets over himself once again when he felt the cold chill run across his back. He stood up. He peaked over at the top bed, tidy blankets and empty. Orsiek probably went on his morning run. He always leaves the room as silently as he entered, like a cautious cat. Seath rarely wakes early enough to see him walk out of the room nor was Orisek loud to wake him up. Even if he did, he immediately fell asleep in a short few moments, mumbling a few unordered words. Seath fixed his bed sheets to somewhat alleviate the stark contrast between his and Orsiek's. He would fix his desk, if Orsiek hasn't already sorted out the room. Orsiek couldn't stand an unorganised room. Which annoyed Seath, he moved his belongings without asking. But, Seath was still grateful that Orsiek sorted out the room. He finally prepared to head to an early breakfast, adjusting his uniform while he left. He opened the door to find maid Lily walk by holding a bucket of water. The both noticed each other.

"Good morning." Maid Lily kindly greeted.

"Morning." Seath replied though it sounded more of a grunt. He walked beside her as they made their way of the dorms. "Where are you heading now?" He asked, clearing his throat.

"Changing rooms." She exhaustively complained. "All the knights and teachers constantly testing and preparing up trials constantly changing armour. We have to clean the rooms after each use and each time it becomes more tiring. This is my fourth time cleaning the rooms and the week has just begun." Seath could feel her endless wail. "The women's room was only slightly better, but that little bit hardly makes a difference." She took a breath. "Though they're still cleaner than most of the students here." Lily flickered her eyes to Seath, he pretended not to notice.

"Don't you have the new maids to help?"

"They can't even polish armour properly. Somehow they turn out more dull than shiny. I taught a new maid how to polish properly. When I came back, every subsequent armour were more filthy. She didn't bother changing and cleaning the cloth even though I specifically told her to do. I'd rather just do it all myself."

"But you don't want the extra work." Seath guessed. She nodded.

"Especially it's only going to get busier." She depressingly said. She raised her bucket noticing herself gradually lowering her arms during her arms. Seath glanced around his surroundings.

"Shall I carry it?" Seath offered. Lily glanced around as well as giving some thought. She handed him the bucket, Seath arms slightly dropped due the unexpected weight of the bucket. He carried adjusted himself to the weight of the bucket holding it in his left arm, his stronger arm. Lily stretched her arms silently squealing in relief.

"Thank you."

"You're taking it back after." Her expression drooped. She sighed instead of saying anything else.

"Well only good thing that came out this Selection is Merra. I didn't expect her to see her this soon." She delightfully expressed. "You two should meet, you'll get along pretty well. Though if you mention-"

"I'm not that low to beg for some favour. I'll get what I deserve." Seath interrupted. Lily fired a half-doubting glance, wary of his convictions. "Though, a personal connection to a judge-"

"Don't go there." She said firmly.

"I'm not, I'm not. But I'm sure many people have to you persuade for some good words about them." Seath presumed.

"The amount requests, deals bribes some even proposed to accept me as a second or third wife. Realistically, I should've taken some those but..."

"You don't want to betray Merra." Seath finished.

"Exactly. However I do suspect they're just showboating, I doubt half of them will fill on their end of the bargain if any at all. They would probably just throw me some pocket change, convince me they will fulfil their end of the bargain until I get tired of reminding them and they forget they ever made a deal."

"Promises of a noble."

"We are nobles ourselves, you know." Seath rolled his head forgetting his new lineage. "But I know what you mean." Lily shared a little smile infecting Seath. "Also I've wondered, do you have any proposals? Firstborn of your family, you'll need to set a good impression for your younger twins. "

"I've received a few letters to return home to look into some proposals, but they care more for my graduation. And I guess I agree with them, I'll probably start looking through the proposals after I leave."

"That was... mature. My father didn't get married until later on his age. By that time he got married he could only have the two of us. He could probably still have children but given his health and age, but I think he doesn't want to deal with the hassle. One piece of advice, I suggest you don't marry anyone higher status than you."

"Is that from experience or..."

"My brother-" Tap. Tap. Tap. Lily snatched the bucket of Seath hand spilling some water onto her skirt. An older maid emerged from the corridor. Her skin sunk her body showing of her bones. Despite her old age, she looked as if she could wrestle any student here and overpower them.

"Maid Lily heading to the changing rooms?" The older maid asked.

"Yes." Lily almost squealed.

"The other maids are going have headed in. Helion is in charge so I suggest you hurry." She spoke softly. "Also Seath, Teacher Silver is once again helping for trials so your lesson is cancelled. I doubt I need to tell you this especially since you have been diligently studying for the past few weeks, but take this time study." The older maid walked past the two. Seath was surprised by her immaculate memory and web of sources.

"I should go. Also you shouldn't pry into anyone's family, otherwise you're gonna deal with a lot of unnecessary drama."

"I'll take that to heart." Seath said however Lily didn't react to him; she promptly left immediately after giving her advice. A small trail of water followed her through the corridor. Not knowing what to do, he head back to his room for a few more hours of sleep. The rest of the day proceeded like any other. Seath took a nap when he returned to his room. Orsiek was nowhere to be seen nor was he present when Seath woke. He wouldn't have realised Orsiek had entered and left if not for the missing uniform he normally neatly hangs on a hanger on top of the wardrobe door. He systematically went to his classes, lunch, studied then prepared for the first trial occurring on the first day. Orsiek woke him in the morning. Seath wasn't a heavy sleeper however it still took some effort to wake him. Which at first he was annoyed at waking right after the break of dawn, soon realising that today meant every moment counted. So he silently thanked Orsiek. Seath smacked water against his face, the upper portion of his grey tunic received a good portion of excess water. He looked into his green eyes through the mirror heaving a long sigh. "This is going to be a long day."

He whispered to prepare himself. He walked out of the room, following Orsiek to the changing rooms. Upon entering, many had begun changing. Some students inspected the array of weapons hung on the racks, most students brought their own equipment but they were looking for any good replacements so they can save their weapons for later. Seath fumbled to wear his hardened leather armour, which allowed him to remain flexible while protecting his vitals areas. Seath hooked his bow, hidden in a case, to his back. He counted the arrows in his quiver. He approximated around 50 after giving up to count them one by one. Seath tested the strength of his bowstring. Pulling it until the hard wood strained, releasing when his hands stopped wobbling. Seath held enough confidence to hold his own, he had pretty good eyesight and a steady hand but his reactions weren't the best. Usually he wouldn't need to worry about that as round pieces of wood could never move, unfortunately his targets were live animals he had to hunt on the move. He strongly inhaled. Then walked out to into the courtyard walking past the crowds of people. Orsiek hadn't left yet; he wore much more than simple leather armour. Seath approached the scribe. He wore full plate armour similar to the rest of the knight except that he didn't wear a helmet. Short black hair, a tall figure, similar to most other knights and short beard. His only notable difference was his light green eyes He held a sturdy book in his right hand and a quill that never ran out ink, in his left. The knight was caught off guard by Seath's green eyes. "Seath Ahinzal of house Haeen."

"You're Gureth's son, aren't you?" The knight took a guess. He wrote his name on the book.

"Yes. You know him?" Seath wasn't expecting anyone to notice his family let alone remember their names.

"Not personally. I attended by your birth ceremony. There weren't many people there, we only attended because my father had some business with yours. I just remember noticing how your eyes are more brighter green than my cousins in the main branch." The knight glanced upcoming flood of people exiting the changing rooms. "I should attend to my duties. One piece of advice before you go, keep heading straight if you see a white tree."

"Thank you." Seath still comprehending all the news he had given to him

"Distant we may be, but we're still family. Glory follow in your steps." His mantle, draped from his right shoulder to his left hip, tickled Seath as he walked by. Seath looked back at him, he already began penning down the names of competitors.

"You okay?" Cailech asked holding Seath shoulder. "You know him?"

"No, he strangely knows me." The two mixed into the loud crowd of clumped competitors.

"You have green eyes, so that wouldn't be to surprising."

"Does anyone remember you for your red hair?"

"My red hair is much more common than your green eyes or Orisek's yellow, gold or whatever colour eye he has."

"Fair point." His hand bounced on Seath shoulder. "Their going to announce groups, hope that you get stuck with people you can get along with." Seath followed slow congregation of competitors. Mix of different armours some flying their house colours or crest stitched onto their chest plates, mantles or engraved onto their helms. Many wore a standard set of armour, less protection and holding no symbol, possibly to save face if they happen to lose. Most fastened a sword and shield to their waist or back. Some opted for a spear and a smaller shield instead. A few people carried long swords, dual swords and halberds. Most of the crowd chattered with each other, discussing ideas with each other. The rest were inspecting their weapons, pacing around or dealing with stress however they wanted. The chattering died as soon Sir Ashelbeck raised his fist into the air. All the knights stomped their swords into the ground, hard enough to break any normal sword. Despite the ground being grass, the noise sounded as if it were made out of solid stone. All the noise quickly died after hearing the resonance of night steel. Sir Ashelbeck lowered his hand once a tension filled silence filled the air. He stood at a natural inclination, not that he wasn't already a taller than most of the competitors.

"Greetings, once again, to the future suns of the Ragulk Dynasty. Welcome to the first day of the trials. During this Selection Trial we will be testing your endurance and survival. You will be put into group and will given goal. You must reach the goal before your time limits ends. failure leads to expulsion from the second Selection Trial. For this Selection we will be holding the trials at The Lost Forest." A mix of silent gasps and cheers resonated throughout the crowd - the cheers took superiority. Sir Ashelbeck waited till a tense silence reformed. "Each of you will enter a cart with your teams and will be delivered to the White Stone. From there you will have to arrive at the Titan's Foot within three days." Sir Ashelbeck observed the crowds' reaction for a few moments. "Jack Eireth, Kaelir Arsal..."

"Who did you end up betting on this time?" Seath asked, ignoring the rest of the names.

"Kirlin, Bayhon and a few others." Counting his bets on his hand. Then rested hand on his sword.

"I'm afraid to ask how many more."

"I can't put all my goods in one house."

"How do you have enough money for all those bets?" Seath worrying for Cailech.


"You didn't pull any debts."

"No, of course not! I'm wouldn't go in debt for this. It's just, for the next few days I will have to be careful with my money which sucks."

"You reap what you sow."

"Well depending who wins I'll win... and that was my name, and I don't even know who's in my group. We best see each other in the next trial." Cailech lightly slapped Seath back, rushing off to his respective knight. Seath took the remaining to inspect a few more of his competitors. Taking note of bow wielders that were within Seath's eyesight, most were dressed in light armour with few opting for heavier gear as well as a short sword at their waist. Finally catching his eye, person holding a staff in his left hand. It had blue diamond shaped crystal on top it. The wood of the staff entangled around it like snakes. A handle with a cross guard swayed at his waist. The pommel of the blade-less blade had a gemstone matching in colour and shine as the larger gemstone on the staff. He wore leather armour and more jewellery than would be deemed safe.

"Seath Haeen, Sarteaus Learon and Norbil Kitser. Follow Sir Shaylicht to your cart." Sir Ashelbeck called. The same old knight stood forward, one of the few knights without a helm. Wrinkled skin, streaks of grey across his hair and beard, nonetheless he was still quite handsome in his old age. Seath wriggled his way through the crowd, lightly pushing his way out. A few other competitors made their way through the crowd to their respective knights whether by wriggling or forcing their way through. Seath finally emerged out of the crowd. He took a long look at the older knight; he seemed older now that Seath was now closer. Kareth and Hemlir were by his side. Judging by how fast little bits of conservation Seath overheard, they seemed to know each other pretty well. The knight patiently stood silently. Hemlir had a visible firm build even underneath his chainmail. As tall as Seath, wavy hair reaching past his ear, a deep slit on his eyebrow deep enough to beautify him. The person opposite him had a slender build and was slightly shorter than both Hemlir and Seath. Her hood covered her face with a small bun poking out at the other side of her head. A staff strapped on her belt had fashioned two gems at either ends impaled by the wood. Seath took a few steps forward, the remaining two members emerged from the crowd one by one. The old knight glanced the team in front of him.

"Follow me." He said, standing up. He stood a fingers length shorter than Sarteaus but exuded a greater presence. He led them to a crowd of carts. He pointed at a cart, Kareth was the first to climb on and Sarteaus was the last. The cart had enough room to fit all six members with enough comfortable legroom. Seath sat closest to the coachman. The old knight sat at the end, signalling the coachman to travel once everyone was set to go. The coach whipped the strong black horse. The cart staggered forward before moving comfortably onwards following the stream of carts on the path. Seath rested his head on his hand to catch some sleep his deprived of.