
Chapter 12

After straightening her black hair, Esmia left the house to greet her new neighbor. Esmia had lived in Roselia for awhile now, ever since Anna died. Getting the creases out of her dark skirt, she knocked on the door of the yellow house. She had brought a gift for her new neighbor, which was a soft red blanket, the same Anna had used for the picnic Esmia missed because she was kidnapped by Beth, the ruler of Nightmares. A woman with white blonde hair and ice blue eyes opened the door.

"Hi, I'm Esmia, your neighbor," She said. The woman smiled.

"I'm Sapphire," said the woman. "Oh is this blanket is for me? Thank you!" Suddenly, Sapphire's happiness faded into sadness. The red blanket reminded her of Blaise, whose dress was as red as this blanket.

"Is something the matter?" asked Esmia, her red eyes looking at Sapphire with concern. Sapphire tried to smile but couldn't.

"I just miss an old friend, that's all," said Sapphire.

"Oh, I know how that goes," said Esmia sadly. "I lost a friend named Anna." The name made Sapphire almost faint. She wobbled back, but Esmia caught her.

"S-sorry, that name just caught me off guard I guess!" said Sapphire. The visions suddenly flashed at Sapphire all at once. She was an assassin, running towards the Star Galaxy Zone's core.

"Anna!" The voice said. It was a woman with brown hair- Betty! These visions were causing Sapphire to fall over. They overwhelmed her. The names and memories flooded her all at once. The visions stopped. She sat up and stared up at Esmia. Esmia was in tears, she recognized Sapphire.

"You know me," said Sapphire. "You know me as Anna." She stood up. Esmia hugged her.

"I missed you so much," said Esmia. Sapphire let go and smiled, wiping her tears.

"I missed you too," said Sapphire. Esmia laughed a little.

"Those blue eyes suit you pretty well," laughed Esmia. Sapphire laughed too.

"Hey, check this out!" Sapphire created a bit of snow and ice with her magic.

"Hey, you do got powers!" exclaimed Esmia.

"Well, I gained them from falling into some strange elemental orb," said Sapphire.

"I suppose the explosion of the orb didn't kill you, it teleported you into another world!" said Esmia. Sapphire nodded.

"I ended up ruling an island," said Sapphire. "Maybe...I should go back. My friends are now gold statues because of an evil queen named Pyrexia. She's the main queen above us queens."

"'Us'"? asked Esmia.

"The other queens, Blaise, Pearl, Melaina, Luna, and Rose," said Sapphire. "Luna and her island got destroyed."

"That's terrible- wait did you say there's a queen named Rose?" asked Esmia. Sapphire paused and then her eyes widened.

"You don't think that potion maker- OF COURSE! NO WONDER SHE WAS MEAN TO ME WHILE I WAS QUEEN! SHE KNEW WHO I USED TO BE!" said Sapphire angrily. Esmia laughed.

"You got much more feistier than you used to be, Anna, or do you prefer being called Lady Sapphire?" asked Esmia sarcastically. "Your majesty?" Sapphire glared.

"Well, call me Anna, ok?" said Sapphire. "That is my true name, after all!" Realizing she was still holding the red blanket, she walked into her house a bit and set it down on a chair. She walked outside and shut the door.

"Esmia, let's go to Queens' Islands" said Anna. "We'll need Betty to open a portal for us."