
Chapter 1: A Realization

Mike Snow was born quirk-less on January 27th, 2134 in Memorial Hospital Chattanooga, Tennessee. He came out crying like a normal kid, there were no complication with birth like a normal kid and he had two loving parents like normal. He was in all meaning of the word Normal. He just wasnt born with a quirk.

----4 Years----

"Happy birthday Mike, how's my little man?" said Mike's Dad (Tyler Snow)

Mike was dazed.

"'Oh yeah, its my Birthday" Mike thought to himself before jumping out of bed to eat breakfast.

"Thanks Dad." said Mike

"Anytime son, now get dressed; we have to get you tested for your quirk."

Upon hearing those words a loud "Yes!" was heard across the house, just in time for his Mother to yell. (Audrey Snow)

"I know its an Important day but quiet down, your little brother is sleeping" ( Sam Snow)

"She's right.." Tyler said in a hushed tone.

"Now finished getting dressed and meet me upfront in 10 mins also, dont forget breakfast or you'll be car sick" Said Tyler

----15 mins later----

"Your late." Said Tyler

"Sorry, Mom wanted to say Happy Birthday and Kiss my forehead" he said as he wiped his forehead and blushed from embarrassment.

"No problem, now lets get going"

----30 mins later----

They sat in the Hospital in Silence as they thought about the words the doctor said

"Your Quirk-less"

Mike sat there stunned as thoughts raced through his head

*Quirk-less? that can't be, 80% of people have Quirks, how don't i have on--*

"There must be a mistake? He has to be retested!" Tyler said before Mike could finish his thoughts.

"I assure you sure there is no mistake, but by taking his blood test we did find out something else about him, he has a higher genetic predisposition to type 2-x muscle fibers as well as having a higher oxygen extraction rate from air. If we didn't have quirks this kid would be a monster at any sport he played." The doctor said with confidence

----9 Years Later----

It was the final track meet of the year, Mike was first up on the 100 meter dash with 3 speed base quirks as his competitors. One was the 2 time middle school track champion , in his mind he heard the wind blow followed the sounding of an alarm and an explosive start reaching 22 Mph within the first two seconds of the race. With that they were going, he his competitors take off and start to overtake him by the 60th meter, he heard the announcer say.

"With an Explosive start Mike took the lead only to have his pace be matched by his competitors shortly after, truly a shame seeing a Quirk-less kid be played with by his opponents"

With that the 3 took off ahead, leaving Mike in the dust as thoughts flashed across his mind.

* Its been 9 years of hellish running and cardio, I can't lose*

Thoughts started rush to his mind

*The time he confessed and was shot down for being a quirk-less loser, the time he tried to make friends only to be laughed at for weeks, the hellish late nights at the field, rain or snow he was there. He wanted to be the best and he worked 3x harder than anyone else, he put in the work on the 100 degree days, he worked when everyone one in the world wanted to take it easy, it wasn't fair.* He thought.

His opponents were already 10 meters in front of him, he knew he had no chance of recovering and saw his hard effort going down the drain, with that he slowed down only to see his Father and Mother in the crowd accompanied by his younger brother Sam cheering him on, with that he saw himself slipping on the rope while looking up, he saw a hand come down, one of his own with a shadow behind it saying.

"You didn't give up when it snowed and was 20 degrees outside, you didnt give up when it was rain and sleet, why you gonna give up now"

With that he started compressing air into his diaphragm to the point where it hurt just so he could regain his speed, his legs began to tighten almost like springs as his world slowed and his vision narrowed, his opponents were getting closer, he was gaining on them he thought as he was filled with euphoria, 7 meters, 5 meters, 3 meters. The crows was in shock as they saw a quirk-less boy start gaining on 3 speed based quirk users. 2 meters, he was 10 meters from the finish line and was neck and neck with the opponents when the worst happened, his legs froze from the stress causing him to hit the concrete at 35 mph, luckily he rolled and was only left with some cuts and bruises but had lost the race. The crowd was in shock but it slowly transferred to laughter as the mocked him.

He would have gotten up and dusted himself off if his legs didn't feel like tungsten rods chained to the earth. He had to lay there and take it, but he wasn't sad, he was laughing in fact, he had done something impossible for the average human and just had to recreate it in the future.

By the time he could move 3 minutes had passed and he was surrounded by medics that were checking his legs to see if he tore or broke anything. He quickly brushed them off as he stood up but quickly realized that 3 minutes wasn't enough as he passed out with his family around him.

----2 Hours Later----

He awoke in a hospital bead with his mother talking to the doctor asking if he would walk again.

"He will Mam, he just has extreme lactic acid buildup, hes incredibly lucky that's it. He was most likely throwing down anywhere between 9 to 10 times his body weight, ill be surprised if our X-Rays don't show minor micro fracture through out his leg, but that's nothing a little bit of rest cant fix.

He soon realized his father was looking at him with a wide grin across his face as he said.

"That was fast Mike, and I mean damn fast! The hard work really paid off and good jo---"

"What do you mean good job Tyler!" said Audrey in an furious tone

"He could have broken both of his legs if he kept at it, what if he never walked again?"

"I get that, but just think about it, our son who doesn't have a quirk ran faster than Usain Bolt, the fastest man alive that never had a quirk. I remember my Grandfather telling me about him and how he was a sight to behold in his prime, he smashed record after record in terms of spe--." Tyler said as he was cut off by Mike

"Thanks Dad, but i don't know what happened out there, i just felt this rush of energy from nowhere that allowed me to push past my Human limits, it might have been my breathing but i'd have to try again." Said Mike

"NO! No way are you gonna do that again, do you hear me, you could've lost your legs if you weren't careful." Said Audrey

"Cm'on Mom, you heard the doctor, just a bit of Lactic Acid buildup and some micro fracture's, as long as i do it more my body will get better at removing the acid allowing me to achieve my dream of being a hero that i threw away 7 years ago, my bones will get stronger after every recovery. This could be my ticket to my dream, there's no way i can let it pass just like that." said Mike

"But, but.. i just dont want to see you lose your legs, especially after all you've already gone through to get this far." Said Audrey

"I know Mom, and I promise to do it responsibly." Mike said and with that he knew he had one the argument.

After a few more hours Mike was at home lying in bed thinking about the weekend with some of the worst shin splints imaginable. He began to put together a plan of running as much as possible this weekend untill he could at least walk after his [Limit Removal], then he would being running to school and using [Limit Removal] for the last 1/4 mile, then change into his uniform and use first and second period as a cool down for P.E. in the afternoon, there he would use it as much as possible before fourth and fith period started using them as another cool down period before running home and carbo-loading for the next day; and with that he drifted to sleed with a smile of his face and intense pain in his legs.