

When Yu Qingyu returned home, his head still filled with thoughts about Lily's situation, Liu Wei was already waiting for him. As soon as he entered the apartment, before he was even able to take his shoes off, the alpha caught him, and wrapped a scarf around his eyes.

"Liu Wei?!" Yu Qingyu called out in surprise. "What are you doing?"

"I have a surprise for you. Come with me." Liu Wei planted a kiss on top of Yu Qingyu's head, before turning him around, and leading him right out of the door.

"Are you taking me to the garage?" Yu Qingyu guessed. "Are we going to go somewhere?"

Liu Wei didn't answer, however, and just carefully kept on guiding the omega in silence. Thus, Yu Qingyu shook his head lightly with a smile, and didn't ask any more questions.