

  Chapter 296: Killing Mo Ya (Second Update!)

  Xiao Yan nodded in agreement, thinking that the teacher was right.

  "So, we wait for them to lose both of us, and then we come out to rob them?"

  "Right, a head-on fight is not good, sneak attack from behind, it works!"

  As time went by, the auction on the field was also coming to an end. In the end, the three thousand thunders were sold at a sky-high price of tens of millions of gold coins, and Mo Ya won.

  This auction also came to an end, but many people's eyes flashed with murderous light, and the intention of killing was raised on the field.

  However, no one took action at this time, and they were very restrained.

  There were many treasures for auction this time.

  Because those who wanted to take things into their pockets because of their financial resources did not have other ideas.

  This is the Black Horn Region, a paradise of chaos and fighting.

  There were also many people who boasted that they were not bad in strength, and they glanced at the private room where Mo Ya was.

  It was true that the Black Emperor Sect was powerful, but they were living on the edge of a knife. Fortune and wealth can only be achieved through danger. This sentence will never be outdated.

  Mo Ya walked out of the private room, and felt the malicious eyes around him. A sneer flashed across his face, but he did not say a word.

  At this time, another old man walked out of the private room, and a strong momentum suddenly erupted, shocking the whole audience.

  "A strong man at the peak of the Fighting Emperor."

  Yao Lao's surprised voice sounded in Xiao Yan's heart.

  "The peak of the Fighting Emperor!"

  Xiao Yan's eyes also flashed with a trace of horror.

  With such strength, he is only one step away from the realm of the Fighting Sect.

  "There will be something interesting to watch today."

  Yao Lao's tone was filled with a hint of schadenfreude.

  "He is the Great Elder of the Black Emperor Sect!"

  "I never thought that he would come."

  "The Black Emperor Sect is really generous."


  At this time, Su Yun also walked out of the private room, with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes.

  Before, he sensed that there were two Douhuang strongmen in the auction house, in addition to Mo Ya, it was the Great Elder of the Black Emperor Sect.

  As for Yuan Yi, he was hiding behind the scenes and not at the auction site.

  Su Yun didn't care about the atmosphere at the scene, and walked to a living room in the auction house.

  Under the guidance of a maid, he handed over the gold coins and got the incomplete map.

  Su Yun looked at the incomplete map in his hand, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

  "System, scan the residual soul of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint."

  "Ding, scanning successful."

  "Recover the residual memory of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint."

  "Ding, recovery successful."

  After doing all this, Su Yun put the residual map of the alien fire into the system space.

  So far, three copies of the residual map of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire have been obtained, and only the last residual map in Zhongzhou is left, and they have been completely collected.

  Su Yun put this matter aside for the time being, and his figure flashed, and he immediately left the Eight Gates, lurking outside, waiting for Mo Ya and his group.

  On the other side, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao also exchanged the auctioned herbs and hid in the dark.

  "There are so many people."

  Xiao Yan was connected to Yao Lao's soul at this time. With Yao Lao's perception, he found that there were quite a few people hiding in the dark preparing for an ambush.

  "The Black Horn Region is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. None of these people are lower than the Douling Spiritual cultivation."

  "Of course, even if you are just trying to fish in troubled waters, you must have some skills."

  Just as Xiao Yan and Yao Lao were talking, Mo Ya and the Great Elder of the Black Emperor Sect finally walked out of the eight doors.

  "Come out."

  Su Yun secretly said when he saw this, and his soul power came out of his body to explore the surroundings.

  Check if Mo Tianxing came to meet them.

  There was no Dou Zong aura.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a smile. In this case, he could use his previous identity as the Ice Attribute Dou Emperor to play with them.   

  Although Han Feng died, he still didn't want to reveal the fact that he possessed multiple kinds of strange fire at the same time.

  Xiao Yan was not a threat, but old man Mu Gu was not necessarily...

  That old guy had coveted the Burning Decree for a long time. There

  was no guarantee that after the news leaked, it would not reach his ears through the mouth of the Soul Palace guardian.

  So far, only the people around him and a few senior members of the Canaan Academy such as Su Qian knew that he possessed multiple kinds of strange fire.

  The Great Elder of the Black Emperor Sect frowned slightly as he looked at the dead silence around him.

  "Young Sect Master, let's go back to the sect quickly.

  The temptation of earth-level fighting skills is not small. We are not afraid of these ants, but if other first-rate forces come to interfere, it will be troublesome."


  Mo Ya nodded. After his troubles were gone, he became much calmer and his cultivation level also improved slightly, reaching the level of a four-star fighting emperor.

  The two of them immediately transformed their fighting spirit into wings and flew away.

  Seeing this, the people who were ambushing around all had gloomy faces.

  However, a few fighting kings still did not give up. They transformed their fighting spirit into wings and flew in the direction the two left.

  "Aren't they going to die?"

  Xiao Yan was a little puzzled.

  Even if these fighting kings joined forces, they were not a match for Mo Ya and his men.

  "Human nature is like this. They are lucky and do things even though they know it is impossible. They are like moths flying into flames."

  In the dark, a sneer flashed across Su Yun's face. Did he think he could escape like this?

  Su Yun immediately used the deception to conceal his body and breath, and flew into the sky.

  "Xiao Yanzi, give me your body, I will take you to fly."

  "Okay, teacher."


  Half an hour later, Mo Ya and the Great Elder of the Black Emperor Sect flew to a deserted mountain.

  This place is rarely visited by people. It is the only way to return to the Black Emperor Sect from the Eight Gates.

  There was no ambush along the way, which made Mo Ya relax a little.

  However, the Great Elder of the Black Emperor Sect, as an old man in the world, has been observing the movements around him.

  "There's only half an hour left.

  This mission is safe and sound."

  Mo Ya said in a relaxed tone, with a hint of heat in his eyes.

  As the young master, he is naturally qualified to practice the Three Thousand Thunders.

  Hearing what Mo Ya said, the Black Emperor Sect's Great Elder couldn't help but remind him.

  "Young Master, don't..."


  A sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and a frost sword energy appeared from nowhere and slashed towards the Black Emperor Sect's Great Elder.

  "Not good!"

  The Black Emperor Sect's Great Elder's face changed immediately, and a cane appeared in his hand with a flip of his palm.

  As the fighting spirit surged, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was attracted, and a wind wall was erected in front of him in an instant.

  Just less than a breath after the wind wall appeared, the seemingly ordinary frost sword energy slashed on the wind wall.

  The two were in a stalemate for less than three breaths before the wind wall broke and turned into a hurricane. The icy sword energy came fiercely and chopped the Black Emperor Sect's Great Elder.

  The Black Emperor Sect's Great Elder's clothes were immediately cut into strips, and a blood mark appeared from his ribs to his abdomen. At the same time, the icy air spread around his body and entered his body, intending to infect his internal organs.


  "Great Elder!"

  Mo Ya shouted and hurried to the side of the Black Emperor Sect's Great Elder.

  Su Yun's figure appeared in the air, dressed in white, with the long sword Han Yu tightly grasped in his right hand.

  The terrifying ice-attributed fighting spirit kept infusing the sword body, and the blue-white light was looming, which was quite terrifying.