

  Chapter 259: Heavy damage to Zhang Ritian (first update!)

  A quarter of an hour passed.

  The soul of the ancient poisonous crocodile was gradually infiltrated by the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire, and its eyes began to lose consciousness, and its face became a little dull.


  Su Yun smiled and put away all the soul power and the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire.

  Sure enough, as he expected, the soul attack and the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire would work together to produce miraculous effects.

  Then Su Yun took Zhang Wei out of the system space, and Zhang Wei fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

  "Keep an eye on him and wait for my order here."

  Su Yun ordered.


  The ancient poisonous crocodile looked respectful.

  Su Yun nodded, left the swamp, came to the habitat of the Fire Glazed Lion, and followed the same method to control it.

  Su Yun showed a devilish smile on his face. Everything was ready. It was time to take action.

  Su Yun sat cross-legged, recovered the energy from controlling two level 7 monsters, and flew towards Zhang Ritian.

  Soon, Su Yun arrived at the small mountain where Zhang Ritian was.

  Su Yun looked indifferent, and the suppressed murderous intent in his heart rose rapidly.

  Zhang Ritian was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, not noticing the danger at all.

  "Deceiving the Heaven and the World" can isolate all qi, and there is no such thing as something that can sense danger in the dark.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and Canyang was tightly held in Su Yun's hand.

  The three-color fire burst out from Su Yun's wrist, gradually spreading to Canyang's sword, and the terrifying temperature rose instantly.

  But under the effect of "Deceiving the Heaven and the World",

  the space where Su Yun was was not affected at all, as if nothing had happened, the breeze was blowing, and everything was normal.

  The fighting spirit in Su Yun's body was madly infused into Canyang.

  If Su Yun dispersed "Deceiving the Heaven and the World" at this time, Zhang Ritian would find that the dazzling three-color light was tightly held in Su Yun's hand.

  The terrifying power can definitely severely injure or even kill ordinary Dou Zong strongmen.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with regret, and the energy of heaven and earth greatly improved the power of fighting skills.

  But in this state, once the energy of heaven and earth is triggered, it will definitely be discovered.

  But it is already good. Zhang Ritian is completely unprepared at this time. Even without the blessing of the energy of heaven and earth, he will surely suffer serious injuries.

  Su Yun held the sword in both hands, and after accumulating power, he cut out a substantial flame sword shadow.

  After the flame sword shadow left Su Yun's side, it appeared instantly.

  The earth-level advanced fighting skill, the Fire Sun Emperor Sword!

  The terrifying three-color flame floated on the sword shadow, like a spirit in the fire. A little bit of it scattered in the space can cause the space to distort.

  It is conceivable how terrifying the power of the gorgeous sword shadow composed entirely of three-color flames is.

  Zhang Ritian's face changed drastically, and the scorching temperature made him sweat profusely. The

  terrifying energy fluctuations made Zhang Ritian stand up immediately, and a pitch-black hammer appeared in his hand.

  Su Yun was not far behind Zhang Ritian, and the shadow of the sword crossed the space and hit Zhang Ritian in an instant.

  Zhang Ritian was also a strong man who had experienced many battles, with rich combat experience and extremely fast reaction ability.

  But Su Yun had no martial ethics, and not only did he sneak attack, but he also started with the big move he had just learned. How could Zhang Ritian resist this?


  The terrifying fluctuations spread instantly, and the Monster Mountain Range was shaken by three points. The white clouds in the sky were instantly torn into slag, and the sky and the earth shook.

  The aftermath lasted for a long time. The moment Su Yun used this move, he retreated into the sky.

  The mountain where Zhang Ritian was located was immediately razed to the ground, and a huge pit appeared in the Monster Mountain Range.

  Even without the blessing of heaven and earth energy, it is easy to change the terrain with the high-level fighting skills of the earth level.

  What's more, it is a high-level fighting skill of the earth level that has been perfected, and it is also blessed by the three-color strange fire.



  The monsters in the Monster Mountain Range rioted instantly and fled far away.

  Such terrifying power made the monsters in the Monster Mountain Range unable to resist.

  Even though the attack took place in the mountain range, they had no intention of joining forces to meet the enemy.

  Su Yun dispersed "Deceiving the Heaven and the World", and his figure emerged in the sky. His soul power carefully sensed the situation in the pit, and then Su Yun narrowed his eyes.

  What a Zhang Ritian, he is not dead.

  Su Yun raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Although it was a pity, it was not unacceptable.

  It happened that his strength had greatly improved and he needed a good sandbag.

  With his current strength, ordinary people could not resist his sword.

  Zhang Ritian supported the hammer with both hands and managed to stand up. He breathed greedily, and a feeling of relief for surviving the catastrophe flashed through his mind.

  Damn it!

  Zhang Ritian gritted his teeth and looked up at the sky. A figure appeared in Zhang Ritian's eyes.

  The figure held a long sword, and three-color flames covered his whole body, including his wings of fighting spirit, which became gorgeous.

  Under the reflection of the sun, it was like an angel judge, punishing sinners in the mortal world.

  Seeing the three-color flames around the figure, Zhang Ritian's pupils shrank.

  He was born extraordinary, and the Doudi Fei pulse on his face further confirmed this.

  How could Zhang Ritian not see that the three kinds of flames on the figure were all genuine exotic fires.

  Three kinds of exotic fire! How is it possible!

  Before Zhang Ritian could think about the scene that overturned his worldview, a blazing three-color sword rainbow with a terrifying temperature came again.

  Zhang Ritian's face changed, he raised the hammer, and tried his best to hit it, knocking the sword rainbow.


  After hitting it, Zhang Ritian knelt on his knees, unable to hold on any longer, and kept spitting out large mouthfuls of blood.

  Just now, he used all his fighting spirit to barely suppress the injuries on his body.

  Now that the fighting spirit was mobilized, the injuries immediately broke out, making Zhang Ritian in great pain.

  No! I can't die here!

  Xiao Wei hasn't grown up yet, the revenge hasn't been avenged, and the family's mission hasn't been completed!

  Su Yun looked at Zhang Ritian, who was in a desperate situation on the ground, from the air, with a cruel smile on his face.

  The trembling boy in the past has finally grown up.

  When you relied on your strong strength to bully me, did you ever think that this day would come!

  Su Yun's figure flashed, and he quickly flew from the air to the ground.

  Zhang Ritian's face was ashen, and he immediately realized that Su Yun's breath was approaching quickly.

  Zhang Ritian got up from the ground, just raised his hammer and stood up.

  An ordinary fist hit Zhang Ritian's chest, making him fly backwards.


  Zhang Ritian's body smashed into the cliff, and his body and the hammer were completely sunken.

  Pain, every part of his body transmitted piercing pain to Zhang Ritian.

  Zhang Ritian fell from the cliff and lay on the ground again.

  The sound of footsteps made Zhang Ritian look in the direction of the footsteps.

  After seeing Su Yun's pretty face, Zhang Ritian's heart was shocked.

  "Yes, it's you!"

  Su Yun smiled softly, and her pretty face made people like her.

  But it was this smile that made Zhang Ritian grit his teeth.

  (End of this chapter)