
Quick Transmigration: i want to go back home (快速轮回:我想回家)

[My own story] [inspired by those Chinese novels that i have read] ——————————- “I’m bound to you?” [yes, you are host] “No.” [okay then] “Is that it? You won’t beg me?” [No. What kind of novels have you been reading? Besides the higher ups can give me a new host] “Oh. Then return me to my own body” [No can do host. You died already, you also didn’t accept this missions so i got no choice but to kill you] “Kill me!?” [yes! Good bye ho-] “no! Okay! I accept the missions! I jus want to go home” The system smiled and replied [well, let’s have a nice trip host] —————————— the art is from : ziseviolet.tumblr.com

opshutit · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

Back to System: into the new world

3 years had passed, all of them graduated except for Briana. She was punished to prison as she was attempting to assassinate the Fiance of the Second Prince. It was a very light punishment for her to receive since Silvia suffered a lot but Silvia demanded to make Briana's punishment light. When the Bright dukedom knew about Silvia's decision, at first they were upset but they somehow agreed to her's absurd decision. Duke Bright was never satisfied with his daughter's judgment, without her knowing the Duke made sure the Jones Family suffer little by little until they decided to disappear.

Not far, you'll see two silhouettes sitting on a bench while wearing their school uniforms. One's a woman, one's a man. It was never been considered weird if both man and a woman were sitting beside each other especially if they were destined to marry each other. The silhouettes were the second prince and the daughter of the duke bright. Adrian was sighing as they both look at the open face that is filled with flowers. Adrian laughed as he recalled the time they first come here. Silvia was indifferent to him, he smiles as he saw how long he came.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Adrian asked Silvia as they were sitting.

"Get married of course." Silvia giggled as she looks at Adrian.

Adrian was flabbergasted as he heard her. Yes, he does wanna marry her soon but he never thought Silvia would say that to him.

"Are you sure you want to get married as soon?" The sound of Adrian's voice was low but Silvia was able to hear it

"Yes. You like me don't you? Then I'll marry you"

"You don't feel the same. I still want to take things slow, I don't want to force you to marry me"

"What are you talking about?" Silvia looked at him straight in the eyes. "I won't say that I want to marry you as soon as possible if I don't like you. My feelings may not be as deep as yours but I know I like you, and you're the only person who captured my life, my heart"

Silvia was so serious saying this that Adrian's face and ears turned red. "Wait just a moment. Is this an indirect confession? Did-Did she even knows she confessed to me?!" Adrian thought

[ host. You just confessed ] Raizel suddenly came up out of nowhere

( I didn't know you're still existing. Where were you?) Silvia asked

[I don't know? Perhaps I was called by higher-ups and criticized for the shit's you made] Raizel rolled her eyes

( oh come on, chill. It turned out good right?)

[ be grateful it came out great but if it didn't? I'll lose my job]

( sorry )

[yeah, yeah. I'm just pleased you're breathing and safe]

"Adrian, why are you blushing? Don't tell you liked what I said?"

"I-I did..."


2 years later, they got married. They did not host a big event but only a small one that both of their family could attend. After some time, Silvia and Adrian were blessed by 2 pairs of twins. One is a girl and one is a boy. Adrian was joyous but Silvia wasn't. She used foul language to Raizel because of the discomfort that she felt when giving labor to the twins, but she was glad it was over.

Both of the twins are the perfect imitation of their parents. The boy brought into the world looked like his mother, while the girl looked like her father. Both of the twins have a remarkable feature that makes them look glamorous and graceful at the same time.


"Mom! Dad!" a pair of voices called them, both Silvia and Adrian turned their backs and saw their children running towards them while amusement was detected on their faces.

"Clara, Clian don't run. Both of you will hurt yourselves" Adrian said as he was looking at them.

"Sorry dad!" Clian said while holding his younger twin's hand.

"Ah, now both of you are covered in sweat. Maria?" Silvia called her friend

"Yes, My Lady?"

"Can you get me two towels and a pair of clothes for the twins? As you can see" Silvia pointed her finger towards the twin and Maria's eyes followed them. "Clara and Clian are sweaty."

Maria was horrified as she saw the twins "Young Masters! What did you do? You were just clean 5 minutes ago?"

"We..we played in the garden" Clara replied as her eyes looked down as her fingers jitters

"Young Masters..." Maria Sighs

"Let them of Maria, they're kids. They like to play" Silvia giggled

"Whatever you say My Lady"


Two 90-year-old silhouettes were laying side by side.

" I guess it's my time?" the old man murmured.

The old man, held his partner's hand as he slowly losing consciousness. He held her hand as he looks into her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I have to leave you first. I'm story I can't stay with you much longer"

"No...don't apologize. You won't leave me, I'll follow you behind." she smiled.

"I-I know, you don't love me the way I love you, but I am grateful that you'd married me. We had two children, we had made a family. It's too regrettable that I wasn't able to make you fall in love with me more. I love you, Silvia. I love you with all my heart"

Adrian said as tears fell from his eyes. Slowly his closing his eyes, his breath starting to slow down, and finally, he lost his life.

With Silvia's remaining strength, she wiped the tears of her deceased husband. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you the love that you had wanted. But I'm grateful you loved me with all of your heart. My Adrian, My Husband let's see each other in another life" with that, she lost her breath.

"MOM! DAD!" two adult voices entered the room. They saw their parents' corpse.

"Mom! Dad!" Clara sobbed, "no, please not yet! Mom! Dad!"

Clian was miserable as he saw his sister cry, he cannot help but cry too. He looked at his parents' face and suddenly, his heart calmed down. He saw how both of his parents' faces held a smile as they passed through the next life. He does regret not being able to see them for the last time but seeing them happy right now makes him feel a little bit better.


" I feel horrible," Athy said as she returns to the system

" because you weren't able to love him back? Just why? What was the reason? Why can't you love him back " Raizel asked

" Silvia. She still loves the Crown Prince."

" what? For all the things he did to her? What the fuck?"

"I remember the time when I saw how the princess of the south was crowned as the Empress. Silvia's body was getting angry at the newly appointed Empress. The body was about to move on its own, I'm glad that I was still able to control it." Athy sighs

" that's..." Raizel was out of words

" I tried interfering with her emotions, I tried shifting it to Adrian but it just doesn't work. I forced the body to look at Adrian like how it look to Liam but it didn't work"

" because it needs your emotions too. You need to fall in love with the person you picked." Raizel Explained.

" you never told me that? And besides, I don't know what love feels." Athy closed her eyes.

" Shall I give you the rewards now host?"




1st mission: make the SML or the ML fall in love with you

(points: 30000)


2nd mission: Have your own family and have a happy life

(points: 50000)


3rd mission: do not die early

(points: 20000)


Extra Mission: Giving birth (Points: 25000)




Transferring data.....data.....data....

Name: Athy Dianne

Age: 20

Class: +F

Level: 1/10

Beauty: 100/100

Luck: 27/100

M-Strength: 65/100

P-Strength: 35/100

E-Strength: 40/100

Intelligence: 57/100

Skills: Cooking, Dancing, Singing

Achievements: [None]

Accumulated points: (125,000)/1,000,000

Points received: 30,000 - 50,000 - 20,000 - 25,000

Total points: 125,000 points


" For a beginner, I did good " Athy smiled at the points that she has received

"Host, before you enter the next world, you are task to learn one of the following. The one that you will pick will also correspond to the world you'll enter next"

- Sword fighting

- Acting

- Swimming

"Host please pick one"

"I'll go with acting" Athy smiled

"Okay host, See you in a hundred years!"


No one:

"Ouch, my head" he rubbed his temples as soon as he woke up.

" Good morning Young master, did you have a good dream? " asked the butler

" not exactly but I did have a wife."

"Oh? Was she pretty?"

"I don't know but she had a very beautiful voice," he replied,

"Oh well then, let's get you ready Young Master. As I heard you'll attend the same school as your fiance starting today." the butler announced

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever" he smiled as he rolled his eyes playfully.


THE END OF ARC 1 HAHAHA I hope you liked it? Lol HAHA I hope y'all can comment or give a star to this chapter or rather interact with this chapter thank you!