
Chapter 3

The meal was delectable. They ate bright pink ham, that was delicately

sliced. It was very buttery, and it had a heavenly taste. Another food that was served to the queens was mashed potatoes. It was perfectly mashed, and it was smooth as cream. Sapphire ate slowly, trying to enjoy the taste and wanting it to last forever. The queens talked gently to one another. Occasionally, Blaise would crack a joke, and all the queens would chortle. Eventually, after everyone was finished eating the main course, the noble, delightful, chocolate pudding was served as dessert. Each queen took a big spoonful, and placed it onto their plate with a plop.They ate it carefully, as to not spill on their tidy dresses. Sapphire smiled after she finished her pudding.

"That was delicious, thank you so much for this lovely meal!" said Sapphire. Pyrexia smiled.

"You're welcome dear," She said kindly. The rest of them finished their pudding, their stomachs full afterwards. Sapphire decided to talk to Luna, so she turned her head to her right.

"So, how have you been?" asked Sapphire casually. Luna looked at her and smiled.

"I have been well, how about you?" asked Luna sweetly. Sapphire thought a little bit, as she felt mixed feelings.

"Well, I'm a bit nervous," said Sapphire. She leaned in to whisper. "Rose hasn't insulted me at all, plus she mentioned something about it not mattering anymore?" Luna looked over at Rose suspiciously. Rose was busy laughing with Pyrexia, meanwhile Pearl and Melaina were gossiping. Blaise leaned into Sapphire.

"What are we talking about?" whispered Blaise smugly, causing Sapphire to jump. She rapidly turned her head to face her.

"Knock it off! This is private!" hissed Sapphire. Blaise laughed, her hair whooshing as she bent back. She bent too far back and fell out of her chair. Sapphire and Luna gasped. All the queens went silent and just stared at Blaise. Blaise was not laughing anymore. She got up, picked up her chair, and slammed into the table. She glared at Sapphire.

"This your fault, you bitch." Blaise storms out of the room. Sapphire sighed.

"It's not your fault, Sapphire. She's just...how do I say this kindly, short-tempered," said Luna. Sapphire got up, and looked at her phone. 6:45 p.m. is what it read. Sapphire sighed, and left the royal hall. She texted Maria, letting her know she was leaving and Maria texted "Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then." Sapphire walked outside and saw Blaise walking towards her bridge, the sky almost dark with night. She sped up towards the fire queen.

"Blaise, wait!" Blaise turned around and stopped. She crossed her arms.

"What do you want? You embarrassed me in front of everyone! You should be ashamed, Sapphire!" yelled Blaise. Sapphire gave her a cold killer glare with her sharp blue eyes, which contrasted Blaise's fiery red orange eyes, which were filled with fury. Fire appeared on her hand. Sapphire's hand was now filled with ice magic.

"You really wanna fight, huh!? I will freeze you into an ice cube for all eternity!" growled Sapphire. She shot an ice beam, almost hitting Blaise. Blaise retaliates, blasting fire at Sapphire, burning her. Sapphire groaned in pain, seeing a burnt mark on her forearm. She blows snow at Blaise violently from her breath. Blaise blew fire back at her, her breath pushing against Sapphire's. A gold shockwave knocked them both over.

"ENOUGH!" yelled Pyrexia. She stood there, glaring at Sapphire and Blaise. They both got up.

"I'm so sorry!" said Sapphire remoresly.

"No you ain't!" growled Blaise.

"Both of you stop having this petty fight!" said Pyrexia. "Go home, both of you, NOW!" Sapphire opened her mouth to argue, but Pyrexia held her hand out. Sapphire sighed and headed to the bridge leading to her home. She stood on the conveyor belt and looked sadly at the sea, that now reflected the night sky.

"I ruined everything," thought Sapphire. She headed home to her castle, and locked the doors once entering.