


  Chapter 287 Obtaining the Ancient Jade and Entering the Gate of Life and Death (First update!)

  It was night, and Xiao Zhan and others fell asleep quickly.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes and silently entered Xiao Zhan's room through the window.

  Then with a thought in his mind, a jade bottle quickly appeared in his hand.

  Pulling out the cork, the Dou Qi circulates, catalyzing the liquid in the jade bottle into a colorless gas that fills the room.

  This is considered a type of fog, not high level, but it is enough to deal with the Great Fighter.

  Soon, Xiao Zhan's breathing became heavier and he fell into a very drowsy sleep.

  Su Yun curled his lips and put away the jade bottle.

  "System, scan Xiao Zhan's memory!"

  "Ding, scan successful!"


  "Retrieval successful!"

  Then Su Yun immediately unfolded Xiao Zhan's memory, and with the support of powerful soul power, he quickly found it The location of the ancient jade that was regarded as a heirloom by the Xiao family.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes and followed Xiao Zhan's memory to the Xiao family's library.

  The soul power came out of the body and scanned the ground, but found nothing.

  Su Yun was slightly startled, and immediately squatted down on the ground in the center of the first floor.

  His hands were covered with a layer of fighting spirit, forming a strange handprint that covered the ground.

  Strange fluctuations appeared, and a simple box appeared embedded in the ground.

  Su Yun felt happy and took out the box from the secret compartment.

  "System, scan this box."

  "Ding, the scan is successful."

  The Valley Box: An ancient weapon refining treasure that can be integrated with the surrounding environment. It cannot be opened without the inherited fingerprint. It is extremely concealed and can be broken with force. Escape into space immediately.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows. It turns out there is such a treasure.

  No wonder he didn't find anything. Xiao Xun'er had been lurking in the Xiao family for many years and failed to succeed. It was not without reason.

  Then Su Yun opened the box, and an emerald green ancient jade fragment appeared in front of him.

  "Scan the ancient jade."

  "Ding, the scan is successful."

  Tuoshe ancient jade fragment: the key fragment of the ancient emperor's cave. During the ancient racial war in the past, the ancient jade was divided into eight, and this is one of them.

  Seeing the introduction of the system, Su Yun grinned and immediately put the ancient jade and the confused valley box into the system space.

  This thing was of no use to him, but it was good to have it in hand.

  The Ancient Emperor's Cave contains the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's inheritance and the Emperor's Young Pill, which are the only two ways in the world to be promoted to Dou Emperor.

  Maybe it was difficult for him to gather the eight pieces and open the cave, but that didn't mean he would leave this thing to others.

  Only when things are in your own hands can you have the initiative!

  With the matter finished, Su Yun flashed, left the library, and flew to the imperial capital with his fighting energy turning into wings.

  Now that the things are in hand, he naturally has no reason to stay at the Xiao family anymore.

  As for the grudges between the Soul Palace and the Xiao family, he didn't want to get involved.

  Another half day passed, and Su Yun arrived near the imperial capital.

  He did not plan to return to the Miter family, but flew directly to Yunlan Sect.

  The only chance left in the Jiama Empire is the Gate of Life and Death. After getting the contents inside, he may not come back for a long time.

  Su Yun remained in a state of hiding from the world, with no visible figure and no breath.

  Without the slightest surprise, he arrived at the boundary where the Gate of Life and Death was.

  Su Yun thought and entered the system space.

  When the body appeared outside again, it was already inside the barrier.

  The ability of the system space is extremely incredible, not weaker than the four major functions.

  Su Yun came to the door of life and death, stretched out his palm and touched the stone door.

  I scanned it with my soul power again, not noticing anything strange, as if this was just a very ordinary stone door.   

  After a while, Su Yun decisively gave up on using his own strength to explore the door of life and death.

  "System, scan for me!"

  "Ding, there is no specific scan item, the scan failed."


  Su Yun was silent for a rare moment.

  "Scan the Gate of Life and Death."

  "Ding, scan successful."

  Gate of Life and Death: The entrance to the space left by the ancient fighting saint. Only those who are sensitive to the space can open the door and enter it.

  The space left by Dou Sheng!

  So that's how it came about.

  Su Yun nodded secretly. Although it was much worse than the trial place left by the powerful men in the upper world as fabricated in his previous life, it was not bad.

  As for the induction, Su Yun wasn't worried.

  Maybe for other people, they can't enter the space behind the door without this thing, but he is different.

  "System, scan the space behind the door of life and death!"

  "Ding, the scan is successful."

  Su Yun raised the corner of his mouth. With his current strength, even if the door is right in front of him, he will not be able to detect the space, but who can let him worry about it? Woolen cloth.

  Immediately, Su Yun entered the system space and sensed a foothold where he could jump.

  Sure enough, a corner of the space behind the door that he had never noticed before appeared in Su Yun's perception.

  Seeing this, a slight smile flashed across Su Yun's face, and with a thought in his mind, he jumped to the space behind the door.

  After Su Yun arrived in the space, he turned around and glanced at the portal behind him, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

  Su Yun began to look at the space and narrowed his eyes.

  The space is quite desolate, like an ancient land, without any green shade, and the land is dry.

  What concerned Su Yun most was that there were dozens of soul auras not far away!

  The Gate of Life and Death is used by the Yunlan Sect as the burial place for past sect leaders. Could it be that these dozens of auras are all the sect leaders of the Yunlan Sect.

  Su Yun was secretly vigilant in his heart and did not act rashly. Instead, he carefully sensed the strength of those soul auras.

  There is a soul body with the soul power of the spiritual realm, and the rest of the breath is of the mortal realm, but there are several realms of perfect mortal realm.

  Souls in the spiritual realm can display the strength of the Dou Huang.

  The perfection of the mortal realm is equivalent to the peak of Dou Wang.

  If it was just that, it would not be enough evidence, but they seemed to store the energy of heaven and earth in their bodies...

  Su Yun was a little confused for a moment, so he simply took steps and approached them silently.

  With the soul power in the spiritual realm, it is still a bit difficult to see through the deception and discover his traces.

  Not far away, a soul with an old face sighed.

  "Although I can live forever in this place, these long years are really boring."

  "Be content.

  If the ancestor hadn't discovered this treasure land back then, we would have completely disappeared in this world."

  At this time, another person A spirit body spoke up.

  Among the dozens of soul bodies, the soul body of the spiritual realm is located in the center, faintly at the top of the crowd.

  Seemingly disturbed by the conversation between the two, he opened his eyes.

  "It would be good to make some more contributions to the sect after death.

  If you feel bored, you will absorb more free energy and store it in your body.

  It will also add more strength to the next sect leader in the sect.

  In the future, the sect will If a peerless hero emerges from within, he may be able to solve the mystery of this space. At that time, you and I can also go out and take a look."

  "Yes, Patriarch,"

  the two souls said in unison.

  What they didn't know was that Su Yun was beside them at this time, silently listening to their conversation.