
You have that right!

Kiba's PoV

Its been a couple of days since Regina-san has talked to me. Regina-san is an akward person to say the least. Most of the time she has an expressionless face that you wont know what hse is thinking off, instead she will show it through her actions. Like how she backed up Issei during the engagement with Riser.

I thought about telling her at that moment when she asked me however I hesitated. Its not that I dont trust her its just I don't want to change what she thinks of me.

Today I even went against my master for the first time. Maybe Regina-san is right I should confide in someone. Like she said I have comrades and friends I can turn to, but do I have the right...?

As I was deep in my thoughts a familiar voice rang out among the sound of rain. Looking at the direction I saw a familiar figure giving a disgusting smile.

"Yahooo~ It's been a while!"

I know the boy priest who is giving a disgusting smile.

A white-haired crazy priest, Freed Sellzen . He's the one we fought in the previous incident involving the Fallen-Angels.

He is showing the same disgusting smile that is ticking me off like


"Looks like you are still in this town. What is your business today? I'm sorry, but I'm in a really bad mood today."

I said that with an angry tone, but he simply laughs it off.

"Well that's good timing. Wonderful! In my case I'm so happy that I'm going to shed some tears because of my reunion with you!"

I created a demonic sword in my hand preparing to fight him when his long sword glowed with a holy aura.

This light!, This aura!, This glow! I can never forget it.

"I was getting bored of priest hunting, so this really is a good timing. Very

Good. Nice timing indeed. My Excalibur and your demonic sword, can you let me check which one is stronger? Hyahahahaha! I will repay you by killing you!"

Yes, the sword in his hand was an Excalibur.

Saying so he proceeded to attack me.


The swords of clashing rang out while being drowned out by the rain. Only the flashes of too swords can be seen and its sounds can be heard faintly.

This is bad! While our skill is on par with each other Im getting suppressed by the aura of the holy sword as I am a devil.

He then kicked me pushing me a distance away from him. He then put more holy aura into the Excalibur and slashed towards me. However it was this moment that golden lights flickered as myriad swords came from the sky launching towards Freed.

"It seems you have returned pervert. Do you really think I would let you escape this time?" A familiar girl's voice rang out.

I then looked at the direction of the source and saw Regina-san standing behind me.

She had golden hair and crimson eyes different from her usual black ones.


Regina's PoV

I planned to make a stop at a convenience store on my way home when I felt a familiar aura in the distance. One was demonic aura I'm was familiar with, It belonged to Kiba while the other was a holy aura I dont recognize.

Sensing signs of battle I hurried over and saw Kiba being pushed back by the lunatic priest from back at the church.

Looking at the situation I hurriedly launched several swords towards his direction which he somehow dodged.

"It seems you have returned pervert. Do you really think I would let you escape this time?" I said towards the perverted priest. This guy seems to have a thing for Kiba and Issei... Is he gay?

Seeing me appear suddenly he got surprised by my sudden appearance.

"Uwaa~ The golden one came! Just like they said~" He said with an annoying smile.

This time I wont hold back and nail him to the ground.

Countless golden ripples appear in the area around us entrapping him.

"I won't let you leave this time gay priest." I said as I narrowed my eyes.

Golden light flickered as I launched countless swords towards his position. Seeing this he jumped back and pulled something from his pocket.

Wait that cloth! Thats the inferior version of Hade's Deathcap!

As he started to disappear I shot countless swords towards him some hitting him as he disappeared.

I saw him took out a teleportation stone from his pocket and

I took out a sword from my treasury and use [Flash Step] to arrive at his location slashed towards him as he blocked with the Excalibur fragment.

I sent countless swords after him as he teleported away which caused him to be impaled by countless swords. He cursed at me before leaving covered in grave injuries and blood in his body.

"Damn you! I dwear I will kwill dyo!!!" He screamed covered in blood.

Seeing the priest successfully go away. I look towards Kiba to see if he was fine.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"Yes. Im fine."


I invited him over to my house as it was close by. The both of us are still wet due to the rain.

"Lets go to the bathroom and dry up." To which he nodded while avoiding to look at me.

Why isnt he look at me? I wondered. I then asked him which he answered causing me to be embarrassed.

"Why do you avoid looking at me?"

"Er.. um... its kinda hard to look." He said slightly embarrassed while pointing at my clothes.

"Hmm?" I then look down and saw that my underwear is seen through.

"Ah sorry..." I said embarrassed.

"No no no Im sorry!" He replied while avoiding to look at me.


After we dried up. I invited him to seat in the living room sofa and gave him a hot cocoa. As I drank mine and sat beside him. It was pretty cold being in the rain after all.

"Raina-san isnt here?" He asked, as its been a long time and he hasn't seen Raina at all.

"No, she is with Ilya. They are working on a project together. You know that Ilya likes to do forging right? They are basically creating something for Ilya's use. As to what it is I have no idea." I explained to him.

Kiba already knows that Ilya is really knowledgeable about weapons as when we trained back at the mountains, Ilya also taught him ways to strengthen his creations during this time.

We then casually talked for a bit before I went to the main subject.

"Care to tell me what happened? It appeared Rias slapped you pretty hard." I asked him as I drink my own hot cocoa.

"..." He was pretty silent for a bit and then let out a sigh.

"I hate holy swords... and that hatred extended to the church in general. When I was at Issei's house I saw a Holy Sword and was reminded off the hatred..." He said.

"Why do you hate them so much?" I asked him.

"I was part of the holy sword project." He said which shocked me. As far as I know everyone from the project died.

"It seems you heard of it... The project's purpose was to create an artificial holy sword wielder. I and my friends were the ones selected to be test subjects." He said with a dark tone as if recalling old memories.

"They disposed of the ones that couldn't adapt to the holy sword. All my friends...!"

"They killed all of them! Just because we were defective products!" He yelled out in anguish and tears in his eyes

"All of them! Each of my precious friends they treated as defective products and disposed of them like trash!"

Throughout all this I just listened quietly at his side as he lets out his feelings.

"Even I was among those who got disposed off..." He said in a weak voice.

"It was all thanks to Buchou that I am still here now. It was that day that I swore revenge on those who is responsible for it! " he said with his killing intent rising. This was a similar killing intent he showed when he saw the Excalibur earlier.

"However, I have forgotten my revenge. I have been too indulgent in being with my comrades, with school life! DO I EVEN HAVE THE RI-" I cut him off by hugging him.

"Yes you do... You have the right to be happy. Im sure they would too." I told him.

He is really similar to me... If I didn't have Raina maybe I would end up like him.

"How can you say that?! Do you know how I feel? Do you even have any idea what I ha-"

He stopped when I pulled out a holy sword from the treasury. It was a golden sword surrounded by white flame. One of my most treasured weapons, a sword given to me by my late mother.

"Wha-" His eyes widen as he sees 4 pairs of wings. A never ending black filled his vision and contrasted with the light for Solis Catastrophe.

"Of course I do... I know how you feel exactly." I said looking at his shocked eyes. "These two things represent my parents."

"I am Regina Gilgamesh-Arclight Azazel. Daughter of the White Flame Exorcist Marilyn Arclight and the Governor General of the Fallen Angels, Azazel."

Im back~

We are now entering Kiba's part of the story. Im also thinking of having him as the Male Lead for Regina since he didn't have a lover in the canon although he had some moments with Issei lol.

ImaginarySoracreators' thoughts