Read my new Fanfic _____________________
As Tanjiro knock the door nothing happens he knocks again, nothing. After a minute of knocking at the door and nobody answering Tanjiro stops.
He then realised that the door isn't locked so he opens the door.
"Anybody Home?" Tanjiro enters the house and not 9 two steps in a lands beside him and puts a sword on his neck.
"Who are you and why are you here?" The man is wearing a weird red mask which makes him look funny but that meant nothing as he was extremely dangerous.
"Uhhh I'm Takeo the one you are holding is Tanjiro and the one behinde me is our sister Nezuko." I try to sound as calm one can when there brother is being held hostage.
"Oh You're the brats Giyuu told me about." The man lifts his sword away from Tanjiro's neck.
"That also mean that the girl is the demon." The weirdo looks at Nezuko.
"Yes sir we came here because Mr Giyuu told us to come here." Tanjiro is still shook from being held hostage but he's getting better.
"Fine come in but don't touch anything honestly what was Giyuu thinking sending me some brats." We all ignore his comment.
We enter the home which looked like a traditional Japanese house.
"Umm sir could you help us?" Tanjiro's voice came out low as he was still scared of the man.
"What do you brats need." the man looks annoyed with a mask on I mean how?
"Umm well you know that Nezuko got turned into a demon could you please tell us how we can cure, we won't ask for anything just please tell us." Tanjiro's eyes burn with determination.
"Kid what do you think this is a game, you can't just magically get cure to make demons human again there never has been a cure and probably never will." He looks at Tanjiro with a tick on his mask?
"Sir could you atleast tell us who the demon is that attacked Nezuko please." Tanjiro's eyes were literally on fire from the determination.
"Kid this would've normally be a stupid question but I have an answer because of your sister." Tanjiro looks in anticipation as I already knew.
"The only person that can turn someone into a demon is the demon king himself Muzan." Tanjiro's eyes flash in anger and I also pretend to be angry as I don't want to stand out.
"I'll make sure he pays for what he has done." The man looks amused by Tanjiro's words.
"Oh really do you think some kids who can't even beat a normal demon will be able to defeat the demon king the strongest of the demons, dont make me laugh."
"Hey we killed a demon before we got here we aren't that weak." I can't just let him hurt my pride like that.
"Oh and how were you able to do that?" The man sounds honestly curious but before I get the chance to reply Tanjiro intercepts me.
"Me Takeo veat him togather I stabbed him in the back and Takeo cut his head off." The man just laughed at us.
"So you got lucky that's it." At this both me an Tanjiro blushed in embarrassment.
"You know what I'll train you two brats but on one condition." This immediate raises our curiosity.
"What is it?" The man looks at me and if I didn't know he was a good guy I would've tought he was a demon in disguise.
"You'll have to hit me fair and square in a spar two on one no wepons and I'll go light on you kids."
"Alright let's do this." We both say this in union.
The man gets up and leads us to small room in which there is only a small bamboo carpet.
Hit Urokodaki and become his student.
Silver Card
"Alright 3 2 1 GO."
As soon as he finshes both me and Tanjiro rush at him he goes from the right and I go from the left.
We both punch him me in the gut and Tanjiro in the face. He grabs our hands and twist both of us around and we fall on the mat.
"I win" We both immediately get back up.
"We're not done yet" Tanjiro has determination that I have never seen in my life.
We try again but this time I stay back as Tanjiro rushes him he tries to kick him but misses.
I use this time to ise dash as I appear right beside him he looks shocked as I use kick and try to kick his neck. He barely dodges the kick and grabs my leg and sweeps me from my leg.
Tanjiro tries to take this time and punch him but is easily dodged and judo flipped to the ground.
"He kid how did you do that." The man looks at me causing me to become nervous.
"I don't know what your talking about." I mutter out and start to look towords Nezuko who was watching us.
"Your lying is horrendous tell me the truth." During this small time I came up with a reasonable answer
"Well I wait for a certain moment and use all my strength to run at you." He looks at me not believing ms hell even Tanjiro looks like he doesn't belive me.
Thankefullt he lets the matter go and me and Tanjiro get right back up.
We are then preceeded to get beaten up again and again. Until I realise that I have one card that I'm not using.
"One last this time we'll beat you." I look at him with a blaze in my eyes as he sighs.
We get back up as signals the start Tanjiro rushes him straight on as I got on the right.
Tanjiro Punches as easily dodged I then cone and activate basic kick again which he dodges.
I then use my third bronze card Speed Rush and I also uses rush at the same time.
With this combination I blitz into him and punch him square in the face.
He looks at me in what looks like shock and then smiles.
"Good job you two passed. Oh and also you can call me Sensei Urokodaki." We both look at our new sensei in excitemen then we look at each other and start laughing only to the cofudement of Nezuko.
I'm going to show the cards that mc has from now on.
1 Master Proficiency
User is abled to understand anything they are told about there breathing style/styles.
Basic Kick
A person must use all parts of there body to be good at fighting and kicks are on the most important.
Level:- F (17/100)
Ahhhhhh This sucks. I was pre writing the next chapter and I wrote 1300 words I close the app check again boom gone. This sucks dude.
Anyway this is the srcond chapter for today. hope you like it if you do you can vote.