
Chapter 55 - Kill

Realizing that Tian Longmeng already noticed them, the leader of the group revealed herself with the other two following shortly behind. Tian Longmeng could tell by the way she flashed her hair and had the followers at her command that he was dealing with one of those entitled nobles.

She was about to speak but was caught unprepared for his annoyed expression. As a result, she also became irritated and scoffed. "What is with that face? You commoners really think you are something just because you got a couple pills and lucky chances. Someone ought to put you into your place."

Tian Longmeng was startled, not because of her words, but because he was actually caught showing his true emotions on his face. He had met a couple of nobles in Tang Fei to get a general understanding of most of them.

Unless they were like Instructor Qin and acknowledged strength over status, they were like her and believed that they were superior by virtue of their parents or ancestors' hard work.

Speaking of which, Tian Longmeng just remembered that he dealt with one when he came to Tang Fei City. He just realized that he does not even know that person's name. How embarrassing.

Unfortunately, the embarrassing moments would only accumulate since Tian Longmeng was now away with his thoughts instead of talking to the noble, further aggravating her.

She could not take it anymore and stomped her feet while shouting. "Are you even listening to me, you trash? This is why I can not take monkeys and pill boys."

She felt indignant in her heart. She went out of her way to actually talk to this child since he looked somewhat cute and was actually pretty powerful. She did not expect that he would actually ignore her like this. No wonder Zhongwang Shi wanted to rip him to shreds.

Tian Longmeng, on the other hand, stared blankly at her and asked a question that was on his mind for a while. "Why do you people call me a pill boy?"

He originally guessed that they were unaccepting of him being a 'commoner' and also being stronger than them, so that stuck that name onto him. However, that should have changed after the ranking test months before, no?

She was stunned. This trash was really asking that. She thought that he would know exactly why, but based on his clear eyes, he seemed to be genuinely asking.

"Could it be that his strength comes directly from his talent?" She gulped her breath under that thought, eventually shaking that from her mind. "No, that could not be. If that was then he would be a force on par with Bai Xingye or that Yama girl."

After shaking that from her mind, she formed a new discussion to get to her point. "Okay then," she puffed out her flat chest, causing Tian Longmeng to blink a couple times before rubbing his head. "I will not call you a pill boy in the future; but since you are not a pill boy, it would be only right to hand over that grass to those who actually want it."

Tian Longmeng blanked for a while before raising an eyebrow. "Huh?"

Was she really trying to steal the zebra grass from him? If so, this was the most stupid way to perform this. Even so, his mood still plummeted and he took vigilance against her followers especially.

She felt his cautiousness and misunderstood it for a sign of weakness, thus she pursued. "Actually, we were already here and marked that grass as ours, only for you to snatch it before us. We are only asking back for one of ours."

At this point she started laughing with her followers. "Or you could always just compensate us with 1 moon jade. It sounds a bit pricey but that is only because my lovely escort here needs it for her breakthrough. Surely you understand." She tried her best to restrain from laughing in front of his face.

Tian Longmeng however, was not laughing. Were all noble this despicable? They just see something they want in the hands of a commoner and instantly claim it as theirs. Actually, to think about it, that other noble he met first was just like this as well.

He calmed himself and just walked away, ignoring her. She was originally laughing with her crew but when she saw his reaction, her rage instantly boiled over.

She brandished two metal rings and screamed at him, fully livid. "You insolent trash, you dare. You think I am some push over? I will murder you and your entire house. Forget compensation, leave the grass, your money, and your legs since you don't seem to know what to do with it."

Tian Longmeng heard the threat and became cold. However, he did not act on it. Only, he simply snorted as if they were nothing.

"That is it! I want you to kill this trash within an inch of his life." The noble commanded her followers.

They also could not stand the sight of this insolent trash any longer so they unhesitantly drew their swords and hacked at Tian Longmeng's back.

A flash of light zoomed through Tian Longmeng's eyes and he disappeared as the followers' swords made contact with his back.

The followers did not have any time to think about what happened since Tian Longmeng suddenly appeared in front of the male follower and unleashed a full power punch to his abdomen.

This followed up with a quick kick to the female follower's side. She tried to use her sword as a shield but it shattered from his boulder-like force. She was sent flying into a tree.

The female noble froze. Both her followers were destroyed, with their life or death unknown. She knew that he was powerful but there was no way a rank 150 person should be that powerful. It was as if he was already within the ranks of a core disciple.

Upon that thought, a terrifying conclusion reached her mind. "What if Tian Longmeng purposely underrated himself?"

This thought had her shaking uncontrollably. It would mean that his true rank would be firmly somewhere within the top 100, an unfathomable boundary for her.

She eventually gained the willpower to run as he stared at her. She blazed down the incline at terrifying speeds. She had to tell the others not to provoke him. Tian Longmeng was too dangerous.

Unfortunately, she could not reach half a mile before she felt like a mountain slammed into her side.

She flew across the sky before ricocheting off an elephant tree. Her body finally rolled into some dirt and tree debris about 5 miles from the initial impact.

Tian Longmeng quickly approached the scene and was overcome with the urge to vomit. What remained was just many broken bones ripping through split organs and torn flesh. All her viscera exploded, leaving streams of blood and liquids unceremoniously flowing from her indistinguishable body.

Tian Longmeng eventually could not fight back and dropped to his knees. Hunched over, he began spewing vomit. He always killed beasts in the Desolate Wilderness, even dismantling their innards as if it was a common occurrence.

He resolved that although he may not like to kill fellow humans, he would still act if they were to do him wrong. However, he did not expect this grotesque image in front of him. This was too much for his 7-year-old brain to manage and he started freaking out.

Oddly though, as he began screaming as if he was about to have a mental breakdown, he suddenly calmed. He silently rose and stared coldly at the mangled figure. He effortlessly dug a hole in the ground and buried it before dashing away.

Back at the site where everything happened, the male disciple regained some consciousness. He staggered as he tried to stand. He felt unbearable pain from his stomach and looked down.

Suddenly his eyes burst open, wanting to believe everything was a lie. There was a sinkhole in his abdomen, clearly showing that all organs there were destroyed. He fell once more to ground, unable to support himself any longer.

He turned his head to the left and saw the female follower laying down at the base of a tree. It would be more accurate to say that she was not breathing either. His leader was also nowhere to be found.

He coughed some blood as he failed to lift off the ground. He only heard some footsteps closeby and turned his head to look.

Unfortunately, the person who came was like the embodiment of death. For some reason, Tian Longmeng's eyes were no longer blue with tints of yellow, but almost a deep, metallic grey. Tian Longmeng coldly looked at the terrified disciple and wordlessly implanted a thread of essence into his head.

The disciple panicked but he had no way of stopping the thread from entering. His body twisted and contorted from the essence ripping him apart. The male disciple bellowed with all his life but his eyes rolled upwards and he died.

At the same time, his body burst into chops of meat and flesh. All of his meridians, bones, and organs were completely destroyed. The thread of essence pulverized his entire body before exploding in his stomach.

Tian Longmeng, who was previously vomiting and freaking out about a dead body, felt nothing towards this butchered body. He stood and outstretched his essence, sensing for the closest barely passable spirit medicine.

After finding one, he dashed off with scary efficiency. However, midway through the journey, he cursed. "Damn, this boy does not know how to use what was given to him well. To think that this meager display of power is enough to weaken his spirit this much. Oh well, I had some fun at least."

As he was cursing, his body began declining in speed quickly and later lost balance, rolling on the ground. Before long, his eyes began closing, reverting to his original colour at the last second.