
Quinxha In Kevlaco

!!!!WARNING THIS BOOK FOR 18ages UP (MATURE CONTENT)!!!! Jinxha is an ordinary girl with a dark fate. with everything he had, was gone. He only wants to change her destiny and meet the forbidden power of Kevlaco. Jinxha (QUINXHA) will be a dangerous naughty woman!!!!

Liem_Prince · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Chapter 016 : High Level Part One - Powerful

After getting a call from his best friend Jin Wang asking for his help, Kang Ta then immediately went and brought some of his bodyguards to help Jin Wang and Jinxha who were being stalked by unknown people on their way back to the hotel where Jinxha was staying there.

Kang Ta stepped on the gas of his car and didn't want to be late to help Jin Wang and Jinxha. Because Kang Ta had a bad feeling, that the people following them were dangerous people and could threaten the safety of Jin Wang and Jinxha. Kang Ta was actually curious about the people who were following his friend. What are the intentions and goals of those people?

Not long after, Kang Ta headed to where Jin Wang's car was. When Kang Ta was almost near the location where Jin Wang and Jinxha were, Kang Ta's car was intercepted and stopped by a group of people using a large car. Right in front of Kang Ta's car, the car stopped. And the people who were in the car immediately got out and approached Kang Ta and his bodyguard.

Those people were big and vicious-looking. Without further ado, they banged on Kang Ta's car door very hard and forced Kang Ta and his bodyguards to get out and face them all. Knowing that he was intercepted by an unknown person, Kang Ta had prepared everything. Kang Ta ordered his bodyguards who were with him to come out and face those who were blocking him.

Kang Ta's bodyguards, numbering three people, then came out and faced four unknown people outside. They all end up fighting. For unknown reasons and for what purpose these people confronted Kang Ta and asked him to fight, Kang Ta and one of his remaining bodyguards who were driving his car left three of his bodyguards who were fighting with the four strangers.

Because Kang Ta realized that most likely the four people who confronted him were one of the syndicate gangs that would harm Jin Wang and Jinxha as well. And Kang Ta was worried about Jin Wang and Jinxha, because Kang Ta knew that Jin Wang could not fight and would not be able to face the criminals who would harm him. Especially if there were a lot of people who had weapons, it would make Jin Wang and Jinxha even more dangerous.

Kang Ta shouted and ordered his bodyguard who was driving his car to hurry up and rush over to Jin Wang and Jinxha. And it turned out to be true, not long after arriving at the location of Jin Wang's car GPS, Jin Wang and Jinxha were in a very precarious state and needed immediate help.

The condition of Jin Wang's car had been hit by the car of the person following him. And the people who were following him had gotten out of the car and were about to force open Jin Wang's car door. The unknown people numbered four people and were almost the same as the ones Kang Ta met before, they were like the same group and members as before.

Then Kang Ta ordered his bodyguards to immediately stop the car and hurry. Kang Ta and one of his bodyguards approached Jin Wang and Jinxha, who were in a state of danger. Kang Ta ran and then fought the four strangers. And Kang Ta's bodyguard tried to open and help Jin Wang and Jinxha. After successfully opening and helping Jin wang and Jinxha, Kang Ta's bodyguard helped Kang Ta and helped him join the fight against the four people.

After going through fierce and exciting fights and fights, Kang Ta finally managed to defeat the four people. And they all ran away to save themselves... and Kang Ta didn't have time to restrain and take one of them hostage for questioning because Kang Ta was very curious about what the intent and purpose was to harm Jin Wang and Jinxha and why could those people know that Kang Ta would help they both. Kang Ta wonders who actually ordered those people.

Kang Ta already suspected someone he might suspect as the mastermind behind the incident at that time. Kang Ta then approached Jin Wang and Jinxha and asked the two of them if they were okay and not seriously injured….

It turned out that Jinxha received a wound on his right arm as a result of the broken glass of Jin Wang's car which was hit by the car of an unknown person.…

Jin Wang is fine. Only he experienced a bit of shock because of what happened to him and Jinxha at that time.

Then Jin Wang asked Kang Ta "Who are those people?? Why are they chasing us?? Is there an enemy who will harm us?? And it seems that Moi has no enemies, and if it was your enemy Kang Ta or Tao She's enemy, why would they target me?? Am I one of your friends so they are also targeting me?? Do you know who ordered them and what is the purpose of this attack??".

Kang Ta then answered Jin Wang's question "It seems, I already suspect someone. And I'm pretty sure this must be his doing… It must be him who ordered these people to harm us. Because at the time when I was about to follow you to this place, I was also intercepted beforehand by a group of unknown people, and those people I'm sure are the same as these people who will harm you guys… however, I don't think they all want to harm me or you… but they all want to harm Quinxha".

Then after listening to that, Jinxha became even more panicked and scared… Jinxha said to Jin Wang and Kang Ta "Why are they trying to harm me?? I don't know all of them... and I've never had anything to do with those people... why should I be the one they're going to harm?? What's the point of harming me?? I've also never done anything bad to anyone… oh, or because of last night's incident, where I was almost injured by a group of people and luckily I was helped by Tao She that night…".

Kang Ta then answered Jinxha's words "It seems that the person who ordered the people earlier was not just anyone… and that person was not an ordinary person and it doesn't seem like the person you meant earlier Quinxha. Because as I said before, I suspect someone with big influence who wants to harm you and I'm sure, you definitely don't know and have never known the person I mean... The person I suspect is very dangerous for all of us and can threaten all of us in the future day".

Suddenly Kang Ta's cell phone rang….

It turned out that the call was from his bodyguard who had gotten out of his car earlier and was fighting with the people who had blocked Kang Ta's car earlier…. Kang Ta's bodyguard reported that he managed to arrest and arrest two of the four people who fought with them. The remaining two people had run away to save themselves.

Hearing the call from his bodyguard, Kang Ta rushed to go there and took Jin Wang and Jinxha with him there… Kang Ta said to Jin Wang and Jinxha "It turns out that my bodyguard caught two of the four people who were blocking me and trying to block me from helping you two… it's better you two come with me to keep you safe and after I ask those people who ordered it, I'll take you two home safely with me… leave your car here Jin Wang, I'll call a tow truck and will take your car to the mechanic to repair the damage… ".

Kang Ta along with Jin Wang and Jinxha rushed to the scene of the fight where Kang Ta and his bodyguards were intercepted and forcibly stopped and intended to harm Kang Ta at that time….

After arriving at that location, Kang Ta rushed over to the person who had been bound and held by Kang Ta's bodyguards. Then, with an angry tone and a little shouting, Kang Ta asked several questions to the two people who were arrested and detained by Kang Ta's bodyguards "Who are you and why do you want to harm us all?? And who told you to harm us?? Answer!! Or you all will die by my hands today!!!" while screaming with emotion and both of Kang Ta's hands were holding one of the men's clothes, Kang Ta asked and tried to find out what the intention of their attack was and who ordered them to attack him….

While frightened and feeling threatened, one of the foreigners who attacked Kang Ta answered Kang Ta's question "Eh… Eh…. We were only told… please forgive us…. Don't kill us, sir…. We are only messengers ordered to harm and kill you…. But our real goal is the women who are with you guys…. But the person who ordered us said that whoever gets in the way must be killed right away….".

Then Kang Ta, in an increasingly emotional state, said again "Then who ordered you guys?? How dare you deal with me!!!" While frightened, the man said "Eh… it was Mr. Freddy who ordered us to carry out this attack. Please spare us sir… we beg you please spare us…"

Kang Ta then said "It turned out to be true as I thought… this was all Freddy's doing. I'm sure Freddy's after Quinxha and there's some ulterior motive…"

Then Kang Ta left the people and ordered his guards to release them and left a message to them that Kang Ta was ready to accept Fredy's challenge and was not afraid of him… Kang Ta invited Jin Wang and Jinxha to be with him and took them both home.

Kang Ta said to Jinxha "You better stay at Jin Wang's house, and soon I will gather Tao She and also Yao Liang to discuss what plans are going forward after the incident that endangered us today. Because in my opinion, Freddy will continue to target and will try to eliminate Quinxha and he will not stop until Quinxha dies and disappears from this world. And as for Quinxha, later I will explain to you who Freddy is and why he is so eager to kill and try to eliminate you…. Later, in the end, you will realize that your safety is now being threatened and you need us to be able to help you right now…".