

In a world of trackless jungles, colossal beasts, and cruel pre-human civilizations, you must survive the past if you want to save the future! You were only meant to guard the laboratory, but when a treacherous power cripples Doctor Sabbatine's time machine, you're left stranded! Face the savage inhabitants of Silverworld and build your own civilization—or plunder the past and return home unimaginably rich!

HUGUEL_0568 · สมัยใหม่
275 Chs


"That will be our greatest challenge," Dr. Sabbatine says. "From what I know of the ophidians, not even they may possess the requisite level of scientific knowledge to build what I need."

"Can't you get a shipment through?" Alexius asks. "Isn't there anything anywhere in our whole huge empire? The black market? A gem in one of the Empress's hats? Anything?"

"I'm looking, Alexius," Dr. Sabbatine says, her tone worried.

Alexius translates Control's description of a "prism" to the villagers. After a few minutes of consideration, Vecla mentions stories she remembers of insectoid monsters that guard healing crystals. Could one serve the Specular as a prism?

"Even if not," Alexius says, "I wouldn't mind opening up a crystal-trading depot up north. That could help us in more ways than one."

Vecla, too, seems excited about the idea of healing crystals, but when she tries to describe the distance involved, controllers shake their heads.

"It seems like a long shot," Control says.

And wandering into the northern plains, Therko puts in, will take you far from the village. You will be out of touch in case of attack.

"But it might be your only chance," Dr. Sabbatine says.