
Chapter 4: Devil

After walking for half an hour and avoiding strong looking beast in a Vampire bat form, i arrive in a small river.

I transform back to my human form and slowly walk to the river, when my passive skill "blood sensitivity" activated. 150 meters across the river I sense a thick aura of blood.

"Hmm… should I go and take a look or not?" I ask myself and keep pondering what to do

After pondering for a minute my curiosity takes over me so I transform to my vampire form and saw my reflection in the river.

A super handsome guy and a super-hot body that will make women on earth drool.

I slowly made a several pose like macho pose while admiring myself.

Oh no! It looks like I'm slowly becoming a narcissist.

I transform back to vampire bat form and slowly and stealthily flew towards the direction where the aura of blood.

I land on a tree branch near where the aura came from and what present in front of my eyes is a man who look like that he's on his 30's who keep slashing and trusting his sword while protecting a woman on her mid-twenties who have her shoulder pierced with a spear and a bleeding 12 to 13 years old cute little girl who kept crying because of pain and seeing her mother wounded.

I look at the man, it looks like he will die in a few minutes, and there are a lot of wounds on his body. I shifted my attention to his enemy and recognize their race. Goblins! There's a lots of them around 25 or 30. It looks like they're toying with the man.

* * * *

I keeps killing who ever came close to my wife and daughter, but fatigue come ever me and i slowly falls down while breathing heavily. I looks at my wife whose face is slowly turning pale because of blood loss and to my daughter who fainted while having the same condition as my wife. I slowly crawls towards them.

"I'm sorry! Normally goblins won't go on this area especially with this number. I shouldn't bring you to here to experience the world outside our village." I said to my wife weakly while tears started falling on my eyes.

My wife only look at me and hug our daughter on her right arms and hug me on her right arms with a smile and tears that keeps falling on her face instead of answering. She brought her face close to mine and slowly brought her lips in to mine.

"I love you! "She said while looking at me with a smile and tears.

" I love you too" i said painfully before separating with her

Then i look toward the goblins who slowly approaching and slowly await death.

"If only god will give me a second chance. No, even a devil will do, as long as they can keep my family alive even I sell my soul, I will gladly do so." – I said said while looking at the sky and pray.

*The man didn't know, he didn't know that his prayer has been heard. Not by god though but a young man who keeps smirking like a devil.*

"kuryaa" a goblin shout

I look at the goblin that is standing in front of me with a wry smile. The goblins also look at me with a mocking smile on its face and slowly raise its sword and slash down towards my head.

"Nooooo!" Shout the woman with all her strength as she saw the goblin slashing his sword toward me.

I close my eyes and await the sword to behead me when.

'Clang! Riiip! (Sound effect)

My ear twitch, the pain the I'm expecting didn't come but instead heard a familiar sound, the sound of a sword splitting, the sound of a flesh got cut and a man's voice.

"Vampire Claws – Ordinary slash!

I slowly open my eyes and saw a white haired man along with his prince like clothes and a terrifying long and sharp claws that is dripping with blood.

Then I turned my attention to the goblin whose upper body slowly splitting and sliding sideward and the sword handle on its hand with its missing blade.

"plack" ( body falling down sound effect)

Then I look at the man who happened looking to me

"I heard your Prayer!" the white haired man said, while looking at me with a smile.

Tears started to over flow my eyes. I look at the man and weakly said

"Thank you!"

Then the man started splitting and hacking the goblins easily like cabbages.

Within 3 minutes all the goblins died under his claws.

* * * * * *

Ding! Congratulations for killing a level 4 common goblin. You gain 33 exp.

Ding! Congratulations for killing a level 3 common goblin. You gain 21 exp.

Ding! Congratulations for killing a level 7 common goblin. You gain 76 exp.

Ding! Congratulations for killing a level 10 common goblin. You gain 108 exp.


As I kept killing goblins the announcement kept ringing on my head. After I slew the last goblin, the announcement bombard my brain.

Ding! Congratulations for killing a level 11 common goblin. You gain 126 exp.

Ding! Congratulations for killing a level 15 goblin prince. You gain 300 exp.

You level up!

You level up!

You level up!

You level up!

You level up!

Ding! Congratulations your "Vampire claws" level up

Vampire claws (Level 2) : become stronger and sharper.

'So that's how you level up this skill. Unlike Blood manipulation, blood hunt, turn vampire, charm, blood sensitivity, regeneration, and revival that need to strengthen through drinking blood the others must be kept using huh.'

What do blood taste like? Hehe I will be able to taste it later with this three. I should look at my status first.

Name: Liam Anderson Level: 14

Title: None HP: 1300/1300 (HEALTH)

Gender: Male MP: 300/300 (MANA)

Age: 19 EXP: 79/1050

Race: Vampire (Primogenitor)

Job: Rank 1 warrior, Rank 1 novice archer, Rank 1 acolyte


Active skills:

Blood Drain, Shape shift (bat), Blood manipulation, Blood hunt, Turn Vampire, Summon servant (any number), Vampire claws (II)

Passive skills: Charm, Blood sensitivity, night vision, regeneration, revival.

I thought after I killed all goblins my warrior rank would level up but it seems I must really use a sword to rank it up huh.

Well then, let's take a look at my future servants *grin*

I slowly walk over the man and stare and said.

"You're dying, you're wife are also dying so is your daughter. But I can give you a chance for survival." I said calmly

"Please! I will give you anything, I will do anything, please save my family!" beg the man in front of me.

"There is no free food in this world. Although I can save you and your family there is a price for that."

"I will pay the price with everything, I can give you money, I can serve you for the rest of my life. Please state your price and I will give you anything" said the man immediately.

"I only want you three to give up something. Your HUMANITY" I said with a smile on my face and look at the man's shocked expression.