
Quick Transmigration: I'll Chase You in Different World

Author's note: Hey guys :)  (If someone..well I bet no one's reading this...but anyways) Thanks for checking out this story. Just a little reminder, english is not my first language, so bare with some of my crappy english. Feel free to express your opinion or suggestion. TRANSMIGRATED- of the soul; to pass at death from one body or being to another Plagiarism is a crime. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and etc. were all product of the author's wide imagination. Any resemblance to actual peoples, living or dead, or actual events are pure coincidental. PHOTOS NOT MINE. CREDITS TO THE OWNER. ENJOY. COMMENT. VOTE. FAN. SYNOPSIS Being killed by the one you love and trusted the most. Chen Meng meng swear that she will get her revenge. Because of her huge will to live again, her spirit was entangled on a group of system which grants a spirits wish... But everything has a great price to pay. She must first collect a million life points for her to be able to go back in time. A life points that she will only get once a mission is completed in this transmigration game she's willing to participate.

LunaChriz · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Arc 1-5

Arc 1-5

Chen Meng Meng's posture is full of elegance and at the same time she look so domineering with her face void of emotion but there's a subtle laziness on it.

"Greetings to the president"

Some of the board members welcomed her with sincere smile while some of them were fake and force one but she didn't care anyway. She just held her right hands up to silent them and immediately proceed to their meeting.

Her secretary stood in front and execute her instructions.

When they've finish the presentation several senior members clapped their hands in amazement and acknowledgement to her as their new president.

Who said that the new president is a pushover?

This is clearly her way to say that she's far from that!

Chen Meng meng nod in satisfaction to their reactions. Well, she just presented a new invention to improve their goods and as well as presenting a new product to produce creating another round of applause for her, not knowing that 'some' member of the board is fascinatingly watching her from a corner of the room.

"So that's all gentlemen. If you don't have any questions or something that you can add to our new product then it's meeting adjourn"

No one said a word, meaning that they highly approved and the meeting's over. They walkout one by one but not when they finish congratulating her that she just replied with a subtle smile.

Every board member already leave except for one—a man with exquisite face hidden beneath his thick eye glasses.


Chen Meng meng called when she saw that he's the only one left behind.

The man's breath hitch with nervousness.

What if she didn't like me?

Do i look presentable now?

That's just some of his random thoughts for this moment, as his phoenix eyes clashed with her doe-like eyes and damn did his heart beat wildly!


( Favorability: 3%

  Mission success: 5%)

His domineering personality immediately replaced with unknown timidity when he saw her bored yet beautiful face.

Chen Meng meng didn't feel any special emotion when she saw him. For her, he's just one of those random guys who's courageous enough to look at her straight in the eyes, unlike the man in front of her that's look like his been struck with lightning as he's very mesmerized by his future wife!

Chen Meng meng raised a brow before saying: "Is there any problem Mr...?"

"...Mr. Dan"

She nod. "Is there any problem Mr. Dan?"

Jeung Tong Dan known as Mr. Dan nervously smiled which turned out as a 'crooked-smile' for he doesn't even know how to freaking smile! Yet he did it to show his friendliness to her future wife. Chen Meng Meng's lips twitched.

Is that a smile?

Why does it look so crooked...

With a sudden interest, Chen Meng meng command her system to get the man's information. The system immediately showed the information gathered in front of Chen Meng Meng knowing that the another party doesn't have the capability to read it, but unknown to the two all the gathered information were filtered by a certain system connected to the man in front of them.

(Name: Jeung Tong Dan

Birth date: April 1st ****

Age: 28

Nationality: Chinese

Ethnicity: (50%)Chinese; (20%) Japanese; (20%) American; (10%) Filipino.

: Quite; Serious;

: A nerdy and dull man throughout his whole life (till now)

: He's an abandoned child and become successful through his own diligence by being a working student.

:A good husband candidate)

The system 'purposely' added the last part, as Chen Meng meng noticed and considered it when she takes another glance at jeung tong dan.

"I...ahm—I just want to...invite you— Yes! Invite you to a dinner", jeung tong dan shamefully answer and when he realized his straight forward answer he immediately said. "I mean a dinner to welcome you as the new president"

System: You got this host! I believe in love at first dinner! Ehem...if there's such a saying.

A certain system who looked like a small boy—to be exact a cupid little guy. He's cheering his now nervous host.

Chen Meng meng's lips twitched.

A dinner?

To welcome her?


Why is that... he's the only one who welcomed her like this? The other just give her welcome gifts but this guy on the other hand invite her into a dinner.


What a courageous man.

Her interest towards jeung tong soar high in a second.


(Favorability: 30%

Mission success: 15%)

The little cupid system raise its invisible banner chanting the off-tone

cheering for its host.

Jeung Tong's phoenix eyes shone when he heard the sudden increase of favorability.

According to favorability rate which is classified like this:

10% = Neutral Feelings (in other words your insignificant for him/her)

20% = Feeling of acquittance

30% = Feeling of interest towards you

40% = Feeling of curiosity towards you

50% = Growing Attraction

60% = Physically attracted

70% = Physically and emotionally attracted

80% = Feeling of falling in love

90% = Feeling of inlove

100% = Feeling of True Love

So... she's interested on me?!

He couldn't stop the sudden pounding of his stone heart.

"Okay Mr. Dan. 5:30 pm...sharp", then she hand him her card which he dazedly accepted. "Fetch me in this address", she said and left.

Feeling like his over the moon. Jeung Tong hurriedly went back to his place and rummage his wardrobe for a suitable cloth to wear for their dinner which he find so hard because his wardrobe only consist of uniform and simple comfy shirt and shorts, so he decide to leave his worries to his capable system.

Poor system.

System: Wuwuwu...do I look like your personal butler host?! I'm your damn system. Your SYSTEM!

But of course this were all the systems mental bawling.

With aggravated look, the system put a stylish yet freshly attire on its hosts bed.

Jeung Tong didn't waste his time as he immediately took a shower, put on the chosen clothes that the system left on the bed, and face the mirror to style his hair.

He glance on the clock located in the back of his rooms door. It's already 4:50 pm. He only have an hour to fetch his future wife. With a nervous sigh, he walked out of his condo and proceed inside his car.

(Host, good luck!)

The system didn't forgot to cheer for its host. Jeung Tong nod with his usual emotionless face but if you were carefully watch his eyes there's a turmoil of emotion hidden inside.

'Future wife...here I come'