
Queen Of Ice I Book- I

" I thought I could learn to love you- I really wanted to. But all you did was use and abuse me- you treated me like one of those women you will sleep with and the next day their dignity was mare trophy showcased to the world. You told me again and again that I was the only one for you. But efforts and love was what you were lacking and I like a blind fool followed you to every corner of the world even to death hoping every single day you will learn to respect me back but I was delusional lovesick fool." He clasped her hands tightly in his- adamant to plead with her to give him a chance. He promised himself he would make it up to her and prove that her love had changed him for the better. He was desperate because the very thought that this was the last chance he had with her made him fearful, just the thought of losing her made his heart ache but his pleadings, tears and wailing proved to be futile as she walked away. He watched her step away from him even when he tried to hold onto her, his hands were freezing cold due to the snow. His tears wouldn't stop and his voice had gone hoarse . His cries falling on deaf ears and not ones did she look back at him as she went further and out of sight. He was left there in the cold stormy night. His wail breaking the peace of the night. But he knew she gave up on him. He knew he lost her forever- "Farewell my sweet love- till we meet again. I promise to make you exclusively mine."

Social_Butterfly52 · วัยรุ่น
5 Chs


The war between the supernatural creatures and humans had taken a turn for the worst. Humanity is at the verge of collapse- It's every man for himself.

But when one day humans wake up to see they have lost the battle to far superior and dangerous creature they must learn to submit or to either fight for their freedom. Humans await miracles and that miracle may take time.

Till that we must dwell into the love story of Erick and Harissa.


Harissa grew up thinking that her father's childhood stories were nothing but mare bedtime stories. The werewolves and vampires were supposed to be human's friends and not the enemy her father portrayed until a unfaithful night when her small and peaceful village is attacked by the creatures she only heard of in her father's stories- Harissa along with a handful of survivors is forced to escape and accidently stumbles upon the a stranger . But under the mask of the innocent boy who shows her unconditional kindness and love hides a vicious murderer who is obsessed with the pitiful and timid little girl.

"Kill the rest of them. " His voice was hard and devoid of the emotions he showed her. She was astonished at the change in him. Was he the same boy who loved her? But than why was he being so cruel- why was he letting others touch her like that. Why was he ordering them to kill her friends and family?

His tall and handsome figure that oozed danger strode towards her. Her heart was racing with the intense fear that she felt, she wants nothing from him but yet she wasn't able to voice her disapproval or to plead with him. He stood there watching her with the eyes of a murderer and she felt nauseous.

"I want this one." His words made her more frightened than she already was.

"What about the rest?" The man who was previously grabbing her by her arm had let her go almost too violently she stumbled and before hit the rough ground she found herself in the arms of the very guy who broke her trust. He was cradling her small frame in his arms. She tried to step away but it was almost as if she was caged- He looked down at her and she saw a small smile on his lips. She looked away too afraid to show her disgust and disapproval openly.

"Kill them- But I am taking this little one." His powerful voice boomed, her heart was sinking.

"She is a human-" Some of them protested. They wanted to kill her like the rest but he wasn't having any of it.

"Human or not- My mate will stay by my side and if any of you want to show disagreement you can do it now. "He was challenging them to fight him but she knew it all too well that no one would dare. No one would touch or harm her in his watch after all he was their Alpha and disobeying him meant going against the whole pack. Tear were streaming down her face as she heard the first scream- she was so familiar with that voice. It made her jump at her place. Those people were familiar to her because they were whom she grew up calling and knowing as her family and they meant a lot to her, There was no way that she wouldn't fight for them. If they died than what would become of her? What will these people do with her just the thought made her inside churns and her stomach into knots.

"Please." She begged him to stop the lunacy- she begged him to let her friends and family go hoping that he would save them like he saved her. He would show them his soft and merciful side just like he showed it to her. She wanted him to stop the bloodshed of her love ones however when she looked at his face all her hopes were dashed because he clearly had no such intention. His face was wearing that mask of indifference and devil may care attitude, he was so aloof that she knew expecting him to stop this massacres was not the point - he was just going to ignore her pleas and let every single person die. She fought against his grip, wanting to go and jump in the scene even of it was dangerous and a bloodbath was going on , even if she would get hurt or worst killed in the process but he was keeping her a captive at her spot. She tried to shout for them to stop but he dragged her away even when she struggled to free herself.

"Let me go- I said let go of me." She was screaming at the top of her voice until her voice had gone raw, her throat dry and she started coughing. Her struggle didn't cease to his amusement- he wasn't expecting anything less from his mate after all she was to be a perfect match for him if not in strength but in stubbornness- she was a little fireball and her screaming and fighting looked cute to him almost like a little bunny fighting against the wolf. Both are of no match but still the wolf enjoys playing with it's food.

"Save yourself the trouble little one ." His voice held a warning for her to cease her efforts but she only edged herself away from him. He chuckled and earned a glare from her. Tears were streaming down her face and it irritated him. Her weak tears only got on his nerves and a weak attempt to win him over. He was hoping she would curse at him but she just started weeping to his annoyance.

" Whatever-" He pushed her away from him when he couldn't stand her pitiful behavior.

"Stop crying." He wiped her tears away rather harshly with excessive force of his thumb and jerked her face up so they were eye to eye.

"You must prepare yourself because from here your destiny is inevitable- you are mine and you must behave like that. You must accept me and submit to all my wishes and whims. " He was threatening her but she wouldn't let him abuse her like a weakling.

"Never-" She practically spat those words at his face.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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