
Chapter 9

The helicopter landed on Kimchi Plateau. Luna, Eve, and Zaron crawled out of the cramped helicopter. The sun was hot and Luna started to sweat.

"You got anything on under that dress of yours?" asked Zaron. Luna shook her head. They walked into the small town. Some shouts were heard from a shop that read "Rose's Potions" and a brown haired woman with dark eyes in a black jumpsuit flew out of the shop. Luna gasped as rose vines grabbed that woman. A woman with short blonde hair and pink highlights walked out of the shop, the vines coming from her palm. Luna rubbed her eyes.

"QUEEN ROSE?!" screeched Luna so suddenly that Eve and Zaron jumped. Rose looked bewildered. She wasn't wearing her pink dress or crown, instead an apron and a tan skirt. She stopped using vines on the woman.

"Oh you're ok!" said Rose.

"Betty, are you ok?!" asked Eve. Betty got up and brushed herself off.

"Yeah- uh who's that and why did her dress turn all black?" asked Betty. Luna's dress had in fact, turned black. Her eyes were angry and glowing red. The ground shook as she floated upward and sky turned pitch black. A white orb appeared; it was the moon in the sky. It glowed and so did Luna.

"YOU!" Luna pointed at Rose, her voice echoing. "YOU AND PYREXIA DESTROYED MY ISLAND AND MY PEOPLE!" She blasted a white beam at Rose, knocking her over. The sky was no longer dark, and Luna went back to normal, floating back down to the ground. She walked up to Rose, and placed her foot on her chest.

"What did you do to Betty!? Why are you even here?! AND MOST OF ALL, WHY DID YOU DESTROY MY ISLAND WITH PYREXIA?! YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!" shouted Luna.

"Who's that?!" whispered Betty.

"That's Queen Luna from Queens' Island, which is in another dimension," whispered Eve. Zaron did a long whistle.

"Well, let's not piss her off," said Zaron. Rose was laughing coldly at Luna.

"Don't you see, Pyrexia wants to be the ONLY queen! And quite frankly, I'm fine with that! I'm not even a real queen! I come from this dimension!" said Rose. "See, I even have a nice potion shop!" Luna looked at it and then glared back down at Rose.

"Why were you fighting Betty?" asked Luna.

"Because, if I beat her, you wouldn't have anyone to take you back home! You honestly think we were trying to kill you? Well, Pyrexia was, but not me! I'm the one who opened that portal for you using a potion!" said Rose. "You should really thank me, I saved your life!" Luna pressed her foot harder into Rose's chest.

"Thank you? THANK YOU?! YOU'RE MALEVOLENT!! YOU DID THIS FOR YOURSELF ANYWAYS, LIKE ALWAYS!" Luna then fell backwards;Rose had kicked her and got up, putting rose vines tightly around her neck. She held Luna in the air.

"Listen here you little bitch, just be grateful, ok? I'm usually not that friendly! Just ask your new friends!" Rose let go of Luna. Luna gasped for air.

"It's true! She made an evil mirror that replicated a guy named Riven and he tried to kill us using the four powerful daggers! Not only that, BUT ROSE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANNA'S DEATH!" shouted Betty. "If it weren't for Rose, ANNA WOULD STILL BE HERE!" Betty wiped some tears away.

"She is likely alive, I have my suspicions. She supposedly was gone out of nowhere, right?" asked Rose. Everyone seemed a bit stunned. "In fact, she might even be in your world, Luna!"