
Quick Transmigration: i want to go back home (快速轮回:我想回家)

[My own story] [inspired by those Chinese novels that i have read] ——————————- “I’m bound to you?” [yes, you are host] “No.” [okay then] “Is that it? You won’t beg me?” [No. What kind of novels have you been reading? Besides the higher ups can give me a new host] “Oh. Then return me to my own body” [No can do host. You died already, you also didn’t accept this missions so i got no choice but to kill you] “Kill me!?” [yes! Good bye ho-] “no! Okay! I accept the missions! I jus want to go home” The system smiled and replied [well, let’s have a nice trip host] —————————— the art is from : ziseviolet.tumblr.com

opshutit · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs



A scream got their attention. Adrian looked at the abandoned house, without any second thoughts he ran towards it.

"Prince!" called by the Knights

Adrian did not look back nor stop, he was cursing at himself.

He kicks the door and at the exact moment, he saw Briana attempting to stab Silvia.

He was terrified. He saw Silvia's state. When Silvia saw him, she smiled at him. Anger rose inside his heart. He saw that Silvia was trembling in pain but she still smiled at him.

"Adrian...." she called him and then she lost her consciousness.

"Silvia!" he cried out as he ran towards her. He shoved Briana away from Silvia not caring if she got hurt or not. Adrian was panicking, he saw how pale Silvia came to be

"Wake up! Shit!" Adrian carried Silvia, he came out of the house and the Knights including the Crown Prince. They saw how angry and anxious he was. They looked over to his arms and they saw Silvia. Their eyes widen as they saw the state she was in.

"Arrest them," Adrian said as he passed through them. Adrian was angry..no he's beyond angry. He might show a calm temperament, but he's furious.

He stopped in front of his brother and looked at him in the eyes.

"This is what your loved one did to my fiance. As a Crown Prince, do what you must but if you don't I'll steal the throne. You know what I'm capable of..brother.."

He left. He Left Liam there standing.


"Where's my daughter! Let me see my daughter!" Duke Bright barge in Adrian's Room. No one could stop him. He was upset and angry. How could Adrian Lie to him? How could Adrian let Silvia experience this?

"Duke, Please Calm down."

"How could I calm down!? He lied to me and now my daughter is bedridden! Her body is full of wounds, and her physique is very thin! Tell me how could I calm down"

Adrian stood up and walked towards Duke Bright. He then bowed at Duke Bright and Gave him a letter that Silvia had written. At first, Duke Bright was startled as the Prince Bowed to him but it was immediately shifted to a confused looked as Adrian handed him a letter.

He opened the letter and he saw familiar handwriting. It was his Daughter's handwriting. His eyes soften as he read through the letter


Dear Father,

  If you have received this letter, it means I already did something you might not want me to do. I am truly sorry for not telling you because I am sure you won't allow me to do it. I am sorry for being selfish, but I hope you'll understand why I did this. I don't want you to be involved in my matter, so I sent Adrian and the Crown Prince a letter. I did not indicate why they need to find me, because I know they're smart enough to predict what will happen to me. 

Father, I do hope you won't get angry at my Fiance. I was the one no, rather I know he won't tell you. I trusted him not to tell you. So I hope, you're not making a mess in his room. Once I wake up, I'll tell you everything but for now, be patient. I love you. See you later, Father


Silvia bright


"I'm sorry Duke I-"

"No. It's fine, you needed to do what you had to do." Duke Bright said as he cut Adrian

"I just hope she'll wake up"


2 weeks had past but Silvia is still asleep. Both the Royal family and The Dukedom have been in and out of her room taking care of her but the person who has been with her the most was Adrian.

He said " I won't return until she wakes up." and he didn't. No matter how much persuasion his family Or Duke Bright does, he won't move.

Right now, he's staring at her while holding her hands. He has been awfully careful with her. He tries his best to help her in any way except by cleaning any changing her clothes.

"A...Adrian.." a boarded voice called him out, his eyes widen as he saw Silvia open her eyes while smiling at him. Joy rose inside his heart and hugged her.

"Silvia..Silvia...Silvia" he breathes out. He ruffles her hair gently as he was hugging her.

Silvia giggled as she hugs Adrian back. "Did...you..miss me?" Silvia asked jokingly.

Adrian slowly let her go and looked at her eyes while coupling her cheeks. She was still thin and pale but it was okay. At least she's awake.

"Yes..I did miss you, very much" he said as he slowly kissed her lips. Silvia was taken aback but she closed her eyes and kissed him back. He smiled while they were kissing, finally, Silvia responded to him.

They were extremely close to each other, they did not notice the people on the door starring at them.

"Ehem" both of them let go as they heard a voice. Both of them looked towards the door and they saw Duke Bright and some knights and Maids. both of their faces became beet red as they were embarrassed.


"Father," Silvia said as she smiled.

Duke Bright hugged her Daughter while caressing her head. All of his worries were now gone as he hugs her. He truly missed her daughter, everyone saw that the Duke suffered so much.

He won't eat and sometimes forgot to sleep. He drowns himself with work and if their Lady did not wake up, the Duke might have health problems.

"Father about the letter.."

"Forget about the letter, you're safe now, and that what's matters the most. It does matter anymore."

"Daddy..." Silvia's tears stream on her face. Duke was surprised when Silvia called her Daddy. When she was young, she used to call him that but when her mother died she suddenly stopped.



Adrian and Silvia were again left behind. The silence was unbearable, Silvia decided to talk.

"Why do you look like that? Your eyebags are horrendous! hahaha"

"Whose fault is this? I want to stay beside you, that's why." Adrian replied.

With that again, everything became awkward.

"Briana..she, she paid for her sin. She's locked for 10 years, Duke wanted her to be executed but i stopped him. I know you don't want this, no matter how angry you are i know you don't want anyone to lose their lives"

"Hmm.." Silvia hummed in response

"What about your brother? What did he say?" She asked

"He did not resist. He was okay with it. He felt guilty of what he did to you before. He almost stepped down on our competition on the throne but i stopped him. I don't want the throne anymore, I already have something more important than the throne" Adrian said as he smiled at Silvia

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Silvia smiled

"You're so beautiful. You're the most beautiful Human i've ever seen." he then said

"Wait..wait why are you saying this?" Silvia was very confused.

"I know I did the worst things before, I cannot justify what I did before but please give me a chance. I will abandon everything for you, just for you to forgive me. I'll do anything so please."

"Wait! Wait a minute! Why are you like this?"

"Silvia..I love you. With all my heart, I truly love you. Please marry me, I will do my best to make it up to you."


Hahaha DONE! 1 more chapter left this world is done! And yeah, I update randomly. I don't have a specific schedule to follow. I update when I have time or an idea pops up in my brain hehe I hope you don't mind

I hope you could leave a like or comment! It makes me happy HAHAHAH thank you!