

  Chapter 343 Qinglin: Young Master ate it! (First update!)

  "We will stay in the Holy City of Heavenly Snakes for the time being and inquire about the news."

  Su Yun said.

  What they are going to face next is a genuine eighth-level monster.

  The Heavenly Snake Empire is also the home of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, so they must first investigate the news and make adequate preparations.

  Su Yun paused and continued.

  "Since Senior Tianhuo is very powerful, he will act alone and go to the Monster Mountain Range deep in the Heavenly Snake Empire, or other uninhabited places.

  Choose a suitable place for an ambush.

  As for Qinglin, he will come with me to the Holy City of Heavenly Snakes to inquire about the information of the Heavenly Snake Mansion."


  Venerable Tianhuo and Qinglin both nodded.

  Staying alone with the young master...

  Qinglin's face flashed a barely detectable blush, and I don't know what he was thinking.

  Su Yun booked three rooms in total. After discussing the matter, Qing Lin and Venerable Tian Huo went back to rest. After

  the two left, Su Yun sat cross-legged, then refined the demon poison spot and began to practice.

  The next day.

  Venerable Tian Huo looked at the map of the Heavenly Snake Empire handed over by Su Yun, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

  "The Heavenly Snake Palace is powerful, so the territory of the Heavenly Snake Empire is also vast.

  Not to mention the Jiama Empire, it is much larger than the entire Black Horn Region. Even if I want to explore it all with my ability, I am afraid it will take three days."

  Venerable Tian Huo said.

  Su Yun was not surprised by this.

  Although the Northwest Continent is not strong as a whole, the territory is very vast, and the area occupied by the Heavenly Snake Empire is not small.

  Moreover, the Skyfire Venerable cannot move too much, especially the power of space cannot be used too much, otherwise the snake Linyue will probably sense it soon.

  It is normal to spend more time.

  "It doesn't matter. Qinglin and I want to investigate the situation of the Sky Snake Mansion, and it will take some time.

  After you come back, please wait for us at this inn."


  The Skyfire Venerable responded, and his figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

  Then Su Yun looked at Qinglin on the side.

  "Qinglin, let's go."


  Qinglin's eyes flashed with a hint of joy.

  The time alone with the young master is too rare, Qinglin must cherish it.

  Su Yun used the deception of heaven and the world, controlled his breath at the peak of the fighting emperor, and walked with Qinglin on the streets of the Sky Snake Holy City.

  The streets were bustling with people coming and going, much more prosperous than the capital of the Gama Empire.

  Su Yun unfolded his soul power and quietly checked the cultivation of the people around him.

  Except for the very young children, most of the people passing by were above the Douling level, and Douwang and Douhuang were not uncommon.

  As for Douzong, this level is relatively rare even in the Tianshe Empire.

  The two of them wandered around the Tianshe Holy City for most of the day, and the number of people they encountered was no more than one palm.

  Su Yun looked at the mansion in the center of the Tianshe Holy City, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

  That was the real location of the Tianshe Mansion, and it was their base camp.

  He sensed no less than seven Douzong auras from them. With these seven people, the Tianshe Mansion was worthy of being the overlord of the Northwest Continent.

  Immediately, Su Yun's eyes flashed with doubt again. The soul power of the late stage of the spiritual realm is very strong, and the soul exploration secret method of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint is also very profound.

  But he did not sense the breath of Dou Zun from it.

  Is there a secret treasure that blocks perception, or is the snake Lin Yue not in this Tianshe Mansion at all...

  "Young Master."

  Just as Su Yun was thinking, Qing Lin on the side handed Su Yun a string of candied haws.

  There was a trace of shyness and unnaturalness on the small melon-seed face, and the snow-white neck was slightly red, which made people wonder.

  "Oh, thank you Qing Lin."

  Su Yun was slightly startled, a light smile flashed across his face, and he took the candied haws from Qing Lin's hand.   

  "Young Master, eat it quickly.

  If it is left for too long, the rock sugar will melt, which will be bad."

  Qing Lin said softly, her voice soft and sticky, urging.

  For some reason, Su Yun heard a hint of... expectation in Qing Lin's voice?


  Su Yun smiled, and without thinking too much, he bit off the candied haws on the top of the bamboo stick and swallowed it into his mouth.

  A sour and sweet taste came from his mouth, which was really good.

  Qing Lin had a bitter childhood, and perhaps for this reason, she now likes sweets.

  If she likes it, the taste will not be bad.

  Eat, eat it...

  Qing Lin's beautiful eyes blinked, and a sense of guilt and shame kept surging from the bottom of her heart.

  Su Yun's soul realm has reached the late spiritual realm, but Qing Lin is not bad either.

  Although he is not as high as Su Yun in realm and spiritual power, he is better with the blessing of the Green Snake Three Flower Pupil.

  The Green Snake Three Flower Pupil is known as the world's first strange pupil, and the amplitude of spiritual power is beyond the imagination of the world.

  Even Su Yun did not expect that Qing Lin's achievements in spiritual power are actually far better than his.

  In fact, Qing Lin just quietly opened the Green Snake Three Flower Pupil and constructed an exquisite soul barrier to wrap the candied haws, hiding from his perception, and he did not know that he had made a small move.

  Su Yun chewed while looking at the candied haws in his hand, and a strange flash of his eyes.

  Why is there a smell... Tsk, I don't know how to say it.

  The kind that single dogs will not understand, those who understand will understand.

  "Sir, is it delicious?"

  "Yeah, it's delicious."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "Well, let's finish eating quickly, otherwise it won't taste good later."

  Wait, and then they'll eat it all...

  "Okay, okay."


  A day later, the two returned to the inn, and Qing Lin looked at the small sweets and jewelry on the table happily.

  This place is prosperous, and you need to pretend to be a tourist, which also makes Qing Lin have a lot of fun.

  Su Yun stood in front of the window, looking at the mansion in the center of the Holy City of Heavenly Snakes, his brows furrowed.

  The description of the Heavenly Snake Mansion in the original book was almost glossed over.

  He needed to investigate a lot of intelligence himself, which was a lot more troublesome than the simple interception opportunities in the past.

  Today, in addition to touring the Holy City of Heavenly Snakes, they also knocked out some locals, recovered their memories, and dragged them into the dark alley.

  But they didn't get any useful information about She Linyue.

  There was only the memory of She Linyue defeating the invading Dou Zun ten years ago.

  After that, She Linyue never appeared again.

  It seems that we have to sneak into the Heavenly Snake Mansion again.

  Su Yun made up his mind.

  Behind him, Qinglin quietly looked up at Su Yun and found that he was lost in thought, with a glimmer of joy in his eyes.

  In a pair of beautiful eyes, the three-flower pupil of the green snake quietly emerged, and an extremely hidden soul barrier emerged.

  Qinglin's jade hand picked up a cotton candy wrapped in candy paper, but the size of a baby's fist.

  Two blushes appeared on her cheeks, she opened the package, unbuttoned her upper body clothes, and put it into the gap.

  After a while, Qinglin blushed, tidied her clothes, and the fighting spirit surged in her palms. The meticulous control made the cotton candy fluffy again.

  After confirming that there was no flaw, Qinglin dispelled the soul barrier.

  "Sir, eat."

  "Hey, Qinglin, eat it yourself."

  "Qinglin has eaten it, this is specially left for you."

  "Well, thank you Qinglin."

   Do you understand? Anyway, I don't understand.